You’ve got a special talent… my video message

Did you know you have got the talent? Yes I am talking to you my friend! You know it deep down in your heart that you have not been living up to your standards, and you might have been afraid to share with the world what you know. The reason is you were afraid of what others think of you today. You did not want to be different or show you know more than other people. Watch my video below and then read on:

I remember growing up in Russia where mediocrity was in fashion. I was in the fifth grade and my math teacher was giving us pretty difficult problems to solve. I was always willing to do more than she gave, and my grandfather always encouraged me to do more and go extra mile in your education. Well, I became “a white crow”. Do you know what it means? It is a russian idiom meaning “different person”, a person who wants to show off and stands out in the crowd. My classmates tried to point that to me and even made fun of me.. They even told me that girls should not be doing well in math, and it was a boy subject. That was silly of course. I really did not care. I had that negative proof vest on me. I had to do that in order to have a focus on what I wanted to achieve in life.

Jealousy of successful or smart people is programmed into our brains right in school and it affects who we become later in life.

I think we must be proud of our talents and capabilities because we were given special talents by God or what you believe in. When we do not use our talents fully, we do not live to our full potential and we show no respect to our creator. We often afraid of where our talents would lead us. Unfortunately, people may have talents but then they never uncover them. They bury them so deep that nobody sees them. It takes a drastic life change to uncover it and make it work. Some people are lazy to use talents because they settle for mediocrity in life, and it is convinient lifestyle for them.

I think each person who reads this message has a special talent that they can share with the world. Fear of showing your talents off is the wrong thing to do and it is not serving your purpose in life. You need to ask yourself what your purpose in life and how your talents can help other people. Only then your talent is fully recognized but until then it has no value. You must use your talents. You must go extra mile in working your talent, developing skills to support that talent. Talent is just the seed for success. Without nurturing it is not going to work. Period.

We must put aside the thoughts of our imperfection about ourselves, and believe we are perfect in God eyes, he created us in his image, and we do have a great talent. Your power is within you and do not let others tell you what to do and what you cannot do and you must take that responsibility and do not let others judge you. We do not always make the right choices in life, and then talents will not serve our true vision in life. God just opens the door to possibilities and pushes it lightly for us and then we must move forward.

Yesterday my kids and myself planted rose seeds in the backyard… We thought about our talents. We buried the seeds in the ground and we watered them a little bit and kids even prayed that we would have roses the next year. I thought about our talents. We bury them into the ground, cover them with soil but often forget to water them and give them light. Our knowledge is the water that we need to grow. People we surround ourselves with (hopefully positive people) is the sunshine: our suppport system to stay positive in life.
I have a special message for you from Marianne Williamson. It really touched my heart and I hope it will open your heart to many new possibilites.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
— Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles)

Have a beautiful day!

Tatyana Gann

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.
Tatyana Gann is an immigrant success diva, an online marketing mentor, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, visit her site: