Featured Guest in My PR Corner-Lydia Proschinger

“Discover  the alternative healing methods used by athletes and high achievers and how you can turn your health around with ease, revive passion for life by changing your BELIEF system!”

Are you ready to have access to powerful training and information that athletes and high-achievers used for many years with extremely astonishing results? Do you truly believe that all the belief systems theory is just a bunch of voodoo that books are written about, and that nobody truly believes that by changing your beliefs you can affect YOUR life. Crazy Right? My dear friend Lydia Proschinger has found a new way to show you how you can turn your life, your health around with EASE by working on your CORE BELIEFS. She will be teaching a special program to the community of folks who are passionate about changing their health by changing their beliefs. As you  know scientists talk about, books talk about it and even the Bible talks about belief system that we must refine our belief system to change our life.

When it comes to our health, we often put it on the back burner. We go to various doctors hoping for a magic cure. However, doctors cannot always find a cure. They treat the symptoms, but the symptoms are caused by deeper issues that we often do not address or simply ignore.  We strive every day to find ways to attract a better health by choosing new diets and exercise regime.

However, it is not ENOUGH. Lydia Proschinger gives amazing information and education to her clients and helps them also to overcome challenges that are caused by their BELIEF system. EVERYTHING she teaches comes from her experience, extensive research and case studies. She is ready to transform your body, your mind and you life! Would it be beneficial for you to finally have access to information on  how you can control your health by controlling your mind and discover the hidden power that you have to heal yourself?

In my recent interview about her brand new Living La Vida Healthy 7 weeks Program on Blog Talk Radio Live Show we discussed many aspects from causes of the blocks and why people do not take the right action when it comes to health. We discussed the power of quantum healing and energy psychology. We talked about the the main cause of everything  that happens in our life- BELIEFs! She said something powerful, “What you have learned or believed, you can unlearn and exchange with other beliefs”

Wouldn’t it be awesome to rewire our thinking patterns and empower our lives, create new positive changes and have access to a blueprint that we can use for the rest of our life?

Good news!….I have a simple and proven solution for you!

Read on!

Lydia Proschinger  7 weeks Living La Vida Healthy program is a holistic health guide. It is not for everyone and that is okay.  It is only for a serious person who wants to be in charge of their health and who is ready to make a 180 degree turn!  It is in some way a holistic health guide that offers new alternative healing strategies.  Personally, for me, when I hear the word LIFE, I see that it is about Loving, Inspiring, Fulfilling and Empowering. That is what LIFE is really about!

How can we go through life if we do not cherish the most precious gift… our health? Can you imagine that you can change your core beliefs that  may have been haunting your life and causing you pain, struggles, relationship problems with loved ones and especially with yourself? Well,  my friends, you have  the perfect answer right here!!

7 Week Living La Vida  Healthy is going to teach you mindset and energy meridian techniques to ensure that changes will happen on deeper levels, right at the roots!  Here is an example of some things that you will learn and take with you on your life journey filled with great happiness, better physical and emotional health! Wouldn’t it beneficial to finally understand who you are and how powerful your mind is?

Lydia is eager to teach you the following principles to take care of your body and your mind!

  • Reclaim ownership of your health
  • Claim your power to heal yourself
  • Train your mind to accept change and deal with change-related stress more effectively
  • Release negative emotions that hold you back from achieving your goals
  • Develop a natural health consciousness based on newly found insights
  • Establish a deep sense of Self-Love and Self-Care
  • Feel happy about your body
  • Allow your body mind and spirit to align with healing
  • Learn an effective set of tool s to increase your daily performance
  • Increase mental clarity, focus and concentration
  • Manage your pain
  • Balance your mood
  • Strengthen your resolve to make healthy choices
  • Fortify your body’s immune system
  • Make informed healthy nutrition choices
  • Recover your gut-feeling
  • Activate your body’s natural pharmacy to support healing
  • Energize your body
  • Slow the aging process
  • Implement your own solutions based on your In-Tuition and
  • Receive access to a set of highly effective techniques that during the process provides you with guidance, accountability, and expert advice as well as group support of like-minded individuals like you with whom you can network
  • …and many more techniques that can help you….
  • Plus cool Bonuses and surprises… Hurry up!

We look forward to seeing many great folks in Living La Vida Healthy Life community. It is refreshing to see people like Lydia who have a mission to inspire, teach and transform people’s lives and especially their health! I truly believe that Lydia’s program is totally amazing and from my interviews with Lydia I can say “WOW..WOW!”

Have a great day everyone!

See you inside our inner circle
Tatyana Gann

Founder,  SmokinHotPR.com

c) Copyright 2010 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved

Tatyana Gann is  a social media and online PR consultant, a mompreneur who resides with her family in Nashville TN.  She provides PR and marketing consulting to local business owners in Nashville TN and nationally.  Get instant access  to SmokinHotPR training newlsetter and receive FREE weekly online PR traffic tips and business advice to grow your online business