The importance of mind cleansing and recharging your batteries for your business success

In the past week I literally felt I was falling apart. I got a bad cold and bronchitis and on the top of it, I lost my voice. I have not been able to talk for almost two weeks. I sounded like a cigar smoker. My computer started acting up and then my video camera and photo camera decided to play tricks and stopped taking photos. I could not make videos for my new coaching program due to voice and camera issues… but wait the problem was not in camera and computer… It was more than that… It was ME…

Then one day last week, I opened the book the Key from Joe Vitale and I was reading about attracting certain things in our life and sometimes our mind made us to take vacation and get some needed rest. Our mind starts a cleansing process because it tells us “Enough, lady, you must rest”. Well, I do not listen and I go on. Then my subsconsious mind tells me, “Are you going to listen to me because if you are not, I would break your laptop and all you need for your new product so you can stop and relax?” I do not listen and move forward like a bull and I say to myself ” I am strong, even with no voice, swollen from coughing face, red nose, I am still strong” .. Well today I planned to run errands and it started snowing. It was a sign for me to slow down, relax, enjoy. I did some EFT exercises that my coach Helena Medena Summer recommended. She is an amazing coach that helps people to create a delicious life with EFT coaching.

Then later I decided to stop doing EVERYTHING I planned and enjoy my cooking time. I made my famous Beef Boulignon, the recipe I have discovered when I got inspired by Julia and Julie movie and the french flair. I felt I was in my own world where I could express myself with food, spices, and I was recharging myself through cooking. As you might have read, the aromas of seasonings play a huge role in our well being. They work as aromatherapy, a very simple healing method.

The point of my story is this: No matter how long you try to postpone your mind cleanse, taking care of YOU and understanding that your mind as well as your body needs to detoxify so it can get to the original state. When you feel like you are falling apart, do not panic, but embrace it and love it. Honor your feelings. Honor yourself NOW and not later when you feel it is the right time. The right time never comes unless it is now. You must take care of yourself because world can wait but your body will tell you and your mind will lead you into the conversation with yourself where you will see yourself as a person falling apart physically and mentally. The reason I am telling you that because I have been there. I have experienced breakdowns and learned to recharge and how to be conduit of energy rather that battery. It takes time, practice and patience.

I learned that if I were not well, I could not focus, accomplish things well and it took me much longer to recover. That is why my computer, my camera and even phone were saying to me “Hold your horses, Tatyana and slow down!”

Want to create success in life? It is not only about marketing methods, my friends. It is about learning about yourself, discovering your weaknesses and how to use your strength to your advantage! Once you learn how to live in balance and harmony, your success will come. When you feel emotionally drained success cannot find where to park. It has no room for it. Then success does not need to be chased. It will come to you when you feel right and refreshed inside. Remember it! You must remove extra baggage and the best way to do that through daily work- to meditate, hire energy healing instructor or EFT coach to guide you on how to remove blocks that cause everything and yourself to fall apart. Rest, love yourself, be yourself. Be aware of your feelings.

Enjoy your day!

Tatyana Gann

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Inspirational Living: 6 Ways to Coming to Full Power in Life.

Every person is a walking ball of energy. Every person has ability to create, master and prosper… People are not designed to be self destructive, but unfortunately we do that…
We need to learn how to be constructive and the only person that keeps us from moving forward is ourselves. Here are few ways that will help you to come to full power in life:

1. Success is in YOU.
We get to believe that success is not in us but outside of us. We believe that stepping out of our world we will see things differently but we will not. The success is in us, in our powerful mind and our abilities to attract and keep prosperity, love, good health and much more.
2. Create dream of today not escape route
I had aha moment today when I was reading the book from Joe Vitale called “The Key” I realized that I wanted to create certain dreams as escape from pains in life, failures instead of looking what I got NOW, be in present and loving my life the way it is. I had this instant aha moment, the divine power, God telling me this is it. You got it girl… Yes I did. I got it. I intend to create a dream that is NOW and based on the most powerful engine- LOVE.
3. Love for me and others.
Love for life and grateful for air I breathe laughter of my kids that energizes me at every level and a kind smile of my husband and his untapped abilities to create, produce as a kid book writer, future film producer and toy designer and I see him as billionaire now because I believe what I have in life is priceless. May be I have high expectations. May be but it feels right. That is how I believe at what I got. I am a carrier of this gold, this wealth and I did not see it because I wanted to create dreams as escape solutions and not to use what I got now. I looked at my arsenal, my hidden treasure chest that was inside my heart and I saw unlimited resources of knowledge that I kept storing for a rainy day… That rainy day came and I want to get it out. I love who I am now. I love feeling empowered by me… not someone else. I am ready to manifest success.
4. Take care of your baggage
It is important to take care of your own inner issues so you see only divine power in you and you see nothing wrong with others. You honestly would not have time to do that. You will concentrate all energy all 100% on YOU and what you intend to do.
5. When they are ready they come…When you are ready to share your knowledge not everyone will take it in and accept it. Do not beat yourself up for it if they deny it. Some people will deny you and that is ok. They deny because they are not mature and not ready to embrace you and your energy. They take your energy because you give. Well, be polite and take it back and say to yourself that you plant to give that energy to someone else who is waiting NOW to accept it and who is ready to serve your purpose.

5. Be conduit of energy

Instead of giving energy out and feeling exhausted visualize yourself as conduit, chanel of energy. Energy comes through you as electricity goes through the wires in your house. It is always available when needed. Let energy go through you not out of you..

I have big goals in life and I intend to share with people who are ready to receive so we both come to true power 100%! I about to launch my “Smokin’Hot PR” consulting/coaching program for small business owners and online entrepreneurs, have a big plan for magazine for real women about real women and my book “My Russian America” . When you know your true mission, your purpose, your passion the right people will show up and what seemed so unattainable will come to you. What seems so hard for others will seem like a piece of cake… Success is a piece of cake… It is the road to realization, accepting and keeping it is what makes it challenging. No matter what you choose to do in your life, what career you choose you will have to find and seek that true purpose so you can have full power and be ready to accept the good things in life and believe that you deserve it. That is my wish for you in 2010. Create success for YOU so you can help others to see their true potential and you can truly serve others.

c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved

Tatyana Gann is an online entrepreneur an online marketing mentor, a social media and online PR consultant, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.

Featured Story: Rachael Moyte On How to Stay True to Your Values…

Today I have a special guest on my blog , an amazing girl I met on Twitter, Rachael Moyte. SHe is funny, authentic and has a great heart. I wanted to feature her today on my blog and to show appreciation for what she does.
I asked her to write a little bit about herself and she wrote back.

“Hello everyone and thank you for stopping by. My name is Rachael Moyte from Burbank, CA and I’m here to tell you my story. Not the kind of story where I talk about where I grew up, what schools I went to or what I planned to do for college. I’ll save those kinds of stories for those of you who I get to know outside of this blog. I’m here to tell you about who I am and what I stand for and just how I plan to change the world.

Like many young twenty somethings in Los Angeles, I used to have absolutely NO clue what I wanted to do with my life. I hardly knew what I was going to cook for dinner, let alone what I wanted my life to look like five, ten or even twenty years from now. I knew I liked to write, I liked to paint and I got really high off of helping other people. Now, how could I put those three ingredients into a pot and cook myself up a life that I could be proud of? “Hi, my name is Rachael Moyte and I’m with a company called…,” I said. (Since I ended up leaving this company, I’ll keep quiet about which one it was for now). Everyone said their hello’s and we got to the main activity of the event. I have to say that with as shy as I was, I met a lot of great people… one person in particular was Casey Eberhart. I’ll explain why Casey was so cool in just a second. The event ended and I left with a small stack of business cards of people to call the next day. I was definitely not in my comfort zone at the event, but it was a great learning experience and taught me a lot of valuable lessons.

Let’s fast forward to March of 2009. After two months of very little success with my unsaid company and a lot of frustration, I decided to pursue another company. Now, I know what you’re thinking… “How can you expect great results after two months?” and the truth is, I couldn’t expect that. The problem was not the company that I had chosen, the problem was that I didn’t have any passion for the products that I was selling. Yes, the company’s products were awesome and went above and beyond what their labels said they would do. My problem was that I was not a health and wellness person (there’s a clue!) and didn’t have a zest for it. I believe in being healthy and all of that, however, this company just wasn’t my cup of tea.

Remember my friend, Casey? Well, over the previous couple of months since we’d met, he had showed me his business with a company called SendOutCards. He showed me what a Gift Account was and allowed me to send four physical greeting cards for free. Let’s just say I used up my four cards within a day and I was actually bummed when I ran out. So, at first, I thought about how SendOutCards could help and maybe revamp my other business. I signed up with the Entrepreneur account immediately because even though I wanted to try and build my other business, I couldn’t help but try my hand with SendOutCards. As it turns out, I left my other business completely for SOC.

I’m proud of my decision to leave my other business because I truly believe that it takes more than just a love of a product to be successful in network marketing. I believe that it takes a fiery passion and a love for the people, the leadership and community and yes, even the compensation plan. Let’s be honest, none of us are here to do business for free. I believe that SendOutCards has given me a platform to be creative in how I present myself to potential clients and business partners as well as a platform to practice my writing and create my own art on greeting cards. Since the basis of my business is making other peoples’ days, I feel that I found a way to mix all of my passions together. Remember that pot of ingredients I was talking about earlier?

It’s now October of 2009 and while it has only been a few short months since making my initial decision, I can honestly say that I’m so glad I did. I have found true leadership in our industry, met some great people from all walks of life and many varying companies, had the chance to see first hand what to do and, more importantly, what NOT to do when it comes to prospecting and I’ve developed a new respect for myself. I’ve learned lessons that no business school could teach me (unless we’re talking about Robert Kiyosaki’s “The Business School for People Who Like Helping People”) and decided that the path of “going to school and getting a good job” is just simply not the path for me.

I’m not going to sit here and say that the last few months have been a walk in the park. Sometimes we have to learn lessons that aren’t easy to learn, like how to believe in ourselves. Sometimes that lesson alone is the hardest one to learn above all else because if we don’t have belief in ourselves, then we don’t have a whole lot to work with. I believe that before anyone in any business can be successful, we must acquire the belief that we are unstoppable. No matter how many times we fail, we will always succeed IF we keep going after our dreams.

I started reading a book recently called “Now, Discover Your Strengths” by Marcus Buckingham and I have already found so much value in its pages (thanks, Mom). Because of this book, I’ve started working on building my strengths instead of trying to fix my weaknesses. By building on my strengths, one of which is writing, I’ve been able to find positivity it subjects that I was looking at from a negative point of view.

In the network marketing industry, we are bombarded with “Free this, ground floor pre-launch that, make a million dollars in six minutes” type advertising and it’s easy to forget that, if you’re in a network marketing business, it is just that, a BUSINESS! It’s easy to think that because we didn’t get that giant check in our first week, we’re doing something wrong or we’re failures. None of us are failures because every business that we start will take time and effort to build.

I’ve decided to focus on building my business and my strengths simultaneously through changing people’s perspectives about themselves. Because of the business I chose, I can tell my friends, family and clients how much I appreciate them and how much they mean to me. We have a saying in our company that says “Appreciation will win out over self promotion every single time” and that’s exactly what I plan to do. Because of appreciation and love, my world and the worlds of every person I come in contact with will change. I hope you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read today and hope to get to know all of you. Remember that your journey is unique just like you. Stay empowered, my friends.

Let’s take a journey back in time to January of 2009. I had signed up to attend a networking event in my city and was hoping and praying that I wouldn’t show up and make a fool of myself. I had just been introduced to my first network marketing company in December and wanted to make it work. I wanted to be passionate about it and I wanted the folks I met at this event to see my passion. When I walked through the door of the Lamplighter restaurant in Van Nuys, I was met by a couple of really nice folks from my group. I had gotten there early and over the next half hour, our group grew into about twenty people. As we all introduced ourselves and gave a little bio of what we did and which company we represented, whether it was network marketing or another type of business, I felt my nerves start to tense up as my name was called. I stood up and tried my best to not let anyone see how nervous I was, but I’m sure it was written all over my face.

To learn more about Rachel Moyte visit her personal blog.

What did Barbara Corcoran teach me at Shine event about failures…

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”- Thomas Edison…

I learned that failure is a good thing and it is a good word. It is something we must be proud of and rewarded for… you must be thinking how can you be rewarded for failure. Common!!! Really, you should.. When people fail it shows that they courage to accept it and not deny it. That failure is a temporary state of our being and it is only two steps from the victory. She shared something really cool with us. She said that she had more failures in business and only one business succeeded and made her Barbara Corcoran , the real estate expert. Barbara Corcoran is witty, savvy, funny and very authentic. She never accepted NO in her life for an answer. She took negative feedback as a challenge and never allowed people to distract her from knowing who she truly was! Her mother was an inspiration to her who planted a seed that she had IMAGINATION. Barbara learned that failure can be good for us and that when we build business we must reward people for failure especially when we know they tried their best. There is a difference between a real looser or a person who is dedicated to do what it takes to make it work. Failure does not mean we are not smart. It only means that we have got a new chance to make it right. Failure makes us champions if we believe that we deserve to be successful and stay away from negative people

I remember when I was a professional dancer, and nobody saw how many times I twisted my ankles, sweated in the dance studio, drilling one move 100 times and finally made the perfect performance. Our success is like a dance. It takes 5 minutes to perform but it takes 100 failures and hours of work to make it look magic. The magic here is not the final result. The magic is in failure. The same applies to our business. It takes some people years to make millions overnight, and we get perception that we can do that the same way. Failure is well accepted in my house. It is not TABU word. My kids learned to laugh about failure and we use humor to deal with pressure of the failure.
I realized that failure is ok. It forms who we become. It opens our inner door and reveals to the world that perfection is only perception and that failure is not a defeat but a victory. When we fail we know that we will become aware of our next steps. It shows people that successful people are not perfect. Without failure we will not be able to be who we are today. We must honor feelings of accomplishment when we do things right.

I want to conclude this post with quote about failure from Corita Kent.
Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed.

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved

Tatyana Gann is an online entrepreneur an online marketing mentor, a social media and online PR consultant, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, subscribe to her “Attraction Marketing Queen Newsletter”

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Part 1. Benefits Of Carbon Copy PRO membership – a premiere internet marketing training community

What are the major benefits to become a member of Carbon Copy PRO training community for online entrepreneurs and traditional small business owners? The Carbon Copy Pro has been designed and developed by top marketing experts Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkinson as a premiere platform of internet marketing and wealth education.

The Carbon Copy PRO is not just another marketing deal that teaches same recycled information. It is a breath of fresh air for marketers who are tired of old repackaged training that everyone heard about. The mission of the “The Carbon Copy PRO” is to become a learning center for online business owners and teach business success strategies. As a former college instructor I can say that their training is very organized and designed for many levels of the marketing knowledge and Carbon Copy PRO perfected its curriculum and made it easy and simple to navigate, learn and follow instructions given in the training back office.”

They teach new ways of business building including personal branding, the search engine optimization training lessons with Ferny Ceballos, former rocket scientist who discovered the passion for SEO coaching, which I simply love to attend, video marketing and many other internet marketing strategies that show us how to tap into the markets that most of us do not know about.

Personal branding has made a huge impact on their members success because in order to have a successful business we must stand out among the rest in order to attract the right business buyers and show our value and contribution to the society. In the new “Insideout II” Dvd Jay and Aaron emphasize the importance of establishing a brand and if you have not watched it you are welcome to view on my Carbon Copy Insideout II blog post below. In Nashville area where I live I met many small business owners, who are looking for a new way to take their existing business to the new level and they want to be a part of something that provides value and service to the community and open the doors to new online business opportunities without extra overhead and other expenses.

I can say that basic marketing skills are often overlooked by many internet gurus and Carbon Copy PRO provides education to meet the needs of a customer. The awesome thing is that the Carbon Copy PRO fills in those gaps and members can really experience success in their business, increase in their monthly income. It is a true support system. It is up to each individual to take what they learn and apply to the wealth education business they offer and make things happen. There are no garantees in the world anymore. We cannot garantee that everyone can learn the same way and experience huge income growth. Serious business buyers are looking for a business that has value that they can take and serve the community with it.

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved

Online Entrepreneur and Immigrant Success Coach Tatyana Gann, “The Attraction Marketing Queen”, the founder of Global Mentors Marketing Group and “Attraction Marketing Queen Newsletter. To learn more about social media and proven Online PR strategies and to get access to her FREE marketing and personal development how to – tips visit her website.

Carbon Copy PRO and Jay Kubassek did it again…Annual master marketing event is around the corner..

Time flies. I cannot believe that in less than a month Carbon Copy PRO founders Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkinson will be hosting a fall Carbon Copy PRO master marketing event and show you how to improve your business with this economy or start a new career in recession times and how to be creative in your marketing endeavors. Fall is a wonderful time of the year. Many direct sales companies, marketing and coaching companies host events in the fall because it is a great time to plant solid roots and work toward our goals.

It will take place in Paris Hotel, November 19, 2009. This event is a celebration of knowledge, new connections and creating new business relationships. What a better place to celebrate that and reconnect with your colleagues than Las Vegas Nevada. Many Carbon Copy Pro members followed the marketing blueprint and were able to propel their income and work from home and like for me, I am able to stay at home with my boys now and homeschool.

The fun part is that is that they will be giving away amazing prizes to the contest winners from mac books to breathtaking european rail tour. Receiving awards is always a humbling experience. It is wonderful to see people who focused, took step a time and achieved little victories along their path that took them on much greater meaning.

I have writen a Press Release about Carbon Copy PRO Master Marketing Event

Here is sneak peak to Insideout II trailer that Jay and Aaron produced together.. Enjoy it and see you there!

For more information on Carbon Copy PRO business model and how it can take your business to a new level or if you are seeking new career options in this econony check out the website..just click on the link. I want to finish with the quote from amazing Maya Angelou “Remember that making a living is not the same thing as making a life.

Have a wonderful day!
Tatyana Gann

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The moment of now-your best secret to success! Why is it so important?

When it comes to creating personal success, people spend their time, thousands of dollars searching for that perfect secret ingredient to creating success. They search for new ideas, better solutions, attend business seminars and even have private coaching lessons… It is all wonderful but… There is one thing that prevents people from moving forward or creating their success they want and deserve.

Let me illustrate better
.. When I started as an entrepreneur over six years ago, I did not have a mentor. I did not know what to do, how to market a business, close and sell. I did not know why people needed personal development. I even considered that a foreign subject.. Huh. It was a complete a new language for me that I was not willing to learn at that time and did not really consider as an important part of my life. I was worried about too many things. I was worried that I did not know much and that I did not experience like so many people, I called them “These People” and meant successful ones. I was worried how I would be doing in two-three years in business and if I would create some success in life. I created too many blocks in my mind called “If and But” … Does it sound familiar…I was worried if what I did would provide the income for my family I needed right that second and I was in a constant mode of worrying. I felt like a driver who pushes his breaks and took turns because he or she did not direction or even a vision. But the problem was much bigger!

The problem was lack of focus on NOW… Every day of our life we worry and think about what we did few minutes ago, last week, last year and even few years ago. Then we are worried about tomorrow, next year and what people think of us tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and we spend the entire day thinking, processing and we feel exhausted and realize we have not accomplished anything. Then we worry that we have not accomplished anything and we worry again about things we just thought.

Here is a simple solution:
1. You must gather your thoughts now.
What is your priority today? Write them down..
You must understand that you must focus on your priorities and not what others want you to do. What do you need to do to achieve your goal, your success in life. It does not mean you ignore other people needs. It is not what I mean.

2. You must take one step at time.
Break down to the little things you need to accomplish and focus on them. We all have big intention and beliefs we can do it but little deeds matter to our success more.

3. Do not dwell on the past
Past is gone. That is why it is called past. Close the chapter of last events. They are experiences or lessons. Take what is good and apply to future. Every negative event can bring the best in you.

4. Do not anticipate on the future events
It can really hurt you emotionally and even create physical ailments.
It can cause stress from worrying and thinking about the things that did not happen.

5. Focus on the moment of NOW.
Look around and focus on the present, this moment, today and do your best. Focus on the things that need to be done now and that is your responsibility. By focusing on the responsibilities of NOW you will less likely to get lazy and slack off.
Every day is a new page of our chapter of life. We must treasure it and nurture our mind with gratitude and believe that tomorrow will be better and even better that today. Enjoy your today!

When it comes to choosing a business, or a new career we often ask ourselves if we can really be successful, if we should choose a business based on our passion that pays little in the beginning but more in the future or should we go with a business that we like ok but gives bigger paycheck today. When we think this way we create the block. It prevents us to live in the moment of NOW. We create future blocks that have not even come true. We worry about the end results knowing that we can control the end results.

My personal advice is to ask yourself what you want to do now to achieve short term goals and where you see yourself in few months or years. Of course we cannot garantee that we would not change our careers or business paths. It can happen for sure. Focus on what brings you joy and what you know will bring value to your clients or customers, and feel that in your heart at that moment and the “how to ideas” to accomplish your life goals wil come to you. The most successful people live in the moment of NOW and take responsible risks as they grow their business.

Today I am still learning.. I am learning to focus and refocus on the moment of NOW and what I need to do NOW. It is a learning process and we always learn and it makes us stronger. The only struggle we deal with is the struggle with ourselves and it is within us. We must learn to accept that past was past and we cannot change it.. We can only change future and create the future we want but focusing on NOW.

In my next blog post I will be sharing more about personal blocks that we create ourselves and how to overcome them based on my personal story.. stay tuned.

Let me know what you think about this post. Leave comments. Look forward to hearing from you!

Have a great week!

Tatyana Gann

How I overcame personal fears. True story about my Russian accent.

I want to share with you a personal story that I am inspired to share with you after reading one of Katie Freiling stories about her fears and how she overcame them. Actually opposite to Katie, I did not have my fears growing up except fear of big dogs and swimming. Well later on in life, I learned to swim later in life and developed love for big dogs.

I grew up as the only child in the family. My parents were very protective of me, and I think they had more fears that I was too bold to do what I wanted. I used to be a tomb boy climbing fences with boys and play fighting. I was not afraid of big crowds.. When I was 7 years old my mother told me it would be good for me to act like a girl and suggested to take ballet classes. My biggest fear was the fact that I was not that flexible as all the ballerinas you see on the stage. I learned the hard way – working 2-3 hours every other day and transforming my body from being just a little girl to a professional dancer. I faced an inner barrier and it was a big challenge. I overcame it. I looked straight in the eyes of my fear and moved on.

I never was afraid of trying new things.. I learned to cook and bake at the early age and even burned few cakes. I took ice skating classes since I was 4 years old and competed in running maraphones up to the age of 19. I would say I tried everything. Many things in life..

When I came to America in 1994 I had the biggest fear… It was simply my accent. I was afraid to speak. You know I was a well trained puppy. I could not speak but I could understand. I was literally afraid to open my mouth. I had an enourmous fear of not being understood and laughed at. Of course, it was all inside. For the first couple months I struggled with it until one day I was invited to the President Office to share my experiences as a russian exchange student and I could not speak.. I was sweating and feeling very dizzy. I was thankful to my friends who were with me and they took over the conversation while I was fully embarrased. That day I made a decision and commitment to put aside the fear. I accepted a new theory. My theory was this: I knew English, I could write, I could speak in a foreign language, and I knew that my american friends could not speak Russian if they wanted to do it fast. I saw it as my big advantage to share with people my passion for foreign languages so I took another language to learn and it was French.

Day after day I was feeling less scared. I made commitment to go out and speak. I took classes that required me to speak and be in front of people for whom English was native but for me it was really foreign. I did not care that my accent could be too tough to listen and that I would butcher English. It was me inside overcoming my fear.. I realized later that fear I had about my accent was nothing comparing to other fears …

Later on in life I looked at my accent at something unique… It became something that only belonged to me. My accent was my gem that made me stand out in the crowd in a good way and make people listen to me. That fear turned into blessing.. Today I can speak in the front of crowds, get on the webinar or teleclass and teach to hundreds of people. When I pick up a phone to call a prospect or a client, I smile. I learned to accept my accent and master my English. It took me 20 years to master my English and took me less than a year to over my fear.

I hope my story has inspired you! I do want to encourage you to find your fears and discover the good side of it and see how you turn your fears into something positive that you never expected to.

Watch my video and I hope it will inspire you to overcome fears

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved

Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, subscribe to her “Attraction Marketing Queen Newsletter”

Do your memories of your past keep you from creating success in your life?

Today I wanted to share something may be personal or maybe not. I thought about love and memories and how it affects our life in general. In the past months I have had difficult time dealing with the events in life I could not control and people that affected my life. I learned that memories are like shadows. Some are kept private, secretive and some are more discussed. It does not matter what we discuss- bad or pretty stuff. It is all memory.

I learned to deal with memories. I realized that memories are a matter of the past and it can be changed but can be treasured and learned from. Some are required to be forgotten, erased from our mind. Forgetting is the art we must practice. Forgiving is something we are blessed with.
I learned that pure love is not controlling and it does not claim you as “His or Her GIFT” it is about having no boundaries. It is pure and innocent. People who control you are simply there to show you how strong you can get and not to destroy your attitude. They may do a small damage but it is not going to last forever. Because it is all memory. I learned to cut these people off and let them go. Release them as the dust in the wind.

I think when it comes to success in our business, relationships we cannot dwell on memories that were painful. They crawl into our hearts and steal the pearls of joy that we all have. It is like cancer cells that that go crazy and start attacking your body, the crazy cells of your memories that you do not like attack your thinking.

My best advice is to ask GOD your guide to show you the path and grant your wisdom and patience. God will give you patience thru the work and wisdom thru challenges. It is all good. We need that for self growth. It is a part of growing up. I am finally coming out of my shell and I love to say what I feel and be true to myself first. Feels awesome to get it out of my chest!

I live by motto: “When you have true intentions that come from your heart you make the right choices and the right opportunities come and only good memories will fill your treasure chest”

Have a great week!

Tatyana Gann

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved

Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, subscribe to her “Attraction Marketing Queen Newsletter”

Your Worst Enemy: 5 Ways To Deal With Personal Fears..

Very often we have fears in life. Small fears. Big Fears. Size of elephant fears or even a size of a mouse fear. It is all FEAR. Fear is a dominating element in many people lives. The interesting thing is that people are not afraid of somebody else or event in their lives. They are afraid of themselves and their reactions. The fear of unknown causes people to get stuck in their life. They want to move forward and look for the clues outside of their influence. Even though we often get clues given to us by people or events they are usually the mirror of what is happening inside of us. Fear of ourselves. Fear of what how we are going to react. We are afraid of one person we should love the most is ourselves.

I have been in many situations in life where I was not just scared but I feared for my life. I had a gun stuck right in my face by a drug addict. I have been in the tornados and even got struck by lightening driving in a car with my husband. Yes.. these events would make anyone fear for their life but also these events are not controlled by us. They happen and how we react to it matters. When it comes to personal fears we can find the way out. We have a key to unlock that true feeling of peace and harmony and look in the mirror and say. Fear is their security blanket. Sometimes it can give that cuddly feeling and we do not want to move forward because we feel warm and fuzzy under the blanket of fear. Fear tricks our mind making us think that we should be where we are now. We should hold to that security blanket and never let it go. Fear keeps us from discovering the purpose we each have. A friend on Facebook Cathy told me today we were all on earth for reason. I do agree with her 100% but only one thing… If we have fear in life, we will never know our true purpose and our mission. We will be living somebody’s else dream, somebody else idea of life. As my good friend Walker said, “We are all actors on the stage of life and we should create the life we desire and truly want to have”

Fear is a negative thing. Fear can turn people into manupulative, controling and unloving people. People do not become that way. They allow the doubts enter their heart and plant a seed in their heart and nourish it with more doubts and eventually it becomes FEAR. What should we do to get rid of our worst enemy?

1. Accept who you are today.
It could be your looks, the way you talk, the way you say things, the way you think, dress…It DOES NOT MATTER.
2. Turn lemons into lemonade.
Take one piece of negative thinking about yourself or what you fear the most in yourself and ask if it is truly that negative. Look at other side of the coin. Positive side. What can you learn from that fear and shift your focus from negative energy to something more constructive.
3. Stop planning your fears.
Sometimes we plan our fears in advance like trying to save money in the bank just in case the world collapses.
We must really stop saying what we plan to do in order to get rid of fears and just do it.
Fear is a temporary reaction that can be changed into bravery when we are forced to do it. What does it mean to you? Well, stop dwelling about your fears and start thinking how brave you truly are.
I love this quote “You must do the things you think you cannot do” by Eleanore Roosevelt
4. Learn to love yourself first.
Fear has no love in it. People who feel unworthy have major fears in life that are showing up in their choices about the career, relationships and business choices. Fear causes people to become controling, manupulative and too demanding.
5. Don’t be attached to outcome.
We often get attached to a certain idea, a certain event, a certail result. We get so attached that we can miss a lot of things that in front of us.. Let go of outcome and go in the flow. It does not mean that you should not set desire and intention in motion. Nobody says that. We all have desires and intentions but in order to manifest it we must let go attachment because attachment is that security blanket I talked about and you will see in the video below.

I hope you enjoy this video and it will help you to get thru a day or a week in your life. Learn how to deal with it instead of avoiding fear. The best way to face fear is to look straight in its eyes, your heart!

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Have a great week!

Tatyana Y. Gann

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved

Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, subscribe to her “Attraction Marketing Queen Newsletter”