Bigger Dreams Are Unreachable Only in Your Eyes

“How can you see a bigger picture for your business when  you feel like screaming from overload of information, tools and social media garbage ?”

Do you know the most common mistake that business owners overlook and do not really consider “a big deal’?

In today issue of SmokinHot PR E-zine I  shared with my subscribers what I believed to be very important when it came to your company  branding and building an online business.  When people are looking for a business, service or product, they do research and see what people buy and what income they can generate from that.

It is very important for you to know how to build an online home business from Day 1.  We know that we must have foundation, then build walls and roof and then work on the inside.   However during that building process you can become so technical that you will forget why you wanted to do it to begin with.  Why not to focus on a big picture? Why so many of us get to the point that we think that our dreams are not reachable?

Bigger dreams seem so unreachable for many of us that we stop to dream.

Let me tell you the story to understand why it is important to have a big picture in life. In one of his books, Steve Jobs the innovator and CEO of Apple wanted to hire one of the top executives from Pepsi Company. He was sitting in his office facing the Hudson River and asked John (the Pepsi friend) if he would consider working for him. John said “No, not interested” Then Steve asked him this question ” Do you plan to sell sugared water or make a difference in somebody’s life? Do you want to put a dent in the universe”? Wow that was powerful!

Can you imagine if someone asks you this question? What would you say? The main idea here is this: just because everyone owns a shoe store in a city that makes them money does not mean you have to do it. That is the mistake people make. They become the blind sheep.

They do not follow their heart and do not see a bigger picture. They are not ready to make impact in the world. They follow someone’s else heart and that is why someone else is becoming richer and not them. You have to ask yourself  “What makes me excited every day?”

Passion is the key to your success. Then challenges you will face will not be the scary challenges but little obstacles that you can overcome with bigger picture.. That is where attraction marketing kicks in.  Your marketing is like a flower nectar. Only certain bees come to it that like that scent. Not everyone will like what you do and who you are and honestly who cares. Your goal is to be surrounded by best support system and loyal customers who will be excited to spread news about you. The only way they can spread it IF they feel your passion. You cannot be lukewarm in your business.

Your business is about giving VALUE that they can take and transform their business. You must focus and determine what they perceive as VALUE and not YOU.  Your customers want to see a leader in the industry that can walk the talk.   It is also about you seeing VALUE in what you do and your passion for serving people.  It is called BALANCE.

Satisfying all crowds can damage your business

Do you believe in YOU first or do you keep satisfying crowds? I personally believe when I do what I believe in, then power within me awakes and can do achieve success beyond even my own imagination and it pleasantly surprises me. I recommend to do the same..If you have to convince yourself to satisfy every crowd and be “the social butterfly” or know it all girl or guy, eventually you will loose your identity and lose consistency in what you do. Branding as you know is all about being simple and consistent. The exact recipe for success is about satisfying customers who want your product and service. The only way you can do it is by being yourself and knowing your stuff.

Find passion in your heart and follow it. This energy will be reflected in your PR and marketing campaigns. As they say you get what you expect and believe!  Just have fun. Your customers will see your excitement. They will follow you and share with their communities about you and your product.

Enjoy your day! Make sure grab my free weekly advice in my E-zine and look forward in getting to know you.

Tatyana Gann

3 thoughts on “Bigger Dreams Are Unreachable Only in Your Eyes

  1. What a great article! All of us have a talent that God blessed us with that we can and should use to make the world a better place! We are all passionate about something, and we have talent to make our dreams a reality. Only we stop our dream from happening. It is so easy to look around us and see already established businesses, products, etc., that we become intimidated and think “I could never do that”. But, we forget that those places that “intimidate” us, also started as an idea, a passion that someone else dreamed of one day realizing! We can make our dreams come true if we have that passion and drive… we too can turn our dream into a reality! Great thoughts, great article!

  2. Hi Tatyana, This is one of my favorite topics! And you spell it out very well in this article. George Bernard Shaw said, “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” We’ll never get anywhere by putting limits on our dreams. Regards, Kevin

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