HOT INTERVIEW: Subconscious Mind Tapping- Your Secret Formula to Get What You Truly Want!



Let me ask you a question,

What if you had a secret formula to get what you truly want?

Imagine having the exact blueprint to achieve your goals with ease and joy.

Is it possible? Well the creator of Subconscious Mind Tapping, Darren Little believes so.

I have interviewed Darren about his brand new training and you are about to learn how to transform your life by doing the work on your subconscious mind. Pretty cool, right?

Enjoy my interview and again thank you for being my awesome reader.  Please share the interview with your loved ones, friends you care about and make sure comment below. We love to hear from you!

I have asked Darren five important questions below and I want to make sure you check the training right here as well.

1. How do we know if we have limiting beliefs?

Just look at the money you have in your bank account.
If you are still struggling, you have limiting beliefs about
success, deserve-ability and worthiness and there are
emotional blockers between you and your dream.

Look at your relationships, your health, your communication,
your spiritual connection, your peace of mind, your career.

If any of them are off base. or out of line or not producing the
results you want, it’s usually connected to limiting beliefs.

These are all based upon past events, early programming
and our core beliefs about whatever the topic.

Example: If I go to the gym it will be painful. So why go?
If I speak up, people will laugh and judge me. So why speak up?
If I invest money, I will lose it. So why bother investing?
If I get into a relationship I will get hurt. So why bother being in one?

The human being moves away from,
or avoids pain and moves towards pleasure. As in the
examples above you can see why a person would be
stuck based on their limiting beliefs.

2. Where do limiting beliefs come from?

Early childhood programming that comes from our parents,
the school system and the media. They start before we
even understand the language. Right when we are curious
and innocent and reaching out to explore this new world
we are in. No. Don’t. Stop. Be careful.

They also come from past trauma and pain and then repeating
the scenario over and over and over in our minds.

The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between
a real event and a perceived event. Each time we replay an event
in our mind or think of a negative outcome the subconscious mind
believes that it actually happened.

3. How do limiting beliefs stop us from reaching our success?

They create a huge amount FEAR around the desired outcome.
Many times there is trauma and pain linked to a situation
based upon events that happened in the past. The subconscious
links taking action to pain. The human being moves away from,
or avoids pain and moves towards pleasure.

Example: “I tried an online business in the past and I lost
all of my money. I tried everything and it didn’t work.
So if I start another one, I will lose all of my money
again with that one too. Everyone I know has had the same
experience therefore, it won’t work, no matter what I do.

4. What has inspired you to create your product?

Over 25 years on the path of personal development and studying
with Tony Robbins, Dr. Lee Pulos and Dr. Dov Baron.

Success is more than just confidence, self esteem and personal power.
It is more than just understanding neurolinguistic programming,
mirroring and modelling, visualization, the subconscious mind
and our core beliefs about money. It is understanding how our
thoughts, words and emotions are creating our reality. The human
brain is programmed to self destruct and it takes daily effort and
understanding how all of these pieces of the puzzle fit together
to create optimum results.

5. How can this training help a person in achieving breakthroughs?

Once people learn the formula of Subconscious Mind Tapping, they
can take full control and ownership of their life path in all areas and
create total balance. Once they understand more about the two
worlds that exist simultaneously and how their body is communicating
with electrons, it becomes a lot easier to steer their success.

A few little tiny tweaks can make the world of difference.
Just like a radio that is slightly off the station. No matter how loud
you turn it up, all you will get is static. Just a little tiny adjustment
and a symphony of music begins to play.

Once a person understands how the Rubiks cube works, it’s very
easy to solve the puzzle and many people can do it with their
eyes closed.

Get the full training RIGHT HERE and make sure share this blog post with others.


Your Coach T

Why Forgiveness: The Power to Heal, Restore and Live A Satisfied Life!


Why forgive? It is a question we often ask as we go through life. Life happens and it happens for our growth. In the process we learn to forgive and move on so we can restore our life, heal our minds and hearts and have a better life

What I know that the forgiveness of others and yourself can bring major transformation. It does change you. It makes you more caring and compassionate.  We all have people in our life that we need to forgive for big or small mistakes. We often do not forgive ourselves and we think there is nothing to forgive…What I have learned in my own transformational work and working with others—–forgiveness is a result of very deep inner work…You come to a place in life where you can start loving yourself enough that you longer choose to hold grudges. You realize the pain of holding it inside your heart is causing more issues in your life than just dropping it and working on letting it go..What is important? Living in pain or joy? at what cost?

Transformation happens when you let go of the old baggage…Once you let go, you will be filled with joy, feeling light, happy, more caring, giving…Forgiveness is the most powerful emotion. We wonder how to forgive and how far  forgiveness does go?! Forgiveness starts with your decision.  It is the most powerful decision in your life. If you are a leader and you work with people coming from different backgrounds with various expectations you might experience challenges and without forgiveness, compassion and understanding your leadership might suffer because of your ego.

The level of forgiveness depends on the level of our faith. Do you have faith in yourself that you can forgive? Do you have faith that God can forgive you because he DOES. If you want to transform your life…transform your mind and starts with forgiveness and it will be replaced with love and compassion.

Forgiveness opens doors to success. Anger, fear, resentment and your decision NOT to forgive is a negative emotion that can block the flow of success into your life. When you are angry or cannot forgive you severe the connections, relationships. It happens all the time in workplaces and even among business partners. You project the energy that repels people around you. They feel the poison.

Forgiveness sets you free. It gives you wings to fly..Think about it today. Whom do you need to forgive? Others, yourself? Make a list. Write a letter and send it or burn it. Make a decision to forgive. Release and trust.

Good job

Your coach Tatyana


PS. If you are ready to achieve MASSIVE breakthroughs and change how you think about life, your relationships or your business check my private coaching program available today at a special price. Click here to submit an application.