Wanna to be a rockstar? ….

Credit goes to Carlos Rocha

Wanna to be a rockstar? Lets talk about the top 5 WOW factors of a rockstar in PR today….

In the movie Sex and The City, one of the characters, Samantha who is a publicist, is always promoting celebrities and puts them in the spotlight. Her character in the movie makes PR seem so glamorous and easy.This portrayal of publicity seems to carry over into the real world as well. You might see red carpet events with all of the glitter and glamor and immediately think that publicity is a piece of cake. You are seeking for the glamorous ways to get more exposure… HOWEVER you may not be totally aware of what it takes to create rockstar PR status.

I am not talking about working with celebrities. I am talking about real business owners: from mompreneurs to innovators who work 60 hours a week to get more business, more media exposure and increase profits. I have been fortunate enough to work with various successful company owners, which allows me to see what REALLY goes on behind the scenes. Business owners trusted me with their information, secrets and life stories in order for me to understand… to actually “get it”.

Every time I start working with a new client, I take them on a quest of discovering their purpose, learning who they were before and what they TRULY want to do in life. Too often they speak one thing, but their heart is saying something else. My advice, “Tell your brain to shut up and let your heart speak!” Stop being programmed by everyone’s crappy influence. Start speaking your mind and feeling your heart and your soul. There is no need to believe everything others say you must do…No need at all!

Here is why…You must know the most important factors to achieving rockstar PR status…


WOW Factor #1 :  Clarity

The most important factor of any successful publicity campaign is clarity. However, not every business owner can see where they are going with their products or service. Some business owners create only short term goals. There is nothing wrong with short term goals. However, if you plan to brand your name, your company name, what do you want people to remember you by?

Are you clear about where you are now? Do you feel lost?

When you can open the eyes of just one person and help them to see their VISION again and guiding them,  it is priceless! You can do that when you are clear with OWN visions and your OWN purpose… The blind cannot lead the blind! That is why knowing your core values and where you want to be 5 years from now will determine your branding goals, your PR goals and your results. It will determine what type of clients you will attract and which ones to let go.

WoW factor #2:  Fear Of Jumping Forward and Getting Publicized.

Often, you must take the first step and push through. It is like the birth of your first child. You carry the ideas and the plan, but you must manifest them. Determine 3 to 5 publications you must contact, local newspapers,  local radio stations in which you can offer 20 min of your time on a certain topic. Focus that 30% of your publicity must be local. But it is a good start to build a foundation. There are some publications that I have discovered in the Writer’s Yearbook that will pay you for your articles. Imagine getting paid for your content and give yourself publicity that pays you back in so many ways- you get PR, online exposure and you earn your marketing money!

WOW Factor # 3:  Individuality

Is your website looking the same as your mentor, your friend or your biz partner? It is time to honor your inner expression and become very clear about your brand, your name and what you represent.

WOW Factor # 4:  Your crystal clear vision.

I mentioned about vision in one of my blog posts on the tunnel vision about your business and the impact it has on your publicity, your media exposure and results. It affects your long term goals, your mission and without vision, you will burn out.

Why ask about your vision? Well, it is quite simple. Before you set your publicity plan in motion, you must know a few things. You have to be clear about your vision.  It is your inspiration and your dream!

It will define your publicity message. I learned to step aside from what I was doing and think about what my vision was before I decided to make changes. Your vision defines your brand and you must have a big dream to sustain your life. When you have a big vision, you know it is a journey and you become more committed to your success.  Does your vision only look good on paper? What about your heart?

WOW Factor # 5:  Your Energy

Your energy is very important. Having time for yourself, rest, meditation and doing things that bring joy, doing things that are not destructive to you…all of these are important! I learned to take time for me no matter how busy I am. If I am stressed out and look like a shaggy dog, or chicken with a head cut off, I will not attract the right people! Taking time for me has been very important to me and I personally recommend to do some research and hire a good life coach to guide you on your life journey.

Your energy is what is going to catapult your business. Your energy will be like fireworks shining positive light, attracting amazing people, new relationships, projects that bring prosperity, success and harmony into people’s lives. Regardless what you do, start working on your personality and be honest with yourself before you get out into the public eye. Feeling horrible about yourself is like having a skunk scent!

Time to get moving and look into your heart, your soul and take actions. PR works fast.  Do you still want rockstar PR?

Tatyana Gann



13 thoughts on “Wanna to be a rockstar? ….

  1. “If I am stressed out and look like a shaggy dog, or chicken with a head cut off, I will not attract the right people!” had me choking on my tea :D. Thank you for the brilliantly written piece of advice!

  2. Tatyana, what you’re saying someone would need in order to be effective in getting Rockstar PR is a perfect primer on what they also need to have a rock solid foundation to their business. Bravo! (Certainly no time for skunk scent!)

  3. Love this Advice
    My advice, “Tell your brain to shut up and let your heart speak!” Stop being programmed by everyone’s crappy influence. Start speaking your mind and feeling your heart and your soul. There is no need to believe everything others say you must do…No need at all!

    Need to turn that bully off in my head ” )

  4. Tatyana, you do have a way with words! I demolished my business website and am attempting to make it more ‘me’ — so this post really speaks to what I am trying to do professionally right now.

  5. ” Your energy is what is going to catapult your business. ”
    Or anything for that matter. You want a great business, or family or remodeling project, you have to throw yourself at it. Great counsel Tatyana

  6. Great article T. For me I would place energy in first position because without adequate energy it’s hard to get anything accomplished at all or for that matter taking that first step or much needed change in direction.

  7. Thank you for your savvy smart sensationally sensitive spot on success strategies. YOU ROCK, ROCK STAR Tatyana. Your personal embodies celebrities’ best brilliant “BRINGING IT!”

  8. WOW! Amazing article, so many important and I would say even vital points Tatyana! Thank you again for so much detail and support you give to businesses and people too! 🙂

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