Can God Call Santa Via Skype?

Couple days ago I woke up to a wonderful surprise. My oldest son came into my bedroom and said “Mommy I need to send this letter as soon as possible. It is a letter to God …Mom, do you have think God can call Santa via Skype?”. I was quite surprised and curious about what he wanted to say. I asked him again why it was such a rush and he said with an amazing confidence, “Mommy Only God can do this. Only He tell SANTA to bring you something special what seems so impossible! I believe in magic of Christmas!” It really touched my heart and I looked at his beautiful face and said “Yes we will mail it for sure. I know God will answer”.

My boys believe in Santa and the magic of Christmas and I see how faith is so simple but powerful.. They truly bring joy into my heart..

During Christmas we are all looking for the magic moments. Our hearts are filled with joy and love and very strong faith. As adults we believe in the impossible. We believe in the miracles that normally we would not believe but during Christmas our hearts open up and we see happy faces, we regain hope and we know that life would be better than ever. We want to give more and spread more love. We buy gifts to strangers and play “Secret Santa games”. We support more charities and we forget about all the grudges. It is a season of forgiving- giving love and peace to the world around us. Remember to keep such an attitude all year around. Don’t give up!! Christmas is a great time to rebuild relationship with YOU and ask yourself what you really want regardless what world thinks.

Some of us may still believe in Santa. Growing up I did not have a luxury to receive fancy gifts from my parents. My magic moments were times when my parents took me to enjoy rides on the ice slides, see the coolest ice sculptures and sometimes Christmas plays. It was free. Growing up in the Soviet times we learned to find ways to get a lot of things for free. We did not give many gifts. The gifts were times we spent with our families, cooking together and having fun! I realize that I remember it more than any gifts my parents gave me. I did not have video games, LEGO sets, tea party sets, Barbie dolls or extra toys. We got books, tickets to theater plays and kids shows or circus. We learned to be grateful.

Today I use Skype to call my parents. Thanks to Skype my kids see their grandmother via camera …thousands of miles away. We are grateful for technology.

We call them “Skype magic moments” because with a click of the button we dial and see my family across the globe. Gratitude is a ticket to have more abundance in life and it gives us the feeling of peace in our hearts.

Growing up in Russia we loved our life. It was simple but magical. We believed in the most impossible. We believe in the craziest miracles. We had the faith that during Christmas season all our wishes come true. As I got older we celebrated Christmas more. We celebrated Christmas on January 7th  according to the old Russian  calendar and we used to get together with our family and friends to enjoy a roasted goose with apples and homemade pies. Often my girl friends would get together and talk about our future life. We had dreams! Nothing changed. Today we still get together only now in America..

Can we predict our future today for our business or our personal life? Can we plan our future magic moments or should we see them as surprises? What do we do?

Remember that magic moments in your personal life or your business start with accepting yourself the way your are today, the way your life is instead of worrying when they happen.

Magic moments will happen in your life or your business when you decide to make changes. When you make decisions to live in your truth and do what you are destined to do. It takes very deep soul searching and really listening to your heart and stop believing every self improvement guru that tells you their opinion to buy their products and tools – only in the end you must know what is best for you then get a mentor to guide you if needed. Some of them do not even practice what they teach.

Your magic moments will happen when you realize that there is NO fear around you to do what it takes to create success and improve your life. Nothing can stop your passions. We often think that we have to have all in place before we follow our dreams. It does not happen and GOD will smack you on a head with heavy pan. He did that to me and I had to wake up and recognize my true power, my purpose. I had to get sick and break down to see my purpose. I had to stop doing all I am doing to raise VALUE of who I was and raise standards for what I could accept in my life or not.
Magic moments can happen without forcing them to happen. They are happening with ease and you must remember nothing forced lives forever. Nothing forced brings TRUE happiness and joy!

Merry Christmas

Tatyana Gann

5 thoughts on “Can God Call Santa Via Skype?

  1. Inspirational story!
    It’s amazing how technology is so easily accepted by our kids, but adults struggle daily.
    Thanks for sharing,

  2. It’s wonderful to see the excitement around Christmas time when there are younger children in the house (my two are also fervent Santa believers). This year we arranged for the Portable North Pole messages for them and you wouldn’t believe the excitement it generated! If only I could transfer half that enthusiasm to my clients… 😉

  3. Usha

    Yes I wish I could do the same to our clients. Well we can send good positive thoughts and practice visualization…It might work. .Inspired writing comes from the inspired thoughts.. Kids have imagination and little things, so simple to us matter the world to kids…We should be more open minded…

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