5 Simple Ways To Prevent and Overcome Entrepreneural Burnout

Have you ever felt that you are just simply exhausted, tired and even nauseated from the sound of your computer, your text messages and your phone ringtone that you actually change it all the time or put it on no sounds settings to pretend nobody called or texted you in regards to your business? You are also afraid to check your email because you may find a complainer or a demanding person who thinks he is the KING and needs response NOW. Well it is a first sign of mental burnout.

Few times in my life I was at the point of total mental and physical burnout that I wanted to crawl under the rock and hide from everyone. I felt I was shutting down and I could not stop. I wanted to hide under my shell like a turtle to save myself from the harm. I did not realize that harm was inside not outside. The business was not exciting to me. Life seemed so dreary and I felt I was going from one day to another without emotions but habitually just to get thru.
I asked myself where all the passion for what I loved disapeared. I realized that I opened the door and let the burnout in. That is why I want to share few tips that can help you to prevent it or overcome it.

Here are 5 simple ways:

1. Create silence around you: Sometimes it is good to disconnect and find time to be at peace with yourself. Often I love to listen to rain. It is soothing but also very peaceful and I feel I can listen to my inner guidance. I love to meditate and listen to good meditation music or even get away from everyone for few hours and even couple days.  A nice week of vacation somewhere is the best way to go so it is far away from your every day life.
2. Find support system:  This is something we all need and MUST have. Without support system you are like a lost traveler in the desert. You will eventually lose your desire to function and create
3. Be silly. have fun! I love to dance and every morning I turn radio and listen to my favorite radio stations and dance with my boys and they have great positive energy flowing filled with laughter.
4. Don’t Deny your burnout! You need to accept it and deal with it and let your body and mind rest. Even couple days away and turning your phone and computer off is the start point of healing and acceptance.

5. Find positive in your burnout! Do not panic. No need to stir up what happened. Do not re-live the burnout but learn the lessons. Sometimes we must experience burnout to appreciate the good things in life. Also look at it something that you must thankful for. Work is usually the cause of burnout but at least we must have GRATITUDE that we have work to do.

I hope you enjoy this article. Make sure share with your friends and retweet on Twitter. It would be so awesome.

Have a great week!
Tatyana Gann

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved

Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, subscribe to her “Attraction Marketing Queen Newsletter