Blogging Basics Part 2: How to build audience that reads your blog

First day of your blog life. You made it look nice and clean. Made your first post, then you jotted down something for the second blog post. Silence. No traffic. You are waiting. You made another post. You wonder why nobody is reading and commenting. You get discouraged, but here you should STOP. Remember, that you may not have people reading your blog posts right away. You need to find what what your audience wants to know, to learn and find them solutions through sites as Twitter, Facebook and even make a Youtube video asking questions, discussing things, creating hot debates and excitment. That is when you will get ATTENTION.

I recommend to take notes of what people are asking and wanting to know. It may sound like a lot of work now, but later you will see a trend or a pattern of the most asked questions, and you know what people want. Update your blog posts or add new things creating Part 1, Part 2 and etc. It creates curiousity, and people come back!

I love to give advice on Twitter or Facebook on a certain matter and present them with article, blog post or even video. Be You. Create separate lead page for each topic or niche you want to target and then send them to your site and even blog page. Create a special event, host a class, an online party. I love what Sandy Grason does for example. She does virtual coctail parties, and it creates an amazing excitement. I even planned to make a virtual chocolate cake and bring to her party. It is fun and may sound silly, but guess what, it is OK!

Tip: Regurarly update your blog. Google just LOVES it. They will give you good rankings because their cute algorithms work that way.

I post at least 3 times a week! You want your audience to get used to your schedule, and they will expect them on certain days. Make sure write good content not just something to fill some empty space on your blog. Do your research! Write from your heart because people will see it and be attracted to your blog.

Remember blog is your front door. All ideas are awesome. All information is good. Express your thoughts, give reviews and be polite! People are watching you and be professional.

Tip: Use Twitter as your teaser blog platform then lead people to your blog post or a video blog post.

Here are 8 ways to get traffic to your blog:

1. Use Twitter: Link to your twitter posts that had reference of your blog post and link back to your blog.
2. Use YouTube to make videos and add them to your blog post
3. Talk about your blogs on Facebook by sharing links or adding into conversation that are only related to the topic.
4. Share it with your friends that are not a part of your business. Create viral effect. Ask them to forward to their friends. Write about fun topic that your friends love to know about. It will get them involved slowly in what you do.
5. Put your blog link in the signature file in the forums and messages boards you visit. Make it sound unique!
6. Submit your blog to social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Technoratti, Stumbleupon and more.
7. Use permalinks correctly.
8. Make sure leave comments on other people blogs that are highly ranked or have a lot of action.
Do not jump in and start spamming about your stuff. Be a good spy. See what these professionals want to know, what their interests are and discuss related topics with them. Make THEM pay attention to YOU by asking questions, complimenting and participating. Rules do not charge. It is all about your customer first.
As they say we reap what we sow.

When you search for keywords you need to search for buyers keywords. Example, do not use “weight loss” as your keyword. If you were a person who wanted to loose weight, you would not type this keyword. Not specific. Well, you need to find more targeted keyword. You may search for keywords like “natural weight loss methods”, “homepathic weight loss methods”, then it may take you to phrases like “ephedra free diet pills” and so on. As you can see from weight loss that has millions of listings you will get only 12,800 results with “ephedra free diet pills” You have more targeted keywords and they are called “buyer keywords”

Another tip: Set up google alerts and twitter alerts. I just found and it is similar to Gooogle alerts. Why? You will get notified when people search certain keywords and even your name.

In order to get more traffic and get your blog optimized, you can get Jeff Johnson blogging software or add SEO plugins to have your blog post crawled by web spiders. Just a small tip.
Enjoy and share!

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Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, visit her site: