Christmas tree, duct tape, brainiacs and dreams…

When I think about dreams I think about my children. The holidays are around the corner and they are dreaming about the gifts, the toys, delicious cookies and fun times together! I see my children are so pure when it comes to believing in their dreams, and they are not afraid to ask.

When I was growing up we did not have a fancy Christmas tree. My dad would go to a farmers market to get a tree from a little pine tree kiosk and bring it home. Often the tree did not look too fabulous! We had many moments of laughter when on many occasions my dad had to tape the tree limbs to the tree.  That tree did not live for a long time. The beauty of it we still had our dreams come true. We had a tree! Today my kids have the most beautiful Christmas tree and it is magical for them. They are living the life of their dreams!

Yesterday my boys and I went to Cheekwood Botanical Garden in Nashville and the theme  was the Western Christmas. It was a great trip to educate my kids about history and experience magical moments of Christmas. I saw this beautiful Christmas tree with a cowgal on the top…It was fun and different. I thought about a tree my dad bought for me, the one without the limbs. Even though the western Christmas tree was more beautiful my dad’ s tree meant more to me and I will always remember it.

Do you still dream? Are you ashamed to be childlike? What has happened to us, adults? We, as adults, forget to dream BIG. We stop believing in the most magical moments. We only think about magic and miracles during Christmas. We think about gratitude and love during this time of year more than any other time of the year. How often in our life we are NOT grateful for dreams. We ask for them. We receive them and then we are still not satisfied. Or the worst case scenario we just love to believe that dreams would never come true. We give up.. We easily give up…

Dreams do come true. The dreams were given to you before you were born. It was your blueprint.  But you have to seek your purpose. You must discover  your blueprint, your life purpose. Often people are being guided by others and never by their intuition.Then they realize the dreams are lost and often they do not know what they were to begin with..

Before I came to this country back in early 90s I used to visualize my life here, my education, being among college kids, teaching, and starting a family. Couple years  later I was given a great opportunity. I took a risk and believed it was a sign to be in America. I was an ordinary girl, who actually did not know much ENGLISH. I was a brainiac, a math student in my high school. Well I can say I was a geek.  I studied math and geometry formulas. I loved chemistry and physics..I belonged to the “future lawyer club”.. I hated writing.

But something happened..

I changed my mind and told my mother- No Law School. I took a detour to follow my guts, my inner intuition. I decided to be a linguist and a teacher. That meant giving up on my parents dreams. They wanted me to be a lawyer. Well I do not know how about you but I made a firm decision to do  something completely different. Very deep down I knew I had a bigger purpose. You know what I mean. It is inside of you ready to come out and you do not know what to do with it.

Well, here I am...Almost 20 years later. I am sharing this story to inspire you to believe in you and to know that ANYTHING is possible.  Follow your passions, believe in impossible! Do not JUST say that you believe but REALLY believe. You have no room for doubt in your heart. NONE.

Here are 1o things you must do in order to make dreams come true.

Sounds corny? May be…but…anyway, here are my magic 10 steps:

1. Seek your purpose.

2. Follow your passions,  your goals

3. Do not allow distractions to doubt your abilities

4.  Believe in magic moments that are around the corner

5. Focus on what is IMPORTANT to you because you have to live with it.

6. Never fight your passions and your dreams. If you do fight what you are meant to be,  you will feel fears, hatred toward yourself first and foremost for not doing what you ALWAYS wanted to do.

7. Raise standards for who you are, your life, your business goals…Once you do that you will attract like minded people.

8. Be grateful for things that might be small, ugly or non significant to others but they mean more to YOU than everyone else.

9.  Every day affirm that your work inspires, blesses, prospers your clients, even if you do not have any  yet.  Your mind will accept and start working things out.

10. Have fun with your dreams. Truly believe in them and visualize. Create a vision board or even a digital vision board on your computer. I have a program that allows me to create one and I look at it every day..

Enjoy a holiday season,
With love

Tatyana Gann

19 thoughts on “Christmas tree, duct tape, brainiacs and dreams…

  1. Lovely and very inspirational post, this is exactly how I live Tatyana, I believe in the ‘magic moments around the corner’ … life is a magical creation and we are creators. Love to you and yours … enjoy this magical time! 🙂

  2. Wow! I am living my dreams today and always looking for the miracles in life instead of the obstacles. They are only coming as learning lessons and there are no failures. It takes courage to follow them and an awareness of the importance of working with momentum no matter what. Thanks for your excellent list and that you are following your dreams and share them with us.

    It’s funny to see there are no coincidences and there is also a meaning with what happens in life if we look for the opportunities. I have a customer meeting at 1 but he called and postponed it 1 ½ hour which gave me time to read your blog. While reading I see Jon Alfredsson’s testimony and this was something outstanding. He shares the same interests in LoA, Robbins etc. and see himself also as a global citizen.

    Take care and relax during the holiday season 😀

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

  3. What a lovely and inspiring story. Kudos to you for recognizing that you needed to follow your own path in life–and then for doing it. Your 10 steps are wonderful; I will be sharing those with my own kids. Thank you.

  4. One additional thing to note about dreams that was taught to me by one of my mentors. Dreams fall into 2 categories: the personal dream and the impersonal dream. Personal dreams are dreams and desires that we have day in and day out. These are things that can be accomplished during our lifetime. When they are complete, they usually leave us yearning for more or for something else. (ex. that new car, relationship, new gadget, new job, etc)

    The impersonal dream is a dream that cannot be fulfilled in our lifetime. This usually ties in with our passion and purpose. It serves a greater purpose and provides us with a different type of fulfillment than is achieved through the personal dream.

    Hope this makes sense =)

  5. Thank you Tatyana. I have over the last couple years begun using the principles you’ve brought up and am starting to realize my dreams. I have some more learning and self analysis to do as well as some healing but the journey so far has been incredible. What is the program for the dream board you use? I’ve been thinking about one and digital would be much easier than finding pictures in magazines and such.

  6. Love these 10 tips!! Simple in many ways, but brilliant, applicable and effective! And I am ever so glad that at 44, I’m still not too old to dream and become my most authentic self with my dreams come true! 🙂 Merry Christmas!

  7. Thank you Marie

    I am so happy you are sharing. We must do our best RIGHT? We should never be afraid to make a mistake but learn from them. have fun and believe that DREAMS do come true..

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