What Online Marketers and PR Professionals Can Gain From Successful Dating Principles.

When it comes to the common mistakes that people make on Twitter and Facebook they are all based on the lack of communication knowledge.  Social media is about natural and genuine conversation between people where they share their thoughts and experiences. We must learn how to communicate by listening and contributing VALUE. We must learn how to approach our audience.. here is my video that will explain to you how to do it correctly based on a very interesting concept- the principles of successful dating.

Watch this video:

Social media success happens when you know how to influence people and help them make an informed decision naturally. Failing to communicate and participate in social media stops your advancement of trust of your audience. It will likely cause mistrust. You must build your online reputation using instructional content, contests and responses from your audience.

You can also view my earlier blog post about “What Can Twitter Peeps Learn From Dating Principles” and it can give clear picture of what you should do and not to do.

I hope it helps.. Have a great day!

Have a great day!

Tatyana Gann

Tatyana Gann is a MomPreneur, Writer, Blogger and Online PR consultant.  She teaches principles of building successful relationships using Social Media and PR Strategies. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, subscribe to her “SmokinHotPR Ezine”

What can Twitter Peeps learn from dating principles?

I recently posted note on Facebook about this subject and it got a lot of attention and I wanted write a blog post and share with you. I hope you can read and understand the meaning of it and apply to your business and improve your social media presence.  If you have Twitter and Facebook account,  what do you think what Twitter peep  learn from a dating principles.

How to get people to pay attention to you in Social Media and say WOW… even if…you are simply green, brand new and no knowledge and you may have not even uploaded a photo…Just a blank screen… sounds like something you have done before? Well there is a way out and it can actually be fun and simple and you do not need to pay “gurus” thousands of dollars to learn “their” secrets.. The secret is UNDERSTAND WHO YOU ARE and ADORE YOU…Then the right people will flock to you because of YOU and YOUR VALUE to the community..

Hey all I thought to do something fun.. Have you thought about the first date you ever had? Well. I remember the first date and first impression I wanted to make.. I remember how my future husband approached me.. He actually was too shy and invited me on the double date. If you ever had a double date it felt weird. I did not know what to say and what other person thinks of me..The same happens in social media.. We get intimidated by what others think of us.

If you are brand new on Twitter here are first steps you must take:

1. Find someone you really like and respect
Start with people you know in your business, your friends, and your colleagues from your job or any other business organization. If you do not know many people find people you believe you are going to really like and not just consider somewhat cool. There is a difference between being cool and really liking and respecting that individual

2. Take time to get to know them
Make sure to get to know them and see what they like before you ask them questions or for your small favors such as retweeting your posts, leaving comments on your blogs or videos

3. Pop question.
No, we are not talking about getting married right away.. Do you remember when you asked your girlfriend for a date and you so casually popped the question asking to go for a coffee or a movie or invited her to the concert or meet other people. Well same applies here. Do not be afraid to invite your new friends to facebook group, special event or even live event where you can meet face to face and get to know each other more.

4. Take it to the next level
After your first meeting or conversation take it to the next level and try to find more about person by asking more questions and learning more about them and let them ask you questions to get to know you. Remember in dating everyone is like “a marketing package” One thing we must remember is to stay authentic that way that “package” is going to have a true content and not just look good on the outside. It will help to establish a deeper connection.

5. Know your standards
The person will think of you as more attractive if they see that you have standards in your life and your career.  Set your values!

6. Give space to your friends
We all love to have space in our life.. When you ask too many questions or want to be included.
in their circle and you try too hard they can consider you as a stalker.. It is not what you want in your relationships with your potential customers, partners and even just friends.

7. Don’t try to be impressive
You do not have to impress people with all your knowledge. Just you should have the right energy and enthusiasm and be courteous as well. Just from my personal experience sometimes certain things I mentioned or brought to discussion on Twitter or facebook that I did not expect to get attention to actually brought more buzz and more discussion and even hot debates. It was awesome. It was real, authentic and beautiful and a great surprise!

8. Watch your tongue and behavior.
As you know tongue can be constructive or destructive. What you say leaves footprints and people may not say things to your first and tolerate your inappropriate behavior but they will never appreciate it. Best to be polite and respectful.

9. Be Nice and kind!
People notice the kind and nice people. Smile even you engage into conversations. You may think they do not see your smile but they feel it. I even made video about the power of smile in social media and it brings great points about we can use our smile and energy to connect with people.

10. Maintain Relationship.
Don’t just leave that person hanging and hoping you will come back and talk more. Keep relationship with people and stay in touch.. Make sure you compliment them, reassure them that you care about them and express interest in what they do and find new things about them you like most and discuss it with them. It will bring more topics for discussions..

I hope you can see the connection between psychology of dating and relationship building and social media and by understanding it and applying the principles you will be able easily to find great friends and build relationships and create flow of customers and clients for your business

Have a good week.

Tatyana Gann

PS . Lets connect on Twitter http://www.Twitter.com/SmokinHotPR

Tatyana Gann is a MomPreneur, Writer, Blogger and Online PR consultant.  She teaches principles of building successful relationships using Social Media and PR Strategies. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, subscribe to her “SmokinHotPR Ezine”

Why I Recommend Maria Andros “Social Media Traffic Blueprint”: How To Attract Clients, Money Using Social Media

Maria Andros just launched “Social Media Traffic Blueprint” and it has actually been very successful. I got email today that they extended relaunch for 5-6 days more, so everyone has a chance to review it and make the right decision about it. Her very first launch was in April and brought a lot of buzz in the social media world. I want to share why I recommend her social media training.

Honestly, if you want to make real money with social media and video, actually converting your followers into paying customers, and want to expand your online presence her training “Social Media Traffic Blueprint” is very simple to follow because it does not matter if you are a newbie or more seasoned marketer Maria has a way of explaining and teaching it so anyone can get it. A little bit of personal story. I met Maria online actually on Twitter first and I saw how creative an amazing she was.. SHe can take any piece of info and turn it into gold. Her ideas are fun and I got attracted to the way she presented them in simple and entertaining ways. In the past few months I saw her amazing transformation and how she became a great businesswoman and not just a marketer.

Maria Andros who’s also known as “The Video Marketing Queen” started out as a beginner online two years ago with no technical background and been able to propel her business with free advertising strategies.
I have been following her on Twitter and Facebook. I saw she has her own “Queen” Style, and she has got a classy and fun approach to what she does. Before I had fears in starting videos and Maria inspired me to take essence of my writing and put into videos which helped to overcome my fear..

Her videos are SPECIFICALLY designed for “home working” entrepreneurs and self-employed business owners who want to take their business to the Six & Seven Figure mark without spending a fortune in advertising!

Check out her free videos and case studies that she shares on her Social Media Traffic Blueprint blog now: She also shares free training on how to optimize your twitter and video chanels to get free quality traffic to your website. Pretty awesome stuff! Success stories of her students are super. Just one of them is Brian Williams and he had no experience and no website when he got started. I think the key to any success is a huge desire to make a change in our life… Then anything you put your mind to will work because of your belief system…

For more information about Maria Andros Social Media Traffic Blueprint click here

My BONUS: Free press release writen with keyword research for SEO and submitted to major PR directories and social bookmarks plus free 30 min marketing consultation valued $300

Have a great week!

Tatyana Gann

Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, subscribe to her “Attraction Marketing Queen Newsletter“

How To Get The Most Out of Your Social Networking Sites

If you look at all the websites such as Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter they are getting more and more traffic every day. Social networking sites gained a lot of credibility in the past 2 years and corporations such as Dell, Home Depot, and even celebrities as Kathy Ireland, Ellen Show, Today Show and Oprah! They finally get it! They use it as their Public Relations tool and it does work! They use social networking sites to build audience, increase traffic to their sites and gain popularity.

Now lets talk about how to build your audience with sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Myspace. I will share few tips to help you to understand how to do it the right way without hurting our credibility.

Before you open your page on Facebook, Twitter or Myspace, remember people hate advertising. They want to get to know YOU and want interaction with you. I want to share very simple things you must remember.

How to get the most out of social networking sites:

1. Target specific audience. Research your niche, your group of professionals you want to connect.
Use tools such as WebCEO.com for keyword research and find niche forums and invite people to follow you on Twitter in your signature file. Connect with them and slowly bring them into your circle of friends.

2. Be a super thought leader- give value by sharing your education, knowledge, your thoughts about certain matters. As my mentor Dani Johnson told me “Underpromise but overdeliver” Then people would say WOW and follow you and be loyal to YOU.

3. Be authentic. Be yourself. Do not be something you are not. You will pay later. Smile to people. My recent blog post “The Power of Smile When YOU Tweet” became very popular because of being authentic.

4. Include a lot of links to your blogs, links to your Hubpages, your newsletters, your Twitter page, your articles, your videos. Let people to find you just on the blog!

5. Encourage people to contact you via forms, links that are included on your blog, private messages on Facebook, Twitter or Myspace. Give them a good reason to connect with you. Make a good impression!

6. Participate: groups and online discussions. Create events, invite people to attend them. Give complimentary newsletter and do giveaways and create viral effect by letting them share your information via Retweet feature on Twitter as example.

7. Make it easy for people to find you using keyword phrases in your discusssions, your twitter posts and etc. I recommend to use Google Alert services and new TweetBeep, similar to google alerts but for Twitter only.

8. Have fun! If you do not have fun using these sites, just do not do it. No point to do that if you have no passion. Check Gary Vee and Tony Robbins on Twitter. They are rock stars of social media. They talk with passion and you could feel it via their posts.

9. Engage into conversations, it is not blant advertising. It is about connecting with the right niche, presenting the right message and providing solutions for your audience.

Social networking is about PEOPLE. Help them to get what they crave. Have Fun. Smile. Enjoy it!

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.
Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, visit her site: http://www.ImmigrantSuccessDiva.com

Power of Press Releases: How To Market Your Business and Find Real Buyers.

Not long ago I made a blog post about how to market your business with press releases because I saw that not many online business owners take an advantage of a press release. They think that press releases marketing is DEAD.  Let me assure you that they are very wrong. Press release advertising is the classic method of gaining more credibility and providing information directly to buyers… It is the BEST way to reach buyers directly. If you have a big ticket program, it is a great way to establish credibility in front of your clients.

Here are some points you need to remember about press release marketing:

1. Press Releases are not DEAD

2. You donot have to pay fortune to submit your press releases  to major media companies.  In early 90s people had to pay big bucks to media companies, so they can distribute their press releases to general public. The Web broke many rules in our favor.  You can pay 40-200 dollars to get major exposure via companies like PRWeb, News Wire and more.

3. If you want to know what to write, find blogs of well known PR professionals and see what they write about and what hot topics are, leave comments and interact with PR pros. 

For example, today I visited blog of PR Pro Danny Brown with Press Release PR.  I left comments on his blog but I also found what he loves to write about and what kind of personality he has. I am building relationships with PR professionals online without leaving my house. Then you can send your press releases about something they like to read and write about. Bingo! You have a new relationship and your business is getting a special attention.

4. If you want to find hot topics to write about your product and service, find blogs that talk about  them and have good ranking and a lot of interaction on the blogs, comments, posts. See the key phrases they use and use them in your PRs.

5. Press Release is very important form of marketing for a small guy in business. It is A MUST. David Scott says ” If you are smaller and less fortunate, you must tell your story yourself” People want to know about YOU, your unique qualities, your story and not your company and some generic mambo-jumbo.

I have written many press releases in the past 4 years and some of them gained a lot of traffic and some did not.  Some only had 100 visitors and some reached 4 million hits in one year.   As you can see nothing is perfect, but the good thing about press releases you can edit them and change them around or even write a new one. I used few PR companies and a few of them were even free. My recent press release was about my partnership with CarbonCopy Pro, a high income career opportunity. and I did not talk about just company. I talked about event in my life, a partnership and benefits of this business.  That is the purpose of a good press release- tell story to involve your prospect into sales process.  Press releases reach niche markets and appeal to customers because of a personal touch and sharing a story about a small business owner rather just a big corporate account.

In summary, you must remember that any news is good news for your customer.  Do not worry about what you write , write about everything that is happening in your business. Even little details make a difference.  Write keyword rich content for your press release to get more exposure.  Include links within your press release and then in your bio. Make sure they are landing pages and not sales/info page about your business. Submit your press releases to Digg, Technorati and share with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. Give your customers a reason to buy from you by showing how to go from point A to point B in their career and life and why they should be a part of what you have. Provide a real food, meat and potatoes to your starving customers.

I hope these tips were helpful.. Feel free to leave comments and share your thoughts. Share with others. It will be greatly appreciated.


(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.
Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, visit “Attraction Marketing Queen Report”

MLM Traffic Formula 2.0: Should You Buy It Tomorrow?

Tomorrow Wednesday June 3, 2009 Mike Dillard is launching a new version of MLM Traffic Formula, called MLM Traffic Formula 2.0. It has been creating a lot of buzz among internet marketers and mlm professionals. I usually do not just endorse or recommend any marketing training program out there and I do my best to research first and then share with others.

Well I have been listening to videos about MLM Traffic Formula 2.0 and I would say I am quite impressed. I have been student of Mike Dillard for few years since the moment I purchased his Magnetic Sponsoring that teaches internet newbies how to generate leads for their mlm home business and basics of personal branding. Mike Dillard really opened eyes of many mlm home business owners, and showed them how to generate leads and convert them into new distributors or product buyers.

What is MLM Traffic Formula 2.0? Is it Different from the original MLM Traffic Formula ? Yes and No. Of course the foundation of a new product is always going to the same but it will have more updated information and few new elements added to make it more valuable for a customer.

MLM Traffic Formula includes 10 business modules:

Module 1. How to survive in the information oveload, how to create long term residual income from home no matter what products you sell and has nothing to do with your downline and how to build YOU INC, the basics of magnetic branding. Plus you will learn how to research your niche market and how to understand what your market wants, needs and what pains can bring the most gain for them and of course to you.

Module 2. In this module Mike Dillard will be teaching “Traffic Formula Nerve Center” strategy to generate leads in few hours and create marketing presence with proven lead captures formulas.

Module 3: Copywriting secrets that took Mike to 7 figure income: how to write killer google ads, proven headlines, sales letters and multi-million dollar copywriting “swipe file”.

Module 4. How to Make More Money Using Same Traffic.

Module 5. How To Use Paid Traffic Strategies and How To Reduce Its Cost.

Module 6. How to Use 7 Social Media Websites: create massive following and get free traffic

Module 7. How To Use Video as Your Branding Tool. Everyone loves reality shows but not everyone knows how to make it work for them. ( I recently started doing video marketing, so I am quite excited about it)
Online Video Marketing is the hottest trend and it is about engaging with your customers.

Module 8. SEO strategies that are easy and simple. You do not need to be SEO geek and know it all. Mike will share simple SEO secrets to get FREE traffic to your site..

Module 9. How To Monetize on Your List and Not To Oversell: how to build relationships that last long term and how to create messages that people open and convert into daily sales.

Module 10. How To Become Fearless Sponsor and gain authority in your client eyes instantly.

I also Mike Dillard mentioned in his recent video about hidden surprises, especially its price. I am curious to know myself. Well, if you are really eager to learn how to generate endless leads for your mlm business or your direct sales business, enter the name and email below.

MLM TRAFFIC FORMULA 2.0 Is Launching Tomorrow.. Noon Central.. Get ready for massive success!

If you have any comments feel free to leave below, love to hear your feedback.

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.
Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, visit her site: http://HighIncomeCareers.net

Is Traffic Manifesto 2.0 by Ross Goldberg A Real Deal?

My new friend Ross Goldberg, whom I met at marketing  event in Tampa few weeks ago just released a special $1 trial deal for his Traffic Manifesto 2.0. It reveals 79 different tactics you can use to drive all of the targeted traffic you could ever need to your website.  Ross shares all his secrets of how he went from being in coma to create seven figure income in three years.  Seriously he was in a coma for a month due to his medical condition at that time, and woke up wondering how he will feed his kids and wife and provide for them.  He was tired of making money on Ebay and he was very eager to learn traffic secrets and like many of us he spent money and time reading ebooks on traffic. He spent over 3000 hours to learn skills until he mastered what he needed to know. 

I am very careful what I write about and what I recommend, but Traffic Manifesto from Ross Goldberg is something you should have in your library if you want to learn real free marketing strategies. It is a real genuine blueprint that will guide you step by step with simple traffic tactics from blogging, forum marketing, article marketing and my new favorite method, Youtube marketing.

 Enjoy it..


Tatyana Gann

Is Twitter Your New Addiction or Just a Cool Friend?

Twitter is becoming  one of the hottest marketing tools  used around the world. It became the hottest online party where everyone has an opportunity to voice their opinion, share news, make people laugh and even put together political campaign. Facebook and Twitter are responsible for president campaign, and its success made Twitter even more popular.

Personally for me, Twitter is a crazy and wild online party.  Nobody is left behind. Everyone is involved and has an oppotunity to meet celebrities, politicians, business owners and a little man can compete with a big corporation.

Why is Twitter so successful?  It allows everyone to interact, ask questions and repost favorite quotes or statements. It is a social virtual gathering spot where you can make new friends and connections. It allows anyone to learn from the best of the best in their field, and it gives an opportunity to prove themselves. It is an amazing tool for your personal list building.

Interesting fact that Twitter volume of subscribers tripled in just few months, and it is growing like a sourdour bread on a very fast yeast.

Now, lets talk about how we can generate the best leads for our business using the power of this little monster, Twitter.  The  key is to create as many as followers and follow people back because the volume of followers gives you leverage, more traffic and it is a social proof.

How much does it cost to market on Twitter? ZERO. NOTHING. It is absolutely free targeted advertising method.  Twitter is about influence on people lives, careers, their daily life event.  What we share and say, it can affect the outcome of their day. IF you say something funny, you might have put a smile on someone ‘ s face. If you give a good business tip it might give them idea of what to do. I promote my business blog Immigrant Success Coaching Blog to share with people what I do and how I can help them. My blog is about high income careers and assisting russian immigrants to obtain the freedom they have been hoping for when they came to America.

Twitter is VIRAL. People who love you and care about what you say will repost your comments and share with others. That is why it is so important to build relationships. You must treat twitter as a big birthday party and everyone is having fun and enjoying time and sharing what they do naturally without sales pitches.

Make sure your profile is fun to read. It is not a job application, so make it funny, easy to read and smile. Smile is the best advertising tool that cost nothing.  I often see people without faces who post on twitter. Common, imagine if you came in a mask to a birthday party hiding your face. What would people say? I would be scared to come up to a person in a mask without knowing who they are. Would you? Then stop using silly avatars and start being YOU.

How do you find friends on Twitter?

1. Follow people who follow the influential people you know.

2. Reply to people right way if they said something to you and they are not your friend yet. Follow them back. Establish rapport within minutes. Give something valueable to them to read and think about.

3. Make comment before even clicking follow button. Get to know people first.

4. Use search feature to find people in your niche.

5. Usually afternoon or late evenings after 7 pm are best time to get on twitter and weekends are always the best days to chat and share.

6. Share with people funny stories, news and not much of what your business is about. They will see it in your profile. Interact first then approach if you want to.

7. Do not forget to praise people, compliment them.  How do you feel when someone says to you that you look fabulous in that red dress? I am sure you would feel amazing. We love compliments and naturally we give them back to others. Pay it forward.

8. Questions, Questions and more questions. Ask and you will receive. People love questions. They are hungry for them. Ask and you w ill start conversation… Create dialogs first and make sure when they answer to you reply back to them. Courtesy is the best policy on twitter.

9. Invite friends from other social network. For example, I invite friends from Facebook to follow me on twitter. They love it and it is fun. Very simple.

10. Don’t forget to retweet or repost what others say if you like it and it makes sense to you.  At least try to find out what people do first before you retweet. Read their profile. it is a must if you want long term relationships.

That is all for now. More to come later. We will talk about technical tools to use to make twitter marketing more effective. For now,  enjoy your day. Create twitter account.  Connect with me on Twitter. Love to hear from you. Here is my twitter link : http://www.twitter.com/russiandiva

Best to you

Tatyana Gann


(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.
Tatyana Gann is an immigrant success diva, an online marketing mentor, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess.  To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, visit her site: http://www.immigrantsuccessdiva.com

10 Tips to Make Positive Changes in Your Online Home Business

When it comes to running an online home business, our mind is racing 100 miles an hour and we get stuck with one question “What to do first and how can I do it?” I wanted to share with my knowledge and I hope it will make sense to you. I only use simple language and I love to give examples of daily applications that helped me and still keep me on track.

Tip 1. Change your mind

Change your mind “  is an important step in your online home business. It is all about excuse busting. We must get over all notions we have about ourselves. Write down every reason you have not to do your daily work, and then write solution for each problem. Give your mind the same consideration you give to other things in life like your car, house… Your right mindset will be the best vehicle or property you will even own. How far you mind takes you are based on your choices.  I believe we all beautifully made!

Tip 2. Evaluate yourself

If you were about to start an exercise program such as running or joining a gym fitness program you would have to go through personal assessment. We should do the same when we decide to make changes in our online home business. It could be very eye opening. You need to find where you stand and set realistic goals. You need to have a true picture.

Tip 3. Meditation

Start your day with healthy meditation. It is our brain fuel and provides our mind that positive kick start. Make sure you set a time to do it every morning… Do not rush yourself every morning. Plan this time of the day to meditate, to read or listen to personal development audios. I love to read Tony Robins, Jack Canfield, listen to Victoria Gallagher and Esther and Jerry Hicks.

Tip 4. Get moving.

Take action. You do not need to be an Olympic champion and do everything in one day. Begin with reasonable goals. Avoid inactivity and do something every day and not once a week or even once a month. Action will lead to results you want to have  but you need to have the mental foundation and have the right attitude to take a proper action or not just any action.

 Tip 5. Get rid of old marketing methods or methods that do not work anymore

It is like wearing old tennis shoes or even wrong size shoes. We make mistake accepting that certain methods work that used to work will always work or keep doing something that does work. We have fear of getting rid of old habits and accepting new ones.

Tip 6. Explore all your options

Do what you love to do first for your online home business. If you hate blogging, try video marketing or vice versa.  Do not force yourself to do what you do not want to do if you truly hate to do something. If you do not want to talk to your friends and relatives about your home business then do other forms of social networking though communities as Facebook and Twitter. Try different forms of marketing. Explore activities that both fun and beneficial. 

Tip 7. Be consistent

You will only see results in your online home business if you do work regularly and have schedule to do something every day. You cannot take four day break and expect to see results that week. Lazy days are great and they can be occasional treats like eating ice cream on a diet or a piece of delicious chocolate cake with ganache. You see I am talking food. It is my weakness and I do have lazy days in business and I accept them but then I kick myself into working harder the next day.  The good news is that working every day on your business will become your habit and it will be more enjoyable to you. I would say you should enjoy what you do or then why you should work from home.

 Tip 8. Update your daily routine.

 Stick to your routine for the next 4-6 weeks and you will see difference. Then you can add new marketing or business building methods. It will be good time to mix things up.  It could be something simple as adding 2-3 articles a week on a particular subject or creating your niche blog.  Continue to challenge yourself so you will not hit marketing plateau.  Plus you will avoid boredom.


Tip 9 Make a list of people

Ask your friends to help you in proofreading your work such as articles or create mastermind groups. Let people around you know that you are trying to improve your business and you need their encouragement and support. Believe me it does work very well.

Tip 10 Reward Yourself 

Reward yourself.  Not with an expensive restaurant meal but with a good book, massage or for us girls, a good massage or spa will be the best treat.  If you are like me, you will find it quite rewarding to help others and focus on helping your business colleagues. I know everything might seem crazy to you but surely it feels right!

Enjoy your week! Tatyana Gann


Tatyana Gann, Nashville TN

Business Coach, Immigrant Success Coach

CEO Global Mentors Marketing Group


(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.




“Social Media Traffic Blueprint”- Case Study #1 $2000 in 7 Days!

Let me tell you story of this guy that my mentor Maria Andros shared with me this afternoon. She is considered a video marketing queen which is very cool I think to have this title. Do not you think?

She created social media traffic blueprint and it is going to launch on April 2 at noon and her email is going to 35k people and more.. I believe video marketing is an awesome tool to brand yourself and that is why I emphasise writing blogs and creating videos as the foundation of the marketing success regardless your experience.
I have been a writer, a blogger and an attraction marketing coach, and I love to write and I was honestly scared about creating videos until I met Maria on few social networking sites.

This program is all about how to leverage video, & social media to drive quality & targeted traffic to your website for F.R.E.E.  She’s about to teach all the latest SEO strategies, how to own expensive real estate on google & how to make videos that literally hypnotize your prospects and convert into sales & money into your pocket.

I saw that creating the videos that captivates my audience and makes me money could be quite more simple than I thought especially I saw this case study.
Maria sent it to me few days ago. She talked about Oliver Twitter.. Here is a part of email I want to share on this blog:

“OK – Now let me tell you about Oliver Turner… Oliver was a beginner on Twitter , just starting a new business with NO list,and NO Twitter account…he knew he had to find a way to drive traffic to his website or he was going to be in trouble.
He realized he needed a system and strategy…He came across The Social Media Traffic Blueprint and made a $2000 sale in less than a week from implimenting the system and
today has made over $180, 000 in less than 3 months of using the blueprint.
Oliver’s now making $5-10 K per day and enjoying his life,travelling and having
FUN…the BEST part he’s only 22 years old, **you’ve got to see this video its going to really blow your mind.**”

Her blog is awesome.. You will be able to access it after you start getting her messages. Awesome stuff there! Also make sure to check out the over 200 Comments on the blog & awesome reviews that people are posting about the Social Media Traffic Blueprint and how it can be used to change your life

Enjoy videos. Maria is awesome!! I cannot wait for her course to launch on April 2, 2009 at 1pm EST!