Online PR Tips: How to Write and Use Hubpages To Attract Buyers and Generate Profits Without Sales Pitch

WHAT is HUBPAGE? It is a content sharing site. It is similar to your marketing blog. It provides specific information on a particular subject, how to do something, advice, tips, information, reviews and it has ingredients of a blog, article, videos, images and press release in one. It is a great bouquet. It is a really cool tool for online PR and social media conversations. Make sure use them in 2010 in your online PR strategies. It is a wonderful list building tool if it is put together properly.

Why do you need to use hubpages in your marketing portfolio?

• They receive great search engine ranking
• They drive traffic to your site for you and you can build a list by sending them to your sites.
• You can link to your personal sites
• You can also make money with Amazon, eBay and ad sense

A lot of marketers forget to use hubpages and put them on the backburner and it is important to use them as you use blogs, press releases, videos to promote your product. It is great for SEO as well. They are great to share with your followers on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. You can take the content of hubpages and turn them in many other marketing pieces such as video training lessons, MP3 recordings.

Your next step is to go Hubpages site. Register with them and create account
1. create username (your name or something you are affiliated with)
2. enter your email address
3. your password
4. agree to terms and click continue

How to start writing hubpages?

Enter the topic you want to find out about so you can see what others wrote.
You will find relevant hubs. Your goal is to create very informative hub. You can create as many hubs (posts) as you want. That is fun.

Let’s start making hubs! For example let’s talk on the subject, “How To Make Chocolate Cake in Less than 30 Min” as example
1. Click Create a Hub
2. Enter The Subject
3. Enter Tags .(Make sure you have at least 15 tags and couple of tags are misspelled)
4. Click Create
5. Now Add Capsules
6. Make Sure First is Text
7. Photo or Image
8. Text
9. Photo or Video
10. Text
11. Video Or Image
12. Links. Enter Recommended Links
It could be related to your subject or product
13. Add Comments in the end
14. You can add Amazon capsule with products related to your product, service or business
15. Done

Do not publish your hub until you make sure it is good and spell checked. I would recommend to live it unpublished until you know it is all good.

Here are some guidelines for successful hubpage that will get you into search engines:

1. A minimum of 1500 words, of your own, purely original writing

2. A minimum of 3 videos (YouTube, Viddler or Google)

3. A minimum of 5 non-copyrighted images

4. At least 10 helpful links to other sources, each with your own 30-50 word description

5. A news capsule RSS feed, or eBay Capsule if your topic is about a product.

6. 15 tags or keywords, including 2-3 common misspellings

7. Maximum 150 word description of your Flagship Hub in the Summary Text

Additional rules:

The content must not be copied from any other source, even if you have the rights to copy from that source. It must be 100% original, and not copied.

You should include all links in the Links Capsule, and the links should not be adult, gambling or to affiliate sites. It can be your personal sites or even better- articles, press releases, blog posts you have writen.
Please separate your text into sections so that it is easy to read. So why does this formula work? It is all based on Google’s algorithm. Again make sure it is organic and real content. It must be a well-informed hubpage. No sales pitches! The right buyers will come because they will have information they are looking for

For examples of hubpages visit my personal hubpages:
Can Homeschooling Moms Build Home Business Successfully?
I have writen few posts and plan to write more because they do bring results combined with many social media tools.

Enjoy writing. Best to you in 2010!~

Tatyana Gann

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