What Online Marketers and PR Professionals Can Gain From Successful Dating Principles.

When it comes to the common mistakes that people make on Twitter and Facebook they are all based on the lack of communication knowledge.  Social media is about natural and genuine conversation between people where they share their thoughts and experiences. We must learn how to communicate by listening and contributing VALUE. We must learn how to approach our audience.. here is my video that will explain to you how to do it correctly based on a very interesting concept- the principles of successful dating.

Watch this video:

Social media success happens when you know how to influence people and help them make an informed decision naturally. Failing to communicate and participate in social media stops your advancement of trust of your audience. It will likely cause mistrust. You must build your online reputation using instructional content, contests and responses from your audience.

You can also view my earlier blog post about “What Can Twitter Peeps Learn From Dating Principles” and it can give clear picture of what you should do and not to do.

I hope it helps.. Have a great day!

Have a great day!

Tatyana Gann

Tatyana Gann is a MomPreneur, Writer, Blogger and Online PR consultant.  She teaches principles of building successful relationships using Social Media and PR Strategies. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, subscribe to her “SmokinHotPR Ezine”