Online PR Tips: How to Write and Use Hubpages To Attract Buyers and Generate Profits Without Sales Pitch

WHAT is HUBPAGE? It is a content sharing site. It is similar to your marketing blog. It provides specific information on a particular subject, how to do something, advice, tips, information, reviews and it has ingredients of a blog, article, videos, images and press release in one. It is a great bouquet. It is a really cool tool for online PR and social media conversations. Make sure use them in 2010 in your online PR strategies. It is a wonderful list building tool if it is put together properly.

Why do you need to use hubpages in your marketing portfolio?

• They receive great search engine ranking
• They drive traffic to your site for you and you can build a list by sending them to your sites.
• You can link to your personal sites
• You can also make money with Amazon, eBay and ad sense

A lot of marketers forget to use hubpages and put them on the backburner and it is important to use them as you use blogs, press releases, videos to promote your product. It is great for SEO as well. They are great to share with your followers on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. You can take the content of hubpages and turn them in many other marketing pieces such as video training lessons, MP3 recordings.

Your next step is to go Hubpages site. Register with them and create account
1. create username (your name or something you are affiliated with)
2. enter your email address
3. your password
4. agree to terms and click continue

How to start writing hubpages?

Enter the topic you want to find out about so you can see what others wrote.
You will find relevant hubs. Your goal is to create very informative hub. You can create as many hubs (posts) as you want. That is fun.

Let’s start making hubs! For example let’s talk on the subject, “How To Make Chocolate Cake in Less than 30 Min” as example
1. Click Create a Hub
2. Enter The Subject
3. Enter Tags .(Make sure you have at least 15 tags and couple of tags are misspelled)
4. Click Create
5. Now Add Capsules
6. Make Sure First is Text
7. Photo or Image
8. Text
9. Photo or Video
10. Text
11. Video Or Image
12. Links. Enter Recommended Links
It could be related to your subject or product
13. Add Comments in the end
14. You can add Amazon capsule with products related to your product, service or business
15. Done

Do not publish your hub until you make sure it is good and spell checked. I would recommend to live it unpublished until you know it is all good.

Here are some guidelines for successful hubpage that will get you into search engines:

1. A minimum of 1500 words, of your own, purely original writing

2. A minimum of 3 videos (YouTube, Viddler or Google)

3. A minimum of 5 non-copyrighted images

4. At least 10 helpful links to other sources, each with your own 30-50 word description

5. A news capsule RSS feed, or eBay Capsule if your topic is about a product.

6. 15 tags or keywords, including 2-3 common misspellings

7. Maximum 150 word description of your Flagship Hub in the Summary Text

Additional rules:

The content must not be copied from any other source, even if you have the rights to copy from that source. It must be 100% original, and not copied.

You should include all links in the Links Capsule, and the links should not be adult, gambling or to affiliate sites. It can be your personal sites or even better- articles, press releases, blog posts you have writen.
Please separate your text into sections so that it is easy to read. So why does this formula work? It is all based on Google’s algorithm. Again make sure it is organic and real content. It must be a well-informed hubpage. No sales pitches! The right buyers will come because they will have information they are looking for

For examples of hubpages visit my personal hubpages:
Can Homeschooling Moms Build Home Business Successfully?
I have writen few posts and plan to write more because they do bring results combined with many social media tools.

Enjoy writing. Best to you in 2010!~

Tatyana Gann

Meet me on Twitter

News Release: Announcing My New “Smokin’ HOT PR” coaching program…

My Smokin’ HOT PR consulting program is about to launch. I decided to start “The Premiere Smokin’Hot PR Online Coaching/Consulting Program For Small Business Owners, Coaches, Solo Entrepreneurs

Today I sent out a letter to my subscribers but I also wanted to made it known to everyone who is interested in creating publicity for their business.

Here is what I sent out… Let me know what you think. Love your feedback.

From the desk of Tatyana Gann
Dear friend

I am Tatyana Gann, also known as “Attraction Marketing Queen”. We may have met me on Twitter and Facebook or you may have known me from other marketing training communities. I wanted to let you know I am expanding my business and would love to connect with you more. It took time and realization of what my passion is and today I need your help. Seriously!

Here is my story:

As you know, I LOVE working with people. It is a big joy serving people who are like minded and have a passion for teaching others and helping business owners to propel their business to the next level. One of my biggest values is RELATIONSHIPS. I am sure it is the same for you and that is why you are here reading my special report. As an online entrepreneur, a coach, a mentor, you help people to reach new heights in their business, overcome personal and business barriers and there is nothing more precious than seeing your clients succeed. Right?

But… There is one tiny problem…
80% of the coaches and online business owners are not educated how to FIND clients, hungry buyers and build truly successful business. As you can imagine, they are not taught even basic marketing skills to spread the word about their products and services. They do not have anyone to cheer lead them and create them a name unless they know how to do it correctly. They do not have 3rd party publicity to support what they do. You can visualize your perfect client all day, practice meditation until you feel exhausted, but you will miss one important piece of a puzzle. You must include ACTION to attract your clients to get the outcome you truly desire. You must spark some fire to get attention!

That is where I show up and I want to help you… with my Smokin’Hot Online PR and Social Media Strategies that leave your customers in the state of admiration, surprise and total shock for days! I want to share with you proven strategies that do not require you to get marketing degree from the best business schools. It is actually more simple. It is about knowing what your potential buyers complain and cry about and sharing with them solutions. You will be a good guy and also their best friend.

“Smokin’ HOT PR” coaching and services will be my absolute guide to help you with marketing your coaching and online business with an extraordinary success.

You will learn:
· How to use the power of attraction to get clients using my smoking hot press releases and social media strategies
· How to put together a really simple blog and integrate it with ONLINE PR strategies.
· How to use press releases to get media coverage and be an expert in your field, so you can reach buyers directly without dealing with corporate games.
· Find my secrets of generating 4 million hits with just one press release.
· Generate cashflow with various informational products and automate your business.

Get my Smokin’ free training on my marketing blog on

Contact me about special referal program via Facebook:
See My Consulting/Coaching services section on my blog.
You will also receive a new free report on December 2 as my gift on how to create Smokin’ HOT PR in 30 Days!
My special Smokin’Hot PR guide will be available after January 1, 2010

Have a great week!

Tatyana Gann

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved

Tatyana Gann is an online entpreneur an online marketing mentor, a social media and pr consultant, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, subscribe to her “Attraction Marketing Queen Newsletter”
Tatyana Gann On Twitter
Tatyana Gann on Facebook

Lesson from David M. Scott: How To Reach and Attract Business Buyers Directly With PR and Social Media Strategies

I was listening to an amazing PR and Viral Marketing strategist David Scott the other night on the webinar with PRWeb, PR services company, and I wanted to share this lesson with you so you can understand how to attract buyers directly. David M. Scott is an award winning marketing strategist, best selling author, speaker and seminar leader. His famous book “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” became bestseller and assisted many people around the world in applying his strategies and I have been reading and applying his techniques that I find amazing!

PR (public relations and social media) is not only about reaching journalists and media but reaching buyers. It is a new way of reaching people…

David brought great topic that fear keeps people from trying new things to reach people.
He mentioned about the dentist who was using yellow pages cost $2000 a month for listing. Well this dentist started blog give free e-book “Healthy Mouth Healthy Sex E-book” . Yes quite a name!
But it was quite impressive and brought a lot of attention and people shared that blog and e-book with others. Then she did press release about it. She got so much attention that again brings a great point. We must give our knowledge and then we can earn attention…
You can achieve similar success as any big name in the online marketing world.. How? You must unlearn what you learned.
Here is what you need to know:

1. Your buyers personas
We used to market to faceless prospects
Example, Hotels.. All websites look the same and they feature facts and their products. People do not want to buy products.
Example if you own a hotel this is what you should do. You must learn about a hotel buyer persona. They could be people who fall into 5 categories.

1. Wedding
2. Vacation
3. Event planner
4. Travel sales manager
5. Business person
Write to them and how you can help them with solutions. Speak their language. Give advice, recommendations.
We must know what your buyer persona is about and what do you want them to believe about your organization?

2. Interesting topic was about ATTENTION:
David said “You can buy attention or beg but you need to earn attention by publishing great content. On the web you are what YOU PUBLISH. Pretty powerful, right?

3. Encourage
Encourage people to share with the push of the button! Again remember, people do not care about your products. They care about their problems and want to find solutions. Very true and we are as humans are selfish we want others to help us to solve problems
Give people free information via blogs without asking to get on the newsletter. Make sure it is rich content or give free e-book even without subscribing to your list, they can download right away. Go to forums, chat rooms and provide advice. Go to where people talk about things, participate, give advice, they will buy from you.

He also mentioned an interesting fact that even US AirForce is usually social media and encourage everyone to start social media profiles so they can communicate with their loved ones especially being overseas… It shows us that we should not fear of social media and pr methods. We need to learn to manage our fear.

To learn about David Scott go his website:
About David Scott: David M. Scott is an award winning marketing strategist, best selling author, speaker and seminar leader. His unique style of marketing and teaching PR and viral strategies made him well known speaker, trainer, motivator.

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved

Tatyana Gann is an online entpreneur an online marketing mentor, a social media and pr consultant, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann , subscribe to her “Attraction Marketing Queen Newsletter”

What Online Marketers and PR Professionals Can Gain From Successful Dating Principles.

When it comes to the common mistakes that people make on Twitter and Facebook they are all based on the lack of communication knowledge.  Social media is about natural and genuine conversation between people where they share their thoughts and experiences. We must learn how to communicate by listening and contributing VALUE. We must learn how to approach our audience.. here is my video that will explain to you how to do it correctly based on a very interesting concept- the principles of successful dating.

Watch this video:

Social media success happens when you know how to influence people and help them make an informed decision naturally. Failing to communicate and participate in social media stops your advancement of trust of your audience. It will likely cause mistrust. You must build your online reputation using instructional content, contests and responses from your audience.

You can also view my earlier blog post about “What Can Twitter Peeps Learn From Dating Principles” and it can give clear picture of what you should do and not to do.

I hope it helps.. Have a great day!

Have a great day!

Tatyana Gann

Tatyana Gann is a MomPreneur, Writer, Blogger and Online PR consultant.  She teaches principles of building successful relationships using Social Media and PR Strategies. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, subscribe to her “SmokinHotPR Ezine”

How to Write A Press Release In 11 Easy Steps

Discover how you can write a press release for your home business, your brand info product, an your brand new published book in few steps and become “The TOP GUN” in your niche!

While back ago I did a marketing training  on how to write a press release for a home business and I wanted to discuss with you the importance of internet press release in your personal branding and as one of the best lead generation methods.

I shared my story of generating 4.3 million hits to my press release in 8 months. Of course not every press release I wrote got so many hits but press releases are still my favorite method. I have used press releases to promote my previous business.

Press Releases is considered one of the most forgotten marketing methods by small business owners but considered to be the most proven marketing and lead generation method. The online marketers are looking for more sophisticated methods (ppc, seo methods) or trendy marketing such as youtube, twitter and facebook. It is all good but not enough in my opinion. Press releases can be a good addition to what an online marketer does on a daily basis. You can truly write a press release for your home business in less than hour and see results in the next few hours. Pretty Powerful!

The excuse I hear so often, “Tatyana, I do not know how to write press release”. Well, it is a pretty lame excuse. Everyone can write. WHY? Because every day we share news, announcements or even gossips with our friends, family, church members and our business collegues. We forget how natural it is for us to share the news or events that occured in the past few days or months. Google loves rich content that is natural and has good flow and it will crawl its content with its powerful spiders.

How can we write press release that are not only good content rich editorials but also bring quality traffic and buyers for our product or a business?

First of all, you need to understand how to write a press release using 5 Ws Principles: Where, Why, Who, When and What. Once you grasp the idea that press release is not about selling but it is more of announcement of events, products and people stories,  you will be able to do it with ease as if you are telling or reading a story to your child. Press release is about presenting solutions to a reader and be enough compelling for them to contact you right away! Be a story teller and you will be more trusted!

Here is how you can write press release in 11 steps:

1. Determine what you are going to write about. It could be event with your company, your personal achievements, announcement of the partnership with a particular company and etc. Tell a story that is compelling!

2. Research keywords you want to target. Make sure they are buying keywords not some generic keywords. You want to use keywords that a customer or a business seeker would be looking for on google or other search engine. I recommend to use services such Web CEO, Marketing Samurai or WordTracker. I think they are great tools to use

3. Make sure your press release is about 5-6 paragraphs with 4-5 sentences each to make it easier for you than counting words. Keep close to 500 words!

4. Use important two keywords in the title or headline then summary of your press release. Repeat headline sentence in the summary then in the first paragraph.

5. Put the main keywords you plan to use to the left of each paragraph and if you have an option to hyperlink that keyword to your personal site or a blog then do it. That will help with optimization. Do not overuse your keywords. Create natural flow of keywords without too much repetition and relevant to what you say. Use ONLY 2 primary keywords per each press release.

6. Include your link to your website with a compelling offer to get your FREE report, free ebook, free consulting session and also include the information with your website for media contacts. Do not forget these two important sections in the press release, which I call “Magic Calls To Action”

7. After you write your press release, you need to review it and submit your press release to online press release distribution sites. Some sites are free press release distribution sites and some will be offer paid options.

8. Another important step- submit to social bookmarking sites such as digg, technorati, stumbleupon and more. I recommend to use services called “Social Marker”

9. Share with your friends, business collegues via Twitter, Facebook or forums. Ask them to share them with their friends and ask to leave comments after reading the press release. Remember comments are very important for search engines to crawl your press release and get more exposure! The press release that got a lot of traffic had many comments that turned into heated debates and it was actually fun because it allowed me to post my answers and create more curiousity among my viewers. I was receiving calls about my business every day just from my press releases that they saw online.

10. Write a press release at least once a week and if your time allows you write more. Just imagine you will collect over 50 press releases in one year just with one press release. Talk about incredible online presence!

11. Make sure share press release on Twitter and Facebook. Twitter loves news.. This is YOUR news.. Make sure share it. Plus it gives great traffic to your press release for FREE… Ask people to re-tweet and share with others…syndication is very important.. I personally recommend Katie Freiling’s The Unified Tribe social media platform to syndicate my content

The last tip: Take your press release and distribute offline. Find local companies that can include your editorials in their local news papers or magazines. You can even find good national publications that will accept your articles as contribution to their community. Do your own research and discover targeted publications. If you write about real estate crisis, find popular real estate publications. If you want to promote your business, find magazines like “Who is Who In Nashville” as good example and it will give an option to submit article about you and what you do.

Enjoy your week!

(c) Copyright 2009-2010  Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved

Tatyana Gann is an online PR consultant, a business coach,  a professional business connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To get instant access to Tatyana’s free tips on Online PR methods, business and creative marketing ideas, subscribe to her “Online PR Traffic newsletter.

How To Get The Most Out of Your Social Networking Sites

If you look at all the websites such as Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter they are getting more and more traffic every day. Social networking sites gained a lot of credibility in the past 2 years and corporations such as Dell, Home Depot, and even celebrities as Kathy Ireland, Ellen Show, Today Show and Oprah! They finally get it! They use it as their Public Relations tool and it does work! They use social networking sites to build audience, increase traffic to their sites and gain popularity.

Now lets talk about how to build your audience with sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Myspace. I will share few tips to help you to understand how to do it the right way without hurting our credibility.

Before you open your page on Facebook, Twitter or Myspace, remember people hate advertising. They want to get to know YOU and want interaction with you. I want to share very simple things you must remember.

How to get the most out of social networking sites:

1. Target specific audience. Research your niche, your group of professionals you want to connect.
Use tools such as for keyword research and find niche forums and invite people to follow you on Twitter in your signature file. Connect with them and slowly bring them into your circle of friends.

2. Be a super thought leader- give value by sharing your education, knowledge, your thoughts about certain matters. As my mentor Dani Johnson told me “Underpromise but overdeliver” Then people would say WOW and follow you and be loyal to YOU.

3. Be authentic. Be yourself. Do not be something you are not. You will pay later. Smile to people. My recent blog post “The Power of Smile When YOU Tweet” became very popular because of being authentic.

4. Include a lot of links to your blogs, links to your Hubpages, your newsletters, your Twitter page, your articles, your videos. Let people to find you just on the blog!

5. Encourage people to contact you via forms, links that are included on your blog, private messages on Facebook, Twitter or Myspace. Give them a good reason to connect with you. Make a good impression!

6. Participate: groups and online discussions. Create events, invite people to attend them. Give complimentary newsletter and do giveaways and create viral effect by letting them share your information via Retweet feature on Twitter as example.

7. Make it easy for people to find you using keyword phrases in your discusssions, your twitter posts and etc. I recommend to use Google Alert services and new TweetBeep, similar to google alerts but for Twitter only.

8. Have fun! If you do not have fun using these sites, just do not do it. No point to do that if you have no passion. Check Gary Vee and Tony Robbins on Twitter. They are rock stars of social media. They talk with passion and you could feel it via their posts.

9. Engage into conversations, it is not blant advertising. It is about connecting with the right niche, presenting the right message and providing solutions for your audience.

Social networking is about PEOPLE. Help them to get what they crave. Have Fun. Smile. Enjoy it!

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.
Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, visit her site: