Bad Publicity Myths: Does the “Entrepreneurial Woman” Even Exist?

“Discover the bad publicity myths that keep women in business from reaching their full potential and let “Yee-Ha!” attitude shine!”

Ready to stop bad publicity? How can a woman become a entrepreneur who is respected, admired and considered sought after the authority in her field?

We have discussed that with my business partner, Angela Giles, founder of new project we are working on together, “Local Celebrity Formula”: Empowering Women To Become Super Star In Their Community. The project is focusing on teaching women business owners how to create the positive publicity, public relations buzz and of course empower them with personal growth education and training.  As you know, one of my passions is to empower women  by providing public relations, PR 2.0 consulting and coaching right here in Nashville TN and that is why I wrote this message today.

You can watch this video below to get to know a real entrepreneurial woman like Angela Giles..

Just think about how media, movie industry portrays “entpreneurial women”. We immediately think of mega stars as Oprah, Martha Stewart, Ellen, Rachel Ray… We follow the publicity that is on the front shelves of the stores to discover the latest, the best and even the ugliest news!


What about women who own small businesses, mid size companies and run the large corporations or women who are famous  authors, fashion designers? Do they get the publicity they deserve or do they simple believe it is not important to them because they are famous in their customer eyes? Publicity comes naturally and they become famous without expecting.  Take for example, Stephanie Myers with her amazing story of a mom writing book for herself and becoming Hollywood celebrity and best seller!

Even images of successful women given to us by media are not always pleasant. We envision women who run million dollar empires as rude, harsh, give-me-everything attitude!  Why is it so attractive to write bad publicity?  Some look like a villain with a gun!

They get less media coverage, less written about them and our society creates labels for women that often hard to remove.  They get that GLUE that is hard to remove and very rarely can replace with new vision! Even in Public Relations today we see more and more women doing the heavy work, writing, working behind the iron doors and only 5% women are known as top publicists.

Few years ago the study was done  about women running a business and what they discovered was shocking. Only 10% was written about women in major newspapers. Publicity was strictly about  businessmen who are creating major changes in the business world. That is good and wonderful I can say.. Personally again it shows no publicity or a real example of bad publicity about women who are changing the business world.

But what about role models women business owners can follow today to build their dream? Women have dreams to stay at home with kids, have a business, travel, serve community. They have honorable values and goals. It is often not considered the best publicity piece. Magazines, TV news, Hollywood do not always consider them financially beneficial to share stories of moms but at the same time reality shows are gaining momentum.. Real people want to know real people. One place that brings the best publicity is YouTube where you can become famous and known really fast!

Where can women go to learn about existing role models? Where can they get publicity, the right advertising for their business and express their passion?

Here is a list of some resources that hopefully can stop all bad publicity “woman-villain” and show the beautiful light women shine !

1. Social networks

My favorite places to share news, information and transformation are Facebook, Twitter

2. Small  Business Television

Women in Business section offers information on women role models, women leaders, challenges and other organizations that can help women in business to take their business to million dollar level.

3. Magazines

Publications such as “Enterprizing Women” is a great choice

4. Ladies Who Launch

Ladies Who Launch present local chapters where women gather once and twice a month, attend training events and mastermind events to help women business owners with new business, marketing ideas.

Amazing chapters that show support, training to free and paid members. In Nashville, TN where I live and build my public relations consulting business Ladies Who Launch chapter reached several hundred women total!

5. BraveHeart Woman with Ellie Drake

BraveHeart Woman is an awesome community to get inspired, and become inspired to others!  I have recently joined them and love to connect with you there.

I do believe that using the power of Public Relations we can create more positive publicity that women in business deserve… That is why I am very passionate about my personal 8 weeks PR 2.0 Traffic and Publicity Secrets Coaching program I put together for women in business to empower them and help them to grow their business using public relations, PR 2.0 traffic strategies.

Have a great day!
Tatyana Gann

Founder SmokinHotPR Boutique

Public Relations Consulting, Coaching