Who took the “Face” out of Facebook?

“How to put “Face” Back into Social Media and why we don’t want “faceless” friends”

Have you ever had a “Facebook friend” who you’ve never seen what they look like? These are the kind of people who use their product or something else as their avatar and they are never quite revealed.

Just last week I had a heated discussion my Facebook Wall about deleting Facebook friends who have no “Face” . I meant photo or use fake images to represent who they are.  I did not expect that this short usual note would bring over 69 comments and I promised my readers to write about it because I think I pushed everyone’s hot button. I am sure it felt like getting burned by “curling iron” and jumping from realizing it is HOT topic. People are afraid to talk about it and keep poluting their network with faceless friends.

People are afraid to talk about the problems with their their network of faceless friends…. I mean come on…… they have NO FACE!

Here is what I said “I am going to be deleting people with no facebook photos… We are here to connect with real humans and build relationships. So if you want to be friends please honor what Facebook is about.. It has “Face” in it.”

Wow in less than 24 hours 69 comments and my facebook friends expressed their views  and energy was very high. We loved our discussion and that is why I am writing.  You can view this facebook discussion thread . Just make sure become my true friend and love to hear your contribution to our hot topic.

So who took the “Face” out of Facebook? If you really think about the true purpose of facebook or any other social media platform you will see it is all about communication. It is sharing your ideas, thoughts, videos, stories, advice and much more. Facebook is growing rapidly and reaching 400 million users. That is huge.  According the recent stats Facebook is much bigger than some countries. I knew it, we created an awesome city with cool people. We can build relationships with no boundaries no need for foreign passports and no need for visa approvals and long flights across the ocean. We can  meet our friends and learn about their life, their family photos, videos from their recent trips and feel what they experience.

Can you imagine being with your friends having coffee at Paris cafe or having a great coach teaching you the most cool business stuff, who lives thousands miles away but one mouse click away.  Have you ever thought  you would  be connected with hundreds and thousands of people using simple platform such as Facebook? You have just created your own little neighbourhood where you know your people. Isn’ it that powerful?

One word connects everyone is the “FACE”... Your face is your key to the door of powerful connections. Your image, your persona is what defines the true meaning of Facebook. People meet you by your face first and read about you second.  They connect with you by what you want your friends perceive you.

Establishing a persona is MUST. You are not a commodity. You are a BRAND!

Personally, for me creating a personal brand and being authentic is always the only way. It is about representing what I want to be known for on Facebook. When people mention my name, I want to be know as the creator of “SmokinHotPR Ezine”, the girl who came to America with 200 bucks to her name and started her life and business from scratch and created a new spin on PR  and inspired business owners to re-spark the fire with Online PR.

What do you want to be known for? What is your persona?  Think about it. For example every time I think about Facebook I think about Mari Smith. When people talk about Facebook  I think of Mari Smith, the woman who knows everything about Facebook and knows Facebook marketing inside out.  She is my encyclopedia resource when it comes to getting answers right away! Also Mari is known as  the most bubbly person you can meet  with scottish accent and who loves color turquoise. Just imagine if she did not have a face but just Facebook logo… Hmmm . She would not be then Mari Smith!

The power of the “Face” carries true meaning of Facebook. It is about being authentic. It shows your values you have in your business, family and life in general. Using the right “face” you will connect with the right people. You will never have to lie to people who you are and your network will consist only of people who are your reflection. What do you see in the mirror? What do you want your friends to be like?

Facebook is about MEMORIES. Can you create photo albom without photos and faces?

Recenly I reconnected with an amazing woman Sandi Krakowski whom I met few years ago through direct mail advertising. How much times have changed? I found her on Facebook couple years later and was very surprised to discover that  she became very successful copywriter and an internet marketing coach. It was a joy to find people you cherish the most. That is another point I want to make. Facebook is about MEMORIES. Memories you have created with your friends, school mates, college friends and you have reunited. It is a true union. Facebook is also a place where memories are created. It is about true connections, new friendships and sometimes I heard people finding their true love on Facebook. That could be another story! Your story is a memory you leave for people. Your face becomes your footprints!

Then why in the world people forget to put a photo or use images that have nothing to do with they represent. Some people can argue and say we represent this company brand. Great! Wonderful! Then create separate Facebook fan page but remember no matter if you are CEO of the company or run a small bakery in town of 2000 people, everyone wants to know you. People constantly hear the teachings of false teachers who preach on how to use the Facebook and they confuse people. One of the coolest people I met Scott Stratten shared this video  about mistakes people make on Facebook. It is called “Don’t Be This Guy on Facebook” Excellent points and I hope you enjoy!

I believe having no photo for long time or using fake photos is disrespectful to your friends on Facebook. Plus it is like showing fake ID when you are asked for. Honor the rules of Facebook and you will reap the amazing rewards of beautiful connections. If you don’t care or do not get it then it is a lie life you want to live. You do not see the true picture of what Facebook is about or any other social networking community from Twitter to Ning or even Myspace.

Great point David Meerman Scott made on his blog about US Airforce. It was called “The US Air Force: Armed with social media” The point was that fear sometimes keeps people from being personal and I think that if you choose to be on Facebook then you need to be YOU and not somebody else image or fake ids. If US Airforce can do it and encourage everyone to use it then you can feel safely to use your photos.

He said that that if US Airforce encourage their people to use social media being top security government agency then why in the world people find excuse not use real faces and do not use social media correctly as it is intended.

Yes I touched the nerve and glad people liked it. We are about connecting with real people not vitamin bottles or a picture of ocean or your cat. Nothing wrong with these photos or images but they have to serve its purpose and be in the right folders.

My advice : If you are truly serious about connecting with the right people and want to build successful relationships and make solid business connections, then you MUST clean your friends list and create an open space for the right people to join your inner circle. Once you de-clutter your facebook community you will feel relieved and clear about your purpose in life. You will be able to build your brand using your own photo and what you represent. Be you! It is much more simple and do not require to spend extra energy to be someone else!

Thank you for listening,

Have a great week!

Tatyana Gann

PS. Love to see your comments! Share with your friends and lets create our little neighborhoods!