Featured Story: Rachael Moyte On How to Stay True to Your Values…

Today I have a special guest on my blog , an amazing girl I met on Twitter, Rachael Moyte. SHe is funny, authentic and has a great heart. I wanted to feature her today on my blog and to show appreciation for what she does.
I asked her to write a little bit about herself and she wrote back.

“Hello everyone and thank you for stopping by. My name is Rachael Moyte from Burbank, CA and I’m here to tell you my story. Not the kind of story where I talk about where I grew up, what schools I went to or what I planned to do for college. I’ll save those kinds of stories for those of you who I get to know outside of this blog. I’m here to tell you about who I am and what I stand for and just how I plan to change the world.

Like many young twenty somethings in Los Angeles, I used to have absolutely NO clue what I wanted to do with my life. I hardly knew what I was going to cook for dinner, let alone what I wanted my life to look like five, ten or even twenty years from now. I knew I liked to write, I liked to paint and I got really high off of helping other people. Now, how could I put those three ingredients into a pot and cook myself up a life that I could be proud of? “Hi, my name is Rachael Moyte and I’m with a company called…,” I said. (Since I ended up leaving this company, I’ll keep quiet about which one it was for now). Everyone said their hello’s and we got to the main activity of the event. I have to say that with as shy as I was, I met a lot of great people… one person in particular was Casey Eberhart. I’ll explain why Casey was so cool in just a second. The event ended and I left with a small stack of business cards of people to call the next day. I was definitely not in my comfort zone at the event, but it was a great learning experience and taught me a lot of valuable lessons.

Let’s fast forward to March of 2009. After two months of very little success with my unsaid company and a lot of frustration, I decided to pursue another company. Now, I know what you’re thinking… “How can you expect great results after two months?” and the truth is, I couldn’t expect that. The problem was not the company that I had chosen, the problem was that I didn’t have any passion for the products that I was selling. Yes, the company’s products were awesome and went above and beyond what their labels said they would do. My problem was that I was not a health and wellness person (there’s a clue!) and didn’t have a zest for it. I believe in being healthy and all of that, however, this company just wasn’t my cup of tea.

Remember my friend, Casey? Well, over the previous couple of months since we’d met, he had showed me his business with a company called SendOutCards. He showed me what a Gift Account was and allowed me to send four physical greeting cards for free. Let’s just say I used up my four cards within a day and I was actually bummed when I ran out. So, at first, I thought about how SendOutCards could help and maybe revamp my other business. I signed up with the Entrepreneur account immediately because even though I wanted to try and build my other business, I couldn’t help but try my hand with SendOutCards. As it turns out, I left my other business completely for SOC.

I’m proud of my decision to leave my other business because I truly believe that it takes more than just a love of a product to be successful in network marketing. I believe that it takes a fiery passion and a love for the people, the leadership and community and yes, even the compensation plan. Let’s be honest, none of us are here to do business for free. I believe that SendOutCards has given me a platform to be creative in how I present myself to potential clients and business partners as well as a platform to practice my writing and create my own art on greeting cards. Since the basis of my business is making other peoples’ days, I feel that I found a way to mix all of my passions together. Remember that pot of ingredients I was talking about earlier?

It’s now October of 2009 and while it has only been a few short months since making my initial decision, I can honestly say that I’m so glad I did. I have found true leadership in our industry, met some great people from all walks of life and many varying companies, had the chance to see first hand what to do and, more importantly, what NOT to do when it comes to prospecting and I’ve developed a new respect for myself. I’ve learned lessons that no business school could teach me (unless we’re talking about Robert Kiyosaki’s “The Business School for People Who Like Helping People”) and decided that the path of “going to school and getting a good job” is just simply not the path for me.

I’m not going to sit here and say that the last few months have been a walk in the park. Sometimes we have to learn lessons that aren’t easy to learn, like how to believe in ourselves. Sometimes that lesson alone is the hardest one to learn above all else because if we don’t have belief in ourselves, then we don’t have a whole lot to work with. I believe that before anyone in any business can be successful, we must acquire the belief that we are unstoppable. No matter how many times we fail, we will always succeed IF we keep going after our dreams.

I started reading a book recently called “Now, Discover Your Strengths” by Marcus Buckingham and I have already found so much value in its pages (thanks, Mom). Because of this book, I’ve started working on building my strengths instead of trying to fix my weaknesses. By building on my strengths, one of which is writing, I’ve been able to find positivity it subjects that I was looking at from a negative point of view.

In the network marketing industry, we are bombarded with “Free this, ground floor pre-launch that, make a million dollars in six minutes” type advertising and it’s easy to forget that, if you’re in a network marketing business, it is just that, a BUSINESS! It’s easy to think that because we didn’t get that giant check in our first week, we’re doing something wrong or we’re failures. None of us are failures because every business that we start will take time and effort to build.

I’ve decided to focus on building my business and my strengths simultaneously through changing people’s perspectives about themselves. Because of the business I chose, I can tell my friends, family and clients how much I appreciate them and how much they mean to me. We have a saying in our company that says “Appreciation will win out over self promotion every single time” and that’s exactly what I plan to do. Because of appreciation and love, my world and the worlds of every person I come in contact with will change. I hope you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read today and hope to get to know all of you. Remember that your journey is unique just like you. Stay empowered, my friends.

Let’s take a journey back in time to January of 2009. I had signed up to attend a networking event in my city and was hoping and praying that I wouldn’t show up and make a fool of myself. I had just been introduced to my first network marketing company in December and wanted to make it work. I wanted to be passionate about it and I wanted the folks I met at this event to see my passion. When I walked through the door of the Lamplighter restaurant in Van Nuys, I was met by a couple of really nice folks from my group. I had gotten there early and over the next half hour, our group grew into about twenty people. As we all introduced ourselves and gave a little bio of what we did and which company we represented, whether it was network marketing or another type of business, I felt my nerves start to tense up as my name was called. I stood up and tried my best to not let anyone see how nervous I was, but I’m sure it was written all over my face.

To learn more about Rachel Moyte visit her personal blog.

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