How to start writing effortlessly – a magic formula to unlock your creativity

When asked, ‘How do you write?’
I invariably answer, ‘one word at a time.’- Stephen King

“How do I start writing? I do not write like you do, Tatyana! You write so well and so clear”! I hear this statement all the time from people I meet. They think they cannot write or I would say they do not know how to start writing well.

Yesterday I met with my dear friend and my biz associate Lindsay at a local coffee shop. We talked about writing her first blog post on Empower Network platform. She told me “Tatyana, where do I start and how much do I need to write every day to see results?” then she said “Tatyana, I am not like you!”

“Here we go again…” I thought…Nope…It is not about me writing well. It is about you expressing your heart creatively.  You get started writing by sharing your inspired moments.

Creative writing is always inspired!

When inspiration gets into your heart and realize you are doing what you love the words will flow. When you have an inner conflict about your life, your business and your desires in life, you will feel stuck. You will not move. You will be like a heavy door with a big lock. But it needs a small key to opening your heart- inspiration and passion.

When I talked to Lindsay she discovered her passion was more than a skin care or energy healing she did. It was much deeper. It was about gratitude for everything in her life, her family, being a mom and wanting to be a full time mom for her kids without spending hours in traffic working for somebody who did not appreciate her skills and talents and especially knowing her truth, her inspirations and passions.

She realized she wanted to help other moms to stay at home and create income while being a MOM.  I said “Lindsay, you are on the right track. Write about New Year goals, plans and where to look for simple solutions to help moms like yourself. Share exact steps. Be a guide to moms in your neighborhood and start with your best friends.”

Many of my former clients have always asked one simple question, “How to start writing a story about their business that does not feel like a sales pitch?” My answer will always be the same- true stories never sell. Great have WOW effect!  They touch your readers’ heart and build an emotional connection.

I advised her to write a blog post as if she would be writing a letter to her best friend, sharing her real story and what she did and she wanted to share something of VALUE to her best friends who were in a similar situation.

The important aspect of inspired writing is to have your heart in it.

The energy of love, passion, creativity and inspiration must be present in order to catch a reader’s attention and have a WOW effect on them!

We broke down her 60 days plan into a weekly post, a weekly advice for moms on how to get better younger looking skin without Botox and other expensive treatments and how to balance your mind, soul and body with few energy secrets she was willing to share.  Plus she would share solutions on growing income from home.  It is about her journey and painting picture for her readers of what it could be. It is about establishing a new belief system for them and all amazing possibilities!

In order to be inspired to write, you must be inspired to express your heart. You must love what you do and feel no blockages or inner battle if you should do this or that. It must flow like a beautiful waterfall.

Inspired writing is always effortless.

To be inspired you must let go of what you do not want to do. Write down what you do not want to do and threw that list away. Then write all you desire to do and what you want to share with people. Be a person of service and gratitude. When you let your readers FEEL you want to bring value and you are being grateful instead of selling, selling and selling, you will get more trust and respect. Be authentic. Use some humor as your icebreaker. It does not have to be perfect but REAL!

Here is the simple formula to share your passion, increase your marketing budget and keep it simple in the complicated marketing world…Watch this video.

In the next post we will talk about finding topics for your inspired writing when you  have a writer’s block or feel you do not have enough creativity.

Have a great day!

Tatyana Gann


Your personal coach