Lets have a coffee talk about your story…

Before you write a press release think about three things…Do you want to build a list, to reach media or sell your product? I am sure you want to achieve all of that and believe me you can… Think of your story as something you would share with your friend at the coffee shop while enjoying a delicious cup of mocha latte. Would you tell a boring story or be excited naturally about your news?  In the world of media you are dealing with people who want to read your story and share with others. Trust me a good story can make you famous and bring you a lot of success!

So grab a cup of your favorite coffee and lets talk…

I am giving you a check list of everything you need to consider to get media attention, reach new customers and create viral online traffic.

One more thing…make  sure that your story is fun to read! No more boring press releases with news that nobody cares. Now, lets go…Here is my list below:

  1. What is the major problem your product will solve for your buyers?
  2. What are the wow factors of your product/service? Name three things at least.
  3. What is so revolutionary and extraordinary about your product?
  4. Can it create a major breakthrough in your niche?
  5. Comparing to other products similar to yours what is so different about your product? Show benefits that your competitors forgot to mention.
  6. How can your customers get an instant access to your product?
  7. Do you have a free sample, a free report, a free video training program? Give link.
  8. How can media contact you for the interview? Make sure you offer the right contact info
  9. The most important facts and credibility points must be always included

Now you have the raw content for your story…But here is your next guidelines to craft a press release:

  1. Think about your headline: Only 70 characters. Short and sweet
  2. Your summary: In 2 -3 sentences tell me what is there for me and what do I lose if I dod not read your story. Get me going so I can pay attention
  3. Your main story: Introduction is very important.  It is your grand entry. Make an impression with your news and how it is going to change your customers lives.
  4. Expert status: Add your expert quotes and credibility points. Show what you know and your views on the topic. Show some intelligence, my friend!
  5. Benefits: Write what your product will do for your customers and where they can get an instant access to it.
  6. Contact details: Include your contact page for the media or link to your media kit.
  7. Bio: Include bio about you and your achievements (short about 100 words)
  8. SEO done right: Make sure include links in your press story.   4 to 5 links ( to your blog, your videos, your lead capture pages and so on)
  9. Keywords: Use two to three keywords phrases only per 500 word press release
  10. Press release submission: I do not recommend free press release sites.

If you are serious about working with me directly schedule a complimentary 30 min strategy session today and lets work together..


Tatyana Gann






Is your story SWEET enough to give your customers true aha moments?

When I think of the ways we can share a story about our brand I think about ice cream flavors. We go to an ice cream cafe or even a supermarket and our eyes become big, excited about trying new flavors! My children love ice cream and we love to be creative – tasting new flavors and creating new experiences and family memories!

When it comes to sharing a story about your brand, your products and  your name people love to hear stories. Customers love to hear stories. However,  not every business owner is talented and skilled at storytelling.

Storytelling is an art. It requires inspiration, passion and determination to get the point across without sounding like a promotion. It takes digging DEEP into your soul to find what makes your heart sing and finding courage to show this passion to your audience! Think about storytelling times with your kids at your local bookstore! It was not about what you said, but how you said it!  It came from your heart !

Show your customers you are here for them to tell a story that will matter to them. Old rules of PR have changed. It is time for us to embrace the social media and learn the art of storytelling.  A good story requires some personalization. I mentioned many times that bloggers, editors, journalists are HUMAN! They want human connection. They are not hiding behind the cover of your favorite magazine. With new rules of PR storytelling is a huge factor in how your brand is being perceived!

You can humanize the process of writing your stories, your press releases, your pitches and you can improve the readers ability to connect with you and share what you have!  With major changes in the world of PR and social media one thing never goes out of fashion- your story. It might have different flavors, new twists, and you might attract new clients and new business relationships!

Remember very important thing when you are writing a press story.

1. SEO releases are designed to reach buyers and they are for customers to brings solutions

2. Social media releases are  for press, bloggers and customers.

3. Traditional releases announcing your event, product launch can also reach media and customers.

The most innovative “flavor” of a press story is a social media release. For many old school PR pros it brings controversy but for the risk takers, innovators,  creative minds this type of a press release is a perfect way to tell a story! You must learn how it can become a part of your daily business activities.

It is your rare diamond that can shed new light on how your customers view your product. It is a great way to add videos, audio clips.

A well crafted social media release has very important elements:

1. your story

2. videos

3. supporting docs

4. company contacts including social media profiles

5. social book marking sites to get more viral traffic

6. Images you can add to your story.

7. you can make it optimized for search engines to increase traffic

Often people share such stories on their blogs but I recommend Pitch Engine PR and Social Media Platform

Write a story, or retell a  story, link the original story and place it in Pitchengine. You can integrate with Facebook business page if you think it will save you some time!

 Very important factors to consider...

Your social media release is not a traditional release and it will never be. It is more easy going, more engaging and not as official as a traditional or SEO release. I think it can work great if you write a good optimized story! It is not to be shared via wired services.

You can use your social media release when your goal is to create more buzz about what is happening in your business. Get some conversation going.! Then the readers can share your story and link back to your site.

One thing…share it and ask people to share. By including fun photos and videos and links to other important content you are building your brand awareness! Sometimes we must plant the seeds before we reap the harvest!

Have a great day!

Tatyana Gann


How to write a consumer focused press release to get targeted buyer leads…

When it comes to writing a press story we think we should only focus on getting some media attention. We try to add some spice and uniqueness to our story because we know media professionals have very limited time to read and choose what best suits them.

However, if you want to reach buyers directly you must consider the following rules before you write a press release or a mini pitch. Remember if even your send your story to an editor she or he is still a human being and she/he would want to know if their readers benefit from your advice:

First, pay attention to your headlines. It is a very important element for your story that can bring your traffic or they delete it and never consider it regardless if your story is filled with the most updated, fun, exciting content!

Here is what you must consider when you write headlines.

  • You have 10 seconds to make an impression
  • You can write the press release first before you come up with the headline.

It will give you a direction about your headline if you have a hard time coming up with the ideas. If you only focus on a headline you might experience a writer block or miss the important information you want to share.

  • Headlines should be about 70 characters ( use same rule for tweets and facebook posts)
  • Hot trendy stories give your Ideas
  • Do reviews of  hot emerging trends
  • Ask yourself if you want to get media attention or consumer focused?
  • Talk about your major clients and achievements they had with your services
  • List all the information you want to include
  • Arrange in the order of importance
  • Say what you mean. Be simple.
  • Avoid jargon words. You are a talking to another human being. It is very important to keep communication simple and open.
  • Focus on the results in the press release…( achievement, news)

Before you sent out the story follow these rules:

Let the story sit overnight. Do not edit. Wait.

See the content for overuse of the same words

Grammar check

Choose the right press release submission services: do not use free sites unless you know they appear in Google search and good for link building.

I recommend Best press release sites for link building that have FREE press release option

Idea Marketers, PR Zoom, 24-7Pressrelease, SEOPRESSRELEASES.com

Paid: PRLOG, CisionWire, PRWEB

Have a great week!


Tatyana Gann

How Can The Intuition Be Your Guide…

(in the Japanese gardens)

“Intuition is the supra-logic that cuts out all the routine processes of thought and leaps straight from the problem to the answer.”

Intuition is not a mysterious power we own. Some of us think we should only use when we need it but I recommend using it every day! It is a daily practice. It teaches you to be aware!  It is a science for a lot of people who understand how to use it. It is about following your gut feelings and tuning in to your mind power!

When it comes to building a business, sharing your message with your customers, intuition can make a huge difference!  We follow our instincts; we say “I have a vibe!” We FEEL what is the next right action …But how do we really know it is the RIGHT action to take?

Especially when you are surrounded by the people who influence your actions it is hard to determine if your intuition is RIGHT or WRONG!

You might get nervous and feel strong urge in your stomach and your intuition tells you a message! Intuition can guide us and deliver the ideas that can take our business and our personal life to a new happier level!

There are few ways that you can improve your intuition:

  1. Meditation is one of the ways to sharpen your intuition to clear your head and your heart so you know and FEEL what RIGHT is for you!
  2. Know what you want and stop allowing others tell you what they think you want
  3. Take time to enjoy a great meal, with fresh herbs. Trust me it allows your body to relax, recharge and enjoy the process. You are in the NOW and it helps your intuition.
  4. Often intuition is becoming stronger after traumatic events in your life. It happened with me. I let go of toxic situations, forgave and moved forward. Was it hard? OH YES! But it takes practice to let go and know in your mind it is for YOUR good!
  5. Good rest and sleep!  Sometimes before bedtime I say to myself “God reveals the way I should go in my life or what I should do” Losing sleep over the difficult life or business decision is NOT worthy. Your intuitive solutions will come to you when you are relaxed and emerge with the morning sunshine!
  6. Learn to relax and not live in fear and doubts when it comes to solving difficult situations. True thinking is clear of fear.
  7. Laugh. Laughter allows you to be in the moment..


It is all about self love. When you love yourself you develop the best intuition. You honor the God spirit in you and HE will guide you to create the best life you are destined to have!


Have a wonderful Easter Weekend!



Tatyana Gann