What’s YOUR secret to creating your own economy?

I’m curious. How many of you are feeling affected by the economy
right now?

Are you worried about your business? Are you looking for more
income streams? Do you want to start a business but are afraid
this isn’t the right time? Or are you doing great right now?

For myself, I’m always interested in looking for more ways to
take charge of my OWN life and my OWN business. That’s why I was
intrigued by Ali Brown’s new free teleclass held on Thursday,
March 5, called “How to Create Your OWN Strong Economy This
Year…With Online Information Marketing.” Even though the call
has already taken place, you can still listen to the audio and
take advantage of the great information and limited-time sale.
Here’s the link to sign up:

Ali Brown Teleclass Recording:

And don’t forget to share your thoughts and questions below. I’d
love to know what you really think about your business and the
economy right now.

One Major Mistake Even Successful Business Owners Make Today

I want to share with you what I believe it is very important to know w hen it comes to personal branding and building an online business. There is one mistake people make and I will explain it in few seconds. When people are looking for a business they do research and see what people buy and what income they can generate from that. It is very important to know how to run a online home business from Day 1. However during that research they become so technical that they forget why they wanted to do it to begin with. They do not have big why or a passion to follow. They focus on money only. I agree money is great and good system is important but nothing more important than passion and liking what you do.

Just because everyone owns a shoe store in a city that makes them money does not mean you have to do it. That is the mistake people make. They become the blind sheep. They do not follow their heart. They follow someone’s else heart and that is why someone else is becoming richer and not them. You have to ask yourself “What makes me excited every day?”

Passion is the key to your success. Then challenges you will face will not be the scary challenges but little obstacles that you can overcome. That is where attraction marketing kicks in.  Attraction Marketing is like a nectar. Only certain bees come to it that like that scent. Not everyone will like what you do and who you are and honestly who cares. Attraction Marketing is about giving value and showing that YOUR knowledge is worth the cost of the business.  When people see what I offer to the table it does not matter to them if I do CarbonCopy Pro, Visalus or just selling ebooks, they want to know how I can help them to make money today and next month.  They want to see a leader in the industry. I believe that in order to be successful we must do what we believe in first and stop satisfying crowds. I believe when I do what I believe it then power within me awakes and can do achieve success beyond even my own imagination and it pleasantly surprises me. I recommend to do the same.. Find passion in your heart and follow it. Have faith that it will work and it will work.

I believe in being different, unique and I recommend to stop chasing next guru and immitate them. It may work for a while but you will get tired of it.

Ask yourself what is your unique feature? For me it is my accent. People love foreign accents. It is a good tool to build business. Why? People will listen to you more. One of my mentors told me once that he had to listen to every word I said and it actually helped him to understand who I was and get to know me better.  My advice is to find your unique quality and use it to your advantage. It will stand out like a sore thumb but in a good way.

Just have fun. People will know it by actions you take.  People will see your excitement. They will follow you.