7 ways to create a WOW Factor in your online business

“Ready to create a WOW factor in your business and revive your desire to learn and get back the passion for your business”?

Let me ask you question “Do you develop the genuine love for reading in your children? Do you remember the days when books were not available to everyone but only to few selected ones? Books were the most important gift that you could ever receive?  You ask me ” Tatyana, what does it have to do with WOW factor you are about to tell me” !

Well, when I was a child my parents did their best to bring the best education in our family. Books were more important than anything else. Good books were not sold in stores. They were delivered to my parent house. The books were considered the “education delicacy”. My parents paid big money for these books.

They were in deficit for everyone else, but not in my house. My parents had a mission- to revive the passion for reading to give me  better education when I grew up. It was their WOW factor! They were passionate to give me a better life!

They did…

I am telling you this story to share the most important principles of success that worked for me, personally, as a working mom, and pulled me through the most hard, challenging days of my life.

I learned the most important 7 ways to create WOW factor in my business!

1. Basics

I learned to get back to basics. I learned to go back to books, visit bookstores, spend days reading the successful people in every area that can help me to grow as a person, a mom, a woman and a business person. I read books from how women ran the successful million dollars businesses to social media books and even geeky books to learn SEO.

Books became the major WOW factor and always be.. You have to tap into your mind, your brain, your heart and learn what is available to you anywhere you go.  You cannot give an excuse saying “I do not have money to buy books”! You can read books in bookstores, you can get them in libraries. It is available to anyone who seeks the knowledge to be successful. Your hunger for learning must be strong! Knowledge is available everywhere: from attending conference to learn and master my skills (see photo with my friend Rita Zamora, the dental marketer) to reading books at local bookstore while being an example to my kids!

2. Passion

Passion is the most important element of success. Passion keeps our heart pumping, our mind going and keeps us from losing sanity and giving up when things go wrong. Passion becomes the cleaning machine of our  brain. It keeps us in place and the moment we feel we want to give up, the passion says “Nope, you cannot do it, you have me to realize your dreams!” Are you ready to get your passion back in the business you intended to build?

Passion is the fuel that never stops flowing. It is a shining star on a dark sky when you feel like giving up, falling down! The passion allows you to find solutions and bring the right people, events into your life! You may not know everything and you may not be the best guru today and you may not have many connections but believe me, they will come when you keep believing and sticking to your purpose.

3. Healthy Body

I think it is very important to take care of your body. When I was 40 pounds overweight I was miserable! I was not happy. Forget the WOW factor. I need coffee every day! It was my addiction to  keep going. I learned again to eat healthy, drink more water! Yes I drink a lot of water now and choose to drink  alkaline water to hydrate my body, my skin and look younger. I cook with 9.5 ph level alkaline water, I make coffee and tea! I made changes in my life that improved my health and my productivity in my business.

4. Hunger

We are not talking about food hunger which could  be another topic since I love to cook! I want to talk about hunger for success! Hunger for creating life for your family that they deserve! For me, personally, I hungered to come to America when I was 19. I did. I hungered to learn from successful people. I found the way! Hunger will make you a better hunter! You will find a way to bring solutions to the table. You will have a backup plan as well. Hunger will make you get out of your shell and you will learn to focus on what you WILL MISS OUT if you do not satisfy that hunger!

5. Business Skills.

I think with the influence of social media on our  business, every business owner decided to master their social media skills. For some folks, it was easy and for some it is still a foreign subject.  However, when we put so much energy  into the social media marketing mastery, we forget why we do what we do and we forget to develop our true passion and our skills. Not everyone can understand social media and it is okay. Do not allow the chase for social media mastery to prevent from focusing on your main skills that brings you money.. If you do not have time to use social media, find an assistant who can do it for you! That is why I focused on press releases mastery to be the best I can be as a writer, an Online PR consultant and empowering women in business how to be authentic!

6. Be You. Be Change.

Change is the most powerful element. When we are forced to look deep into our heart and recognize what we are good at and love to do; then, we can experience CHANGE.  When are real, authentic, we can be honest with what we truly want in life, in our business and knowing that alone can bring clarity and success!

I often look at people who go through life talking like somebody they adore, being like somebody else just to fit in. They want to dress like fashion models, they want to have same haircuts, live in the same community, talk and behave but in the end they realize the PRICE they pay for it is more than they expected. They are UNIQUE. They feel relieved when they recognize the mistake and get back to being just THEM.  I have been there and I KNOW how it feels to try to fit in and be liked by people, so they can accept me. However, the goal is to be YOU in order to make change in your life and others!

7. Love yourself

It is about time to think how you can be better at loving yourself for who you are today and not beating yourself up for the mistakes. We all make them but our goal is to move forward, open new doors, overcome new barriers. It is doable. It is not easy but you must learn to love yourself, so you can feel strong inside! Loving yourself means say “No” to the projects that are not making your heart happy. Loving yourself means doing what you love and passionate about! It is about giving yourself the opportunity to discover who you are!

Have a great day!

Tatyana Gann

Founder SmokinHotPR

Mom, Wife, A Chef and Lover of Life!

c) Copyright 2010 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved

Tatyana Gann is  a social media and online PR consultant, a mompreneur who resides with her family in Nashville TN.  She provides PR and marketing consulting to local business owners in Nashville TN and nationally.  Get instant access  to SmokinHotPR training newlsetter and receive FREE weekly online PR traffic tips and business advice to grow your online business