Business Etiquette Rules Are Not Just Only For The Upper Class

Discover The Simple Rules of Business Etiquette That Will Make You Stand Out at Any Business Meeting, Launcheon or Business Dinner Without Feeling Nervous and Uptight?

Business Etiquette Coach Patricia Rossi, with her business office in Tampa, Florida has a special spin on the etiquette rules.  I met Patricia few weeks ago and she has truly given me insider details about her business, her passion for teaching the etiquette to professional athletes, company owners, students and just regular folks like you and I  who want to learn the basic etiquette rules to feel comfortable. Watch this video about bread etiquette. It truly became my favorite

She amazes everyone with her creative approach to the etiquette rules training. With her extensive background in sales and communication field Patricia Rossi felt compelled to present the etiquette rules training in a different light.  Her  unique way of teaching business manners to the corporate professionals is more relaxed and fun.

In her weekly NBC Daytime Show Minute Manners Patricia Rossi gives business manners tips with a touch of comedy and entertainment. What seems to be the boring topic to share with the corporate professionals, Patricia Rossi makes it simple, entertaining and viral to share. She shows the corporate business professionals the importance of feeling comfortable and at ease.

Patricia told me something each of us need to hear, “I want to bring a feeling of ease and confidence to corporate professionals who think they have to be uptight. That is why my NBC Daytime Show Minute Manners allows them to learn from the real life situations they can be in and how to feel authentic and natural, but at the same time have the best manners.”

Patricia Rossi also offers international etiquette seminars that focus on business etiquette, successful business entertaining, cultural differences and building long term relationships. Here are 3 areas that are covered in her seminars that any company can utilize:

1. Business Etiquette

2. Corporate lunch and learn tutorials

3. The three keys to putting others at ease: combining personal conduct, soft skills, and social confidence.

From the basic introduction manners, conversation skills, bread butter protocol,  to taboo topics and networking your way to success, Patricia Rossi seminars offer the best value to the small size and mid size companies  even the Fortune 500 companies. No wonder that Patricia Rossi is considered to be the top business manners coach to the best business professionals around the world and her coaching is priceless!

In Patricia Rossi’s recent book  “Everyday Etiquette Made Easy” gives a business professional the complete etiquette makeover and the opportunity to feel alive, confident and efficient.  This book can be purchased right on her website and makes a perfect gift for company employees!

About Patricia Rossi: Patricia Rossi is the go to person for etiquette knowledge and experience in television, radio and print media. She is a mom of two beautiful sons and resides in Tampa Florida with her husband. She is featured on NBC Daytime’s One Minute Manners. Patricia is available for speaking and personal coaching.