How to create success from setbacks….Simple formula that works!


Tatyana is here…

Celebrating Christmas with my boys and friends was precious,  and it is time  to make a plan for 2013. As we are reflecting on the events of 2012 during this holiday week, I want to share few things with you about setbacks and victories. I hope it will give  you few a-ha moments and make you aware of who you are and what you can do to overcome setbacks.

When we get close to the victory we tend to stress out and want to quit…We become afraid of seeing a finish line…We think we have reasons to quit…we experience setbacks and use them as the excuses. I know quite a lot about setbacks in my own life and my business and asked God, myself why things were not the way they should be. But I did it anyway. There is a country song called “Do it anyway, dream anyway…”

Dream anyway…

We must find courage within to move forward and dream again…Dream BIG and believe in our heart what we focus we get. We must have a belief it will work out…Sometimes set backs are important to keep us from doing what we should not be doing…They are not roadblocks to stop us from success but to stop us from making new mistakes. We can take setbacks and create a positive change. It is an experience we must have in order to see who we are.  When we stop looking at setbacks as a negative experience we will have more positive results in on our life.

We cannot be suppressed but only empowered by our setbacks. They get us moving ONLY forward and never backwards. Setbacks are wonderful life lessons and can bring clarity in our life and create awareness of who we are and what we are really made of. (Hope you are made of steel !)

Setbacks create change.  Victories create change.

It is about how you view these changes.  If you are afraid of change you don’t know your worth yet. Focus on building confidence, self love by taking small actions and creating mini changes. That way you do not feel stressed or anxious…

One more thing….Success is not defined as a final outcome. It is a process. It is a step by step journey you go through with tears, frustrations, setbacks, people you meet who challenge you to be better. Then you get molded into the true you. That is REAL success.  You can start fresh today.  Every day brings something new and you should focus on expecting only BEST NEW!

You will find the best opportunities in the midst of setbacks because they come into your life to pull you through…They will simplify your life and give you a new energy you need..

Here is my training webinar invite:  “How To Get $3,000 Instantly Deposited Daily”

After you register you will receive a special gift

This FREE AUDIO teaches ‘The 3 Secret Keys to Getting People To Buy Stuff‘ and will help you unlock ‘hypnotic power‘ over your customers.  You can literally tell them “Pull out your credit card RIGHT NOW and buy…”

Time to shine my friends!


Tatyana Gann

Mompeneur, Author, Writer



Nashville Artist and Owner of O’Gallery Brings New Vibe To Nashville…

Nashville art is evolving thanks to trendsetters like my dear friend Olga Alexeeva, an amazing artist, an inspiration to Nashville business owners and a powerful female entrepreneur who built an incredible reputation in her business circles. I love to give a good publicity to biz owners through stories and her story is truly remarkable.  I believe every story we tell can bring light, inspiration and awareness of our OWN potential. People like Olga inspire me. Her dedication to change her life and bring joy to people through art is really magnificent.

She is a woman of action, commitment and integrity. Her  art is unique and nobody is like her. She stands out in the crowd of other artists because of her views on life.  Her wisdom is remarkable and her talent to paint is an example of what we can do..

Her work reflects her cry for beauty, her desire to nurture the eye, challenge the intellect, and provoke the subconscious…perhaps her stage background telling us stories.
“Color and forms were always in my life – on the stage, where I spent 13 years as a professional actress, or at home – I always felt mysterious meaning of shadows and movement of a body, strange order of average things around me. I had to follow the summon of nature to express and reflect. It excites me to pull colors together and create another entity. Now I live it and love it.
Nobody becomes an artist unless they have to.’ So, my ‘have to’ is now a reality and is available for you to experience. You are invited to visit my expressions on canvas and share my joy of co-creating. Reality is not only what we see, it’s also what we imagine. I invite the viewer to a Wonderland, where everything is possible.” – Olga Alexeeva

Read a complete story about Nashville Lifestyle featuring Olga Alexeeva and her O’Gallery

Tatyana Gann



Как начать бизнес EMPOWER NETWORK в России


Сеть  Empower  Network  расширяется и разростается по всему миру, влияя на жизни людей в более чем 100 странах. И русские бизнесмены и предприниматели не исключение. Когда они видят великолепную возможность создать лучший стиль жизни, они решаются на это.

В прошлом единственное, что удерживало русских предпринимателей от использования Empower  Network – языковой барьер.

Но это больше не проблема!

Как говориться: « Если есть желание, найдётся и путь ( способ).»

И поэтому мы хотим дать вам полный обзор Empower  Network на русском языке и показать как вы можете стать частью этой бизнес системы, этого гениального феномена маркетинга, который коснулся жизней тысяч людей за 1 год.

Вы спросите:  Как это сможет мне помочь заработать деньги и дать мне возможность помогать другим людям?

В чём же настоящий секрет онлайн бизнеса и благосостояния?

Kaк же может русскоговорящий  человек без знания других языков построить международный интернет бизнес?

Мой ответ прост. Это желание изменить свою жизнь и жизнь других. Это распространение хороших новостей, быть вестником информации, которая может изменить чью-то жизнь. Просто надо следовать простой системе, которая проверена и работает.

Когда вы говорите о построении традициального бизнеса, то мы знаем, что нам надо обучаться определённым навыкам: техническим, навыкам продаж, стать экспертом  и заслужить доверие, а также навыкам презентации, чтобы заработать прекрасный стиль жизни.

Как вы уже знаете на наработку навыков тратится много времени и денег. Я знаю как бизнес консультант, писатель, что занимает несколько лет, чтобы обучиться  этому и создать свой собственный товарнвй знак- бренд, построить репутацию, создать своё имя и начать традиционный PR бизнес.

Наилучшим в  Empower  Network является то, что вам не надо иметь супер технические навыки , опыт  продаж и тратить время и деньги на изучение того, что устареет к тому времени, пока вы начнёте свой реальный бизнес. Поэтому люди и покупают бизнес системы и франчизы.

Основатель Давид Вуд , один из самых захватывающих экспертов интернет маркетинга, который прошёл путь, когда его домом был автофургон- всё что он мог себе позволить в то время и дойдя до создания мультимиллионного бизнеса, создавая команды из тысячи людей ,не имея даже телефона. Он  использовал свою убедительность и надёжную репутацию, чтобы построить Empower  Network.

Он поделился самым большим секретом – если ты хочешь что-то в жизни  изменить– тебе надо её изменить.

Принимайте решения, вносите изменения  и жизнь будет следовать вашим мыслям и желаниям. Какие же изменения нужны вам в жизни?

Вы можете создать Empower  Network в русских общинах или в России и мы покажем вам как.

С  Empower  Network у вас будет доступ к:

  1. Персональной странице
  2. Правильно записанному видео
  3. Маркетинг странице, которая принесет  результаты
  4. Треннинг по блогам
  5. Тренировка  «Обогащение в  сети»

Начните сегодня только за $25.00 и начните делиться своим наилучшим советом, историей, треннингом, чтобы связаться с  друзьями и бизнес партнёрами. Э то ваш шаг № 1

У вас будет доступ к нашей русскоговорящей команде в США и сможем провобить с вами треннинги и вебинары по скайпу на русском языке. Вы получите руководство по маректингу, как начать зарабатывать деньги при помощи Empower  Network. Делитесь своими увлечениями с миром и увеличьте свой доход и благосостояние.


Татьяна Ганн,

Бизнес  тренер

Meet Me On Facebook:

skype: russiandiva2

Why I decided to partner with Empower Network after I resisted this thing for a year…especially on 12/12/12


Tatyana is back…and it is December 12, 2012.

They say 12.12.12 it is a day of change and new beginnings. What we feel today will set the right mood for the rest of December and 2013. We can set our mood to feel more gratitude, attract more abundance, more love and more joy into our lives and empower lives of people around us.

Yes, I am filled with gratitude today…for everyone in my life. All life lessons, people I met and people who blessed my life, my children, my special friends, my loved ones and my true friends. As I feel gratitude more and more every day I see new doors opened! My faith has increased because of small steps I took.

Life can throw many surprises and you find yourself asking “What do I really want from my life NOW and in the next 90 days that can SIMPLIFY my life to focus on my family and finally finding time to be with them?”

First, I wanted CHANGE. I did not want glamorous solutions and rah rah stuff that polluted everyone’s mind. I wanted simple life, where I could focus on my priorities- my kids, my precious boys. Was I resisting doing EN thing? Yes…I did…until I heard David Wood video and I got goose bumps…

As I was sitting on the sofa one Sunday afternoon and listening to his message I realized I wanted CHANGE . But it was more than that…I knew I had a way to share with you a real business solution: from creating more profits to increasing YOUR budget, while learning marketing and biz skills from people who have created success!

Learn more about EN solution:

This simple solution was in front of me for over a year but I allowed many people influence my decision.  The reason I am telling you this story is to encourage you to simplify your life and focus on what matters most to you today! You  have NOW, this moment to make a change.. Do not wait until all gets perfect. There will always be something that keeps you busy…or distracted.

I am grateful to a friend and biz partner Alex said to me few times,“ Tatyana, do it for your kids !” When I heard the words “your kids” I knew I had to make a change.  I had to change my mindset and accept the fact I had something that worked!  I could not believe that something could be so simple and I am sure you probably wonder too.

I saw it was a real business system which incorporated all the elements of a successful business without adding extra stress! Let me tell you….I know a lot of about stressful work and admire people who can handle it…But do we really need a stressful career? That is the question. One day I learned my profession of a public relations professional was one of the most stressful jobs in the world…With EN I can eliminate a lot of stress related to running a business and create more time freedom.

Are you ready to let go of what causes you stress?

How often do we believe that it must be complicated in order to work? We let our ego speak very loud in our head and we think it is not going to work and we create a mental block. But we can change it all and create a new picture in our mind of what we really want in life. In the end of the day it is all about our family, kids and peace of mind that we receive from knowing prosperity is everywhere. Solutions are available. We must be open to receive and take action.

Are you ready to receive a simple way to improve life? Are you tired of spinning the wheels?

Secondly, Empower Network platform allows me to express my writing talent. As I am finishing my book and will be sharing my journey to America 18 years ago…all life lessons, all trials and great joys…I believed that I could empower YOU to find courage and move forward in life. I want you to believe that your life is only going to better and I believe you will experience increase if you focus on what matters most to you!

Would be cool if….you could share your life lessons, stories and passions to make a change in someone’s life?

The best part about EN…You can start for only $25

Join now.

Start NOW.

Talk to me…


Mompreneur, Business Coach, Author