The Importance Of Smile in Social Media: Do You Smile When You Tweet?

I wanted to start with a beautiful quote about a smile, “Always remember to be happy because you never know who’s falling in love with your smile. ~Author Unknown”

When it comes to social media it is important to know our attitude. We cannot be fake. It is a big TABU. We must be authentic and the best way to start tweeting or connecting with people on Facebook is to SMILE in the mirrow and then start typing, tweeting or whatever you want. You cannot be grouchy on Twitter or Facebook and expect people follow you. People can feel your energy. Your writing, your interaction with people reflects your mood you are in. Learn to smile and love yourself unconditionally.
I wanted to keep it hush hush and not share my secret so when my kids fell asleep I decided to spill the beans. Want more followers? Then watch my 2 minute video about why we should smile when when we tweet:

. My advice when you write to someone on twitter or facebook, smile. They do not see it but they feel it. Smile allows you to develop existing relationships on facebook and make new friends on Twitter. Smile is a secret weapon that can melt the most cold hearts and build bridges. Make sure your avatar has your smily face.. It is priceless!

Here is something my friend shared with me about smile:

“The Value of a Smile”

It costs nothing but creates much.

It enriches those who receive
without impoverishing those who give.

It happens in a flash but the memory
of it sometimes lasts forever.

None are so rich that they can get
along without it.

It creates goodwill at home, fosters goodwill in business
and is the countersign of friends.

It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged,
sunshine to the sad, and natures best antidote for trouble.

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen,
for it is of no earthly use until it is given away.

And if we are too tired to give you a smile, may we ask that
you leave one of yours, for no one needs a smile more
than those who have none left to give.

Do not forget to smile…

Love and hugs

Tatyana Gann

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.
Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, visit her site:

Marketing Lesson About Being Authentic from Russian Winnie the Pooh

I was watching classic a Russian cartoon about Winnie the Pooh on YouTube last night, and until now of course never noticed how much this cartoon could teach me about life, business and mindset.  It took me years to discover the true beauty of this powerful message in that little 10 min segments you will see. Very simple and fun for children, it became very simple and fun for me to understand. I wanted to share with you this cartoon. It has English subtitles so you can read in English it at least. Very funny, so be ready to laugh. Humor is amazing!


Well, what did you think about the cartoon? As you saw, he talks about honey and bees. He says “I think I got the wrong bees and they will bring me wrong honey” He did that after he tried to mask who he truly was and disguise himself as a cloud or hide under balloons. Does it sound familiar? How often do we hide under a mask? How often we want our prospects to see something which is not true and pretend to be something else. When realize we failed in our marketing, we blame prospects for being slow, unresponsive and bad quality. In the end Winnie the Pooh says to Piglet , ” I think they are wrong bees, and it will be the wrong honey” Funny, hah. It is our common mistake when it comes to personal branding and being authentic in the business world. If we learn to be REAL right from the start, we will never get into the wrong bees and never get the wrong honey.
I thought it was a pretty clever thing he said and very classic. It made me laugh and made me think. You never know what you can learn from children books and movies.

Have a great day everyone!

Tatyana Gann

Power of Press Releases: How To Market Your Business and Find Real Buyers.

Not long ago I made a blog post about how to market your business with press releases because I saw that not many online business owners take an advantage of a press release. They think that press releases marketing is DEAD.  Let me assure you that they are very wrong. Press release advertising is the classic method of gaining more credibility and providing information directly to buyers… It is the BEST way to reach buyers directly. If you have a big ticket program, it is a great way to establish credibility in front of your clients.

Here are some points you need to remember about press release marketing:

1. Press Releases are not DEAD

2. You donot have to pay fortune to submit your press releases  to major media companies.  In early 90s people had to pay big bucks to media companies, so they can distribute their press releases to general public. The Web broke many rules in our favor.  You can pay 40-200 dollars to get major exposure via companies like PRWeb, News Wire and more.

3. If you want to know what to write, find blogs of well known PR professionals and see what they write about and what hot topics are, leave comments and interact with PR pros. 

For example, today I visited blog of PR Pro Danny Brown with Press Release PR.  I left comments on his blog but I also found what he loves to write about and what kind of personality he has. I am building relationships with PR professionals online without leaving my house. Then you can send your press releases about something they like to read and write about. Bingo! You have a new relationship and your business is getting a special attention.

4. If you want to find hot topics to write about your product and service, find blogs that talk about  them and have good ranking and a lot of interaction on the blogs, comments, posts. See the key phrases they use and use them in your PRs.

5. Press Release is very important form of marketing for a small guy in business. It is A MUST. David Scott says ” If you are smaller and less fortunate, you must tell your story yourself” People want to know about YOU, your unique qualities, your story and not your company and some generic mambo-jumbo.

I have written many press releases in the past 4 years and some of them gained a lot of traffic and some did not.  Some only had 100 visitors and some reached 4 million hits in one year.   As you can see nothing is perfect, but the good thing about press releases you can edit them and change them around or even write a new one. I used few PR companies and a few of them were even free. My recent press release was about my partnership with CarbonCopy Pro, a high income career opportunity. and I did not talk about just company. I talked about event in my life, a partnership and benefits of this business.  That is the purpose of a good press release- tell story to involve your prospect into sales process.  Press releases reach niche markets and appeal to customers because of a personal touch and sharing a story about a small business owner rather just a big corporate account.

In summary, you must remember that any news is good news for your customer.  Do not worry about what you write , write about everything that is happening in your business. Even little details make a difference.  Write keyword rich content for your press release to get more exposure.  Include links within your press release and then in your bio. Make sure they are landing pages and not sales/info page about your business. Submit your press releases to Digg, Technorati and share with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. Give your customers a reason to buy from you by showing how to go from point A to point B in their career and life and why they should be a part of what you have. Provide a real food, meat and potatoes to your starving customers.

I hope these tips were helpful.. Feel free to leave comments and share your thoughts. Share with others. It will be greatly appreciated.


(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.
Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, visit “Attraction Marketing Queen Report”

“7 Ways to Use AUDIO to Increase Your Web and E-mail Sales” via Ali Brown

I have been a student of Ali Brown and have been studying several of her courses such as “Boost Business with Your Own Ezine” and “Online Success Blueprint System”. Ali Brown always provides great content and education that is easy to understand and apply to my business on a daily basis. Her tips are golden nuggets and I hope you will enjoy this article that I received from Ali Brown this week.

Enjoy this article:

“7 Ways to Use AUDIO to Increase Your Web and E-mail Sales”
by Ali Brown

Thought about adding audio to your Web site yet? You should. While great copy does a good job of selling your services and products, audio will amplify the effect of your words.

I love doing slick videos too, but audios are so easy and quick!

Audio gives you a personal connection with your Web visitors. Social psychologists tell us that humans are more likely to trust you if they can both see you and hear you. And prospects are more likely to buy from those whom they feel they know, like, and trust.

So let’s think about how you can build that instant rapport with your prospects (AND boost your subscribers and sales to boot)!

What Could YOU Do With Audio?

There are unlimited possibilities of what can be done with audio on Web sites and in e-mail, but here are seven simple ideas to get you started.

1. Greet Your Website Visitors. Welcome visitors to your Web site with your own voice. It’s a much warmer welcome than text alone.

IMPORTANT: Don’t just say “welcome” (yawn). Drive them to taking action, like signing up for your free ezine or special report.

2. Create an Audio Class or a Series of Audio Lessons. Audio learning is still hot! Teach your audience via your voice instead of just words on the page. Think about developing a series of mini-audio lessons for your prospects.

3. Share Your Interviews. If you don’t have an interview clip already, ask a friend or colleague to conduct a short, dynamic interview with you via phone. Record it and post it at your Web site. Or, do a series of interviews with other experts in your field and post them at your site to be listened to.

4. Samples of Teleseminars. Want more signups for your free and/or paid teleseminars? Then start recording them. Pull out the highlights and post free clips of them at your Web site. (I’m in the process of doing this myself.)

5. Pump Up Your Testimonials. You probably already have customer testimonials on your site. Now amplify their impact with audio. Have your customers record their testimonials in their own voices, and post them on your site along with their names and photos.

6. Make Your E-mails and E-zines Talk. Liven up your e-mails by making them talk to your prospects, subscribers, and customers. The members on your lists will feel like you are right there with them. (And remember, it will be that personal connection that encourages people to hire you or buy your products.) Be the first in your industry to do this, and watch your numbers rise!

7. Audio Postcards. Reach out to your best customers and prospects for holidays, birthdays, or other special occasions by sending them an e-mail “postcard” accompanied with a personally recorded message.

So What’s the EASIEST Way to Post Audio?

In the past, adding audio to your site wasn’t that easy. You had to either spend hours learning how to do it yourself, or pay someone else to record it and host it for you. That’s why I was never interested in audio before.

Here’s the good news: There’s a program we use that makes recording and posting audio ridiculously easy. It’s called Audio Acrobat.

Here’s an example of how easy it is: Say you want to add an audio greeting to your site this afternoon. Just call Audio Acrobat’s toll-free hot line and record your message. Then, as soon as you hang up the phone, go log into their site. Ta da … your message is ready and waiting, with a line of HTML code for you to copy and paste on your home page.

That’s it!

Even better, you can do this an unlimited number of times and have unlimited clips on your site (or multiple sites). You can also upload digital audio files up to a few hours in length, which I do now for all my teleseminars. This way people don’t have to download any MP3 files — they just click and listen right from the web page.

Get the full story, and see (and hear) my own audio testimonial at the Audio Acrobat site.

Remember, It’s That Personal Connection That Matters

Take some time today to think about what YOU could do with audio at your site and in your e-mails to increase rapport with your visitors. Then choose at least one tactic to implement this month. It could be the best addition you’ve made to your online marketing efforts this year!

© 2003-2009 Ali International, LLC

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE?You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Self-made multimillionaire entrepreneur Ali Brown is devoted to creating financial freedom for women globally through the power of entrepreneurship. To learn how to create wealth and live an extraordinary life now, register for her free weekly articles at

MLM Traffic Formula 2.0: Should You Buy It Tomorrow?

Tomorrow Wednesday June 3, 2009 Mike Dillard is launching a new version of MLM Traffic Formula, called MLM Traffic Formula 2.0. It has been creating a lot of buzz among internet marketers and mlm professionals. I usually do not just endorse or recommend any marketing training program out there and I do my best to research first and then share with others.

Well I have been listening to videos about MLM Traffic Formula 2.0 and I would say I am quite impressed. I have been student of Mike Dillard for few years since the moment I purchased his Magnetic Sponsoring that teaches internet newbies how to generate leads for their mlm home business and basics of personal branding. Mike Dillard really opened eyes of many mlm home business owners, and showed them how to generate leads and convert them into new distributors or product buyers.

What is MLM Traffic Formula 2.0? Is it Different from the original MLM Traffic Formula ? Yes and No. Of course the foundation of a new product is always going to the same but it will have more updated information and few new elements added to make it more valuable for a customer.

MLM Traffic Formula includes 10 business modules:

Module 1. How to survive in the information oveload, how to create long term residual income from home no matter what products you sell and has nothing to do with your downline and how to build YOU INC, the basics of magnetic branding. Plus you will learn how to research your niche market and how to understand what your market wants, needs and what pains can bring the most gain for them and of course to you.

Module 2. In this module Mike Dillard will be teaching “Traffic Formula Nerve Center” strategy to generate leads in few hours and create marketing presence with proven lead captures formulas.

Module 3: Copywriting secrets that took Mike to 7 figure income: how to write killer google ads, proven headlines, sales letters and multi-million dollar copywriting “swipe file”.

Module 4. How to Make More Money Using Same Traffic.

Module 5. How To Use Paid Traffic Strategies and How To Reduce Its Cost.

Module 6. How to Use 7 Social Media Websites: create massive following and get free traffic

Module 7. How To Use Video as Your Branding Tool. Everyone loves reality shows but not everyone knows how to make it work for them. ( I recently started doing video marketing, so I am quite excited about it)
Online Video Marketing is the hottest trend and it is about engaging with your customers.

Module 8. SEO strategies that are easy and simple. You do not need to be SEO geek and know it all. Mike will share simple SEO secrets to get FREE traffic to your site..

Module 9. How To Monetize on Your List and Not To Oversell: how to build relationships that last long term and how to create messages that people open and convert into daily sales.

Module 10. How To Become Fearless Sponsor and gain authority in your client eyes instantly.

I also Mike Dillard mentioned in his recent video about hidden surprises, especially its price. I am curious to know myself. Well, if you are really eager to learn how to generate endless leads for your mlm business or your direct sales business, enter the name and email below.

MLM TRAFFIC FORMULA 2.0 Is Launching Tomorrow.. Noon Central.. Get ready for massive success!

If you have any comments feel free to leave below, love to hear your feedback.

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.
Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, visit her site:

What Drives Immigrants To Success and Why? Stubborness or no way out?

As a businesswoman, a immigrant success coach and a mom of two beautiful boys I found myself thinking why I am working hard. What do I want to prove and to whom? I realized it was just my attitude toward life. I came to this country when I was 19 years old with very little money that I hid in my deep pocket in my blouse. I remember the first day of arrival to America. It was a humid summer evening, August 18, 1994. Boeing 767 from Moscow to New York landed at JFK airport and my new journey started. It was scary, challenging but I looked at it as my biggest life adventure. That is what I wanted growing up. I wanted to come to America. It was a dream of many russian girls and boys but only some of them were fortunate to come and create their future.

I wanted to create success. I wanted that American freedom everyone talked about but really did not understand it fully until ten years later when I started my own business and make a decision to change my life and the life of my family. I made many mistakes and I do not regret it. I became stronger and I am freely sharing my experiences so people can learn from them.

Recently my friend Nataly from Moscow came to visit us with her daughter and we stood in the kitchen preparing dinner for everyone and she looked at me and said, “Tatyana, you look the same but you changed so much, you have matured and not that shy girl in college” Yes life does not always give us sweet lemonade in a nice shiny glass. We have to make it.

I learned to be on my own and be too independent and then I realized it was a mistake. I needed mentors. I needed someone who can take me by my hand and guide me as a little child until I could stand firmly on the ground. I think it was an ego that was driving me to success. Well I learned it the hard way. I found mentors who showed me the path and were humble enough to deal with my impatience. One of them is Maria Porter, an amazing woman from England that became my best mentor and my friend. I have got a lot of wisdom and support from our family friend Walker Whittle, who is now 86 years old, and he surprises me with his social media talents and reading 3-5 books a month or even a week. He told me once “Tatyana, you will go far. You have ants in your pants” He was supporting me and my vision and it became a part of who I am today. I learned to gain knowledge from older people and listen to them because they got experience and knowledge that I do not have. They have got patience and understanding of life.

One thing that drove me to success in life and understanding who I am today is Stubborness. I never gave up. I had to learn to make the choices and deal with the consequences later. My good russian friend Sasha once told me that there were no bad or good choices. There are bad or good consequences. Life is a beautiful thing and we learn how to adapt like chameleons do.

As an immigrant in this country I learned to be grateful. I learned to contribute to american society to show my appreciatition to this country for allowing me to create my life and my success. I learned to be open to new oppportunities and make the right choices and associate with people who have more experience. I learned to be respectful of american culture and teach it to my kids while planting seeds of russian literature and art in my boys.

One thing that pushed me to create success in my business and my life is awareness of what this country is about and what really founded it. The immigrants founded this country and I am grateful to be one of the generations that can leave the mark for my children. I also became aware that I have no choice but create success in life to take care of my family here and back at home in Russia. It is my choice, and I cannot speak for everyone else.

I recently read about Nido Quebein who came to America with 50 dollars in his pocket and became the success story. How alike we are, immigrants in this country! He inspired many people sharing his journey to becoming the best of the best in every industry he touched. He became a great businessman, a wonderful speaker, an educator who touched hearts of many students and an awesome author. He talks about why immigrants become millionaires in his speaking presentations and his books. He empasized one thing that makes many immigrants successful- CHOICES.

I wish you a success beyond your imagination. I encourage to look at your life as adventure and find an opportunity every day to learn something new and meet new people, connect with them and learn from them.

Have a great week!

Tatyana Gann

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.
Tatyana Gann is an immigrant success diva, author of upcoming “Smokin HOT PR” guide for biz owners an an online marketing mentor, a mom of two great boys and a french food and wine gourmand. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann connect with her on FaceBook or Twitter

You’ve got a special talent… my video message

Did you know you have got the talent? Yes I am talking to you my friend! You know it deep down in your heart that you have not been living up to your standards, and you might have been afraid to share with the world what you know. The reason is you were afraid of what others think of you today. You did not want to be different or show you know more than other people. Watch my video below and then read on:

I remember growing up in Russia where mediocrity was in fashion. I was in the fifth grade and my math teacher was giving us pretty difficult problems to solve. I was always willing to do more than she gave, and my grandfather always encouraged me to do more and go extra mile in your education. Well, I became “a white crow”. Do you know what it means? It is a russian idiom meaning “different person”, a person who wants to show off and stands out in the crowd. My classmates tried to point that to me and even made fun of me.. They even told me that girls should not be doing well in math, and it was a boy subject. That was silly of course. I really did not care. I had that negative proof vest on me. I had to do that in order to have a focus on what I wanted to achieve in life.

Jealousy of successful or smart people is programmed into our brains right in school and it affects who we become later in life.

I think we must be proud of our talents and capabilities because we were given special talents by God or what you believe in. When we do not use our talents fully, we do not live to our full potential and we show no respect to our creator. We often afraid of where our talents would lead us. Unfortunately, people may have talents but then they never uncover them. They bury them so deep that nobody sees them. It takes a drastic life change to uncover it and make it work. Some people are lazy to use talents because they settle for mediocrity in life, and it is convinient lifestyle for them.

I think each person who reads this message has a special talent that they can share with the world. Fear of showing your talents off is the wrong thing to do and it is not serving your purpose in life. You need to ask yourself what your purpose in life and how your talents can help other people. Only then your talent is fully recognized but until then it has no value. You must use your talents. You must go extra mile in working your talent, developing skills to support that talent. Talent is just the seed for success. Without nurturing it is not going to work. Period.

We must put aside the thoughts of our imperfection about ourselves, and believe we are perfect in God eyes, he created us in his image, and we do have a great talent. Your power is within you and do not let others tell you what to do and what you cannot do and you must take that responsibility and do not let others judge you. We do not always make the right choices in life, and then talents will not serve our true vision in life. God just opens the door to possibilities and pushes it lightly for us and then we must move forward.

Yesterday my kids and myself planted rose seeds in the backyard… We thought about our talents. We buried the seeds in the ground and we watered them a little bit and kids even prayed that we would have roses the next year. I thought about our talents. We bury them into the ground, cover them with soil but often forget to water them and give them light. Our knowledge is the water that we need to grow. People we surround ourselves with (hopefully positive people) is the sunshine: our suppport system to stay positive in life.
I have a special message for you from Marianne Williamson. It really touched my heart and I hope it will open your heart to many new possibilites.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
— Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles)

Have a beautiful day!

Tatyana Gann

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.
Tatyana Gann is an immigrant success diva, an online marketing mentor, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, visit her site:

5 Pillars Of A Real Business: Are You Right On Target?

When searching for the legitimate business opportunity to fulfull your dreams and the dreams of your family you need to find a company that exemplifies integrity, stability, leadership and innovation. When we hear about new opportunities every day, our brain can only digest so much information, and we must learn how to choose the right online business and what to do before we even start a new online business.

Lets talk about what you must do before starting an online business. It is quite simple. We must know where our heart is, and if it is in the right place. We must know our motives. We must ask ourselves, “Do we really care about serving others?”

Well, when you get all money you need and want, what would you do with it? What is your vision in life? What is your attitude toward wealth? Do you feel you are worthy of having it or do you have a fear of having abundance? Do you think you are good enough for creating success?

I think you must ask yourself these questions because they will help you to determine if you have what it takes to run a business. I am not going to lie. Not everyone can become a real entepreneur. It takes special set of skills and working them to perfection. You must be a risk taker, but also good at weighing all options and being a good decision maker. You must be willing to jump into the mud pit, and then figure out how to get out and learn everything you need to learn.

Well, I think you got the point. Lets talk about the attributes of a perfect business opportunity. We know there is no perfect thing but if we can get close to the right opportunity then we have not missed the target. Here are 5 pillars of successful home business opportunity:

1. It must be financially beneficial. Usually if people donot make money in the next 90-120 days they quit. A business model should be duplicatable and pay moderate to high commissions to create a positive cashflow.
2. It must have an experienced management to weather any economic condition. In the times when the home business industry is in shake up condition we must find companies that able to offer products and services people want and need to live a daily life. I believe in a good tangible products such information products, business education products and tangible every day products and services in health and wellness field for example.
3. It must have a support team, a mastermind community where you learn and grow your business. The best support system must have a great marketing presence, ability to bring customers and clients into your business but also build and develop organization. I have seen great leaders in this industry such as Jonathan Budd, Katie Freiling, James Holmes, Jhonathan Rodriguez, Jay Kubassek and others who built solid teams and communities by providing a community nurturing environment, but also providing tools and resources to increase team growth.
4. It must be have online presence. We live in 21st century and a lot of companies still use old school marketing methods that do work for some people but we must see a bigger picture and utilize web 2.0, blogging, video marketing and other methods to attract customers.
5. It must be easily shared with friends and family. Why? Because we can get business from referals and respected local business owners who have established a good reputation.

In summary, the focus of your business is your customers and team members. Starting a home business is not just something we must take lightly. It is investment in your life. We must take it seriously and reinforce focus and commitment. It is your profession and your passion.

Have a great week!

Tatyana Gann

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.
Tatyana Gann is an immigrant success diva, an online marketing mentor, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, visit her site:

Myths About CarbonCopy Pro, A High Ticket Business Opportunity, Revealed

I have been watching hot debates about CarbonCopy Pro, a high ticket business opportunity,  on many social media channels, and it is honestly the craziest thing I ever saw. It looks like a big political debate to prove which system is better.

Which one should we go for: CarbonCopy Pro, Global Resorts, My Internet Business or any other high dollar program available today? To me it is like trying to chase two birds at the same time.

In the end of debate only one bird will win and it will be YOUR decision. You must decide if CarbonCopy Pro is a good big ticket business for you.  I am here just to give clarity about Carbon Copy  based on 3 Pillars of Successful Business Model.



Is Traffic Manifesto 2.0 by Ross Goldberg A Real Deal?

My new friend Ross Goldberg, whom I met at marketing  event in Tampa few weeks ago just released a special $1 trial deal for his Traffic Manifesto 2.0. It reveals 79 different tactics you can use to drive all of the targeted traffic you could ever need to your website.  Ross shares all his secrets of how he went from being in coma to create seven figure income in three years.  Seriously he was in a coma for a month due to his medical condition at that time, and woke up wondering how he will feed his kids and wife and provide for them.  He was tired of making money on Ebay and he was very eager to learn traffic secrets and like many of us he spent money and time reading ebooks on traffic. He spent over 3000 hours to learn skills until he mastered what he needed to know. 

I am very careful what I write about and what I recommend, but Traffic Manifesto from Ross Goldberg is something you should have in your library if you want to learn real free marketing strategies. It is a real genuine blueprint that will guide you step by step with simple traffic tactics from blogging, forum marketing, article marketing and my new favorite method, Youtube marketing.

 Enjoy it..


Tatyana Gann