Why I decided to partner with Empower Network after I resisted this thing for a year…especially on 12/12/12


Tatyana is back…and it is December 12, 2012.

They say 12.12.12 it is a day of change and new beginnings. What we feel today will set the right mood for the rest of December and 2013. We can set our mood to feel more gratitude, attract more abundance, more love and more joy into our lives and empower lives of people around us.

Yes, I am filled with gratitude today…for everyone in my life. All life lessons, people I met and people who blessed my life, my children, my special friends, my loved ones and my true friends. As I feel gratitude more and more every day I see new doors opened! My faith has increased because of small steps I took.

Life can throw many surprises and you find yourself asking “What do I really want from my life NOW and in the next 90 days that can SIMPLIFY my life to focus on my family and finally finding time to be with them?”

First, I wanted CHANGE. I did not want glamorous solutions and rah rah stuff that polluted everyone’s mind. I wanted simple life, where I could focus on my priorities- my kids, my precious boys. Was I resisting doing EN thing? Yes…I did…until I heard David Wood video and I got goose bumps…

As I was sitting on the sofa one Sunday afternoon and listening to his message I realized I wanted CHANGE . But it was more than that…I knew I had a way to share with you a real business solution: from creating more profits to increasing YOUR budget, while learning marketing and biz skills from people who have created success!

Learn more about EN solution:

This simple solution was in front of me for over a year but I allowed many people influence my decision.  The reason I am telling you this story is to encourage you to simplify your life and focus on what matters most to you today! You  have NOW, this moment to make a change.. Do not wait until all gets perfect. There will always be something that keeps you busy…or distracted.

I am grateful to a friend and biz partner Alex said to me few times,“ Tatyana, do it for your kids !” When I heard the words “your kids” I knew I had to make a change.  I had to change my mindset and accept the fact I had something that worked!  I could not believe that something could be so simple and I am sure you probably wonder too.

I saw it was a real business system which incorporated all the elements of a successful business without adding extra stress! Let me tell you….I know a lot of about stressful work and admire people who can handle it…But do we really need a stressful career? That is the question. One day I learned my profession of a public relations professional was one of the most stressful jobs in the world…With EN I can eliminate a lot of stress related to running a business and create more time freedom.

Are you ready to let go of what causes you stress?

How often do we believe that it must be complicated in order to work? We let our ego speak very loud in our head and we think it is not going to work and we create a mental block. But we can change it all and create a new picture in our mind of what we really want in life. In the end of the day it is all about our family, kids and peace of mind that we receive from knowing prosperity is everywhere. Solutions are available. We must be open to receive and take action.

Are you ready to receive a simple way to improve life? Are you tired of spinning the wheels?

Secondly, Empower Network platform allows me to express my writing talent. As I am finishing my book and will be sharing my journey to America 18 years ago…all life lessons, all trials and great joys…I believed that I could empower YOU to find courage and move forward in life. I want you to believe that your life is only going to better and I believe you will experience increase if you focus on what matters most to you!

Would be cool if….you could share your life lessons, stories and passions to make a change in someone’s life?

The best part about EN…You can start for only $25

Join now.

Start NOW.

Talk to me…


Mompreneur, Business Coach, Author





Creme brulee, your image and your reputation…

Public Relations’ Advantage Over Marketing & Advertising — Image Is Everything

Yes, your reputation and what you represent creates a certain picture in your customer’s mind! Your image must be BEST like a delicious creme brulee your customers will remember and come back to get more. They will rave about it and share with friends, family and the world!  What do you prefer to be compared to – Creme brulee from a five star restaurant or a slice of low quality pie that everyone tried! ?

Advertising is an important part of our business growth but we must incorporate PR to create a safe, solid business.  PR is about people. People talk. People talk good things and bad things.. PR can help you to bring more good news to media and your buyers.

According to a recent research….

  • PR changes how world views you: it can be an incredible change-making business — and it is enjoying a well-deserved growth stage. Companies and people are beginning to recognize that the old way of building consumer or public equity is changing. IBIS World, a media research firm, says PR spending in 2010 was $9.73 billion and forecasts it will increase to $12.82 billion by 2015. The growth is in part due to PR’s ability to participate in a more nimble and flexible way with the new methods by which people consume media, including social media.


  •  Perception: PR is not for big names or celebrities. It is your opportunity to build credibility, reach buyers and get media…it is not an overnight deal.  You will NOT be successful overnight unless you have had success already.
  • PR is your authority builder not a money sucker.

Modern PR can help your brands innovate, market, and message well. My goal is to demonstrate that PR is for everyone. It helps entrepreneurs earn more, small brands become household names, Fortune 500 companies preserve and grow their positions  and personalities and politicians maintain and increase their credibility and relevance.

It helps all of the above rapidly increase YOUR brand value. If you have a great idea, product, or service, PR can do a lot to cut through the noise and let the world know you exist and you are ready to be known.

When you talk about your business what YOU say matters…Let’s talk about creating your mini presentation to give you best image:

  • Must Be Interesting, Short
  • Convince Your Readers, Listeners Why They Cannot Do Without Your Product
  • Show How Unique Your Product Is Comparing To Similar Products In The Market
  •  Think About What Makes Your Product Memorable
  •  What Is Special About You They Must Know. Build WOW factor.
  • Your Life Lessons Can Be A Great Part of Your Sound Bites (especially in Weight Loss Arena or Personal Growth as life coach)
  • Think what makes people get attracted to you and what questions they ask when they see you. It can be answer to your sound bite.
  •   Sound bites are important for media interviews
  • Write words that are bringing solutions not bragging Avoid amazing, fabulous, awesome in your PR pitch…too tacky.
  • You must speak it in 30 seconds after you wrote it.
  • Create few versions depending what media outlet you plan to approach..Remember media folks have A.D.D..


Well, get to work and book your strategy session today with us. You can get one session and get one free as our holiday special.  Good thing – you do not need to use all credit right away. You can use extra session in the next 90 days.

Fill out contact form and place an order today. 

Choose package that fits your needs and we will schedule an initial 20 min free consultation

Tatyana Gann


Five major lessons of my personal transformation


Tatyana is here.

We do not start our spiritual journey  when things are always RIGHT.  It starts in the midst of challenges.  As we enter the holiday season, we tend to talk about spirituality, God, Divine Creator and our life purpose. We reflect on our life and we find blessings in each life moment.  I want to share few life lessons  with you today and I hope it can help you to recognize your own power. 

My number one life lesson : To be grateful for all and where I am now to appreciate Gods abundance we see in this fall beauty and everything around us. It teaches us patience, love, compassion and stretches our faith.

Second  lesson: Stop making excuses..believe in explosive blessings..expect best. Dream BIG. Think BIG. Gods promise to give abundance so you can be a BIG blessing to others. People don’t control your destiny. God has a final say. Not everyone will love your success but stay positive and you have power to overcome negativity.  God will bring you out better if you stay cool and positive.
I know in the midst of chaos you control your emotions and can be peaceful…that is when you see what you need to do…when you find strength to say to yourself ” I am loved…at peace”…and really…really believe it…then peace will be given to you and clarity will emerge to make right decisions! Major aha moment was a verse from Bible, “Go let it be done to you as you believe…” Yes, what do you want to believe to happen in your life?

My third lesson: Loving yourself is not selfish.  Loving yourself brings people in your life who honor you and serve you and encourage your growth!  I have experienced a major transformation and awakening and still do. It have new courage new understanding and new look at my life. God has been a center of all my new choices. It gave me strength, self love and compassion!

My forth lesson: When it comes to professional growth transformation gave me direction and seeing that my creative writing, publicity and branding skills were valuable and unique.   I say with God you have no limits. It is your belief in yourself that drives your life and business forward! Only one thing that limits God is YOU…It starts with you and it is up to you to have best results or not.

Start removing limits from your Divine creator…Believe in the impossible…When you believe in the impossible and unseen your success will manifest faster because your faith has been stretched!

Happy Holidays!


Tatyana Gann

Announcement! Nerium AD, an anti-aging breakthrough reaches russian women in North America….

As I am approaching 40 I realize how much time and energy we, women, invest in our beauty,  health and creating success.  One of powerful lessons I learned was a lesson about inner beauty and self love . It all starts inside before it shows up on our face…However, women are always looking for the ways to look and feel good! They are also looking for a solid opportunity to create better life choices.

I have read this quote by Nicholas Sparks, “But even though she was attractive, there was something else about her that caught his eye. She was intelligent, he could sense that right away, and confident, too, as if she were able to move through life on her own terms. To him, these were the things that really mattered. Without them, beauty was nothing.” Women must embrace their inner beauty and learn how to love themselves. When they do it shows!

That is why I am very excited to share great news about NeriumAD, an anti-aging discovery that created massive results in less than 14 months. It is finally reaching Russian Women in America.. As a part of my PR project for NeriumAd we have launched a marketing campaign sharing education on inner beauty, health and women lifestyle.

Our first step was a  marketing campaign in the Russian health magazine for women called “Zdorovie” ( translated as HEALTH) and we are very honored to showcase NeriumAD in November issue.

We are in the middle of designing and developing media stories right in time for the Holiday Season.  As we are launching a major campaign for an antiaging breakthrough NeriumAD and we are accepting new brand partners to leave a legacy of life changers and launch local markets in US and later in Canada. When most families are strapped for cash Nerium International is allowing moms and dads to replace income or create additional income. With a big focus on inner beauty, personal development, NeriumAD product  brought a new wave of confidence, self love and prosperity. It is more than a beauty product.  It is a life transformation vehicle for you and your family!

Step 1: Watch Success Secrets Video

Step 2: Purchase our business premier pack today

Once you join our team, you will receive these awesome bonuses. I call it Local Market Launch Made Easy Training.

  • Business building training from top income earners (PRICELESS!!!)
  • Team marketing and training webinars and team support
  • Your customized promotional campaign designed and developed (Value $1000)
  • Press release system available to you and we will write a press release  about your partnership with Nerium and submit to PR directories. ( value $300)
  • Weekly promotional creative marketing training and consulting (value $1000 )
  • Weekly Personal development and spiritual growth training and mentoring (phone sessions or skype sessions)
  • Resources to advertise your business and promote you ( priceless)


We look forward to our partnership


Tatyana Gann


Change your life script…Change your life.


The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
Albert Einstein

Tatyana is here..

In  the past  couple weeks I had  major aha moments and a quantum leap in my personal  and spiritual growth to see and experience the power of strong intention, action and faith! I know it sounds simple but it takes YOU to do it all.

You are the Creator of your own life! Only you are responsible for your actions. You must focus on what brings positive results, and it starts with your mindset, acceptance of the past mistakes and forgiveness of others and yourself included.   You can compare your life with a movie script and you are a creative writer behind the best script the world wants to see! You can change the script any time and that is the best thing!

Yes, your life is a movie script. You have many choices: drama, comedy, action movie, horror, or cute romance.  It can be simply a boring script. You decide! Only you see what you really want.  My best advice- put your thoughts in a journal. Believe the story you want to create will come true or even better.

What script do you want to write? When you see things in a new perspective and focus on loving your new life you will want to create positive experiences. You will not want to have thoughts of low energy- rage, anger, revenge and hate…because they are going to poison your soul…We all want to have a good ending to a story…It is time to plant the seeds of positive lifestyle and abundance, self love and joy!

When my life was turned upside down,  I saw the perfect opportunity to make the most positive change in my life. It was a blessing to start fresh and discover the courage in my heart to move forward and be around people who celebrate you. Honestly it was a  fresh beginning.  I knew I had to do it.  I saw the vision of what I really wanted but  that vision was too blurry because of toxic events that were clouding my ultimate purpose. That is how the movie script works…as we write a perfect script we make changes and sometimes the ending is not what we expected!

One lesson I learned in creating a new script- to let go of others who disrespect and belittle  or find the ways to revenge  you or show anger because they think they have a RIGHT to do. I focused on my own peace and my well-being so I can be the best mommy for my sons and the best woman as God intended me to be.  You cannot convince others to see YOUR best and your do not need an approval stamp to tell you if your life script is perfect. You have an ultimate producer of your life script and he can orchestrate things if you focus on taking care of you!


I believe everything is possible.

If you want REAL change, check out how you can do that and what I am about to do…


Best wishes



Announced! Nerium AD Nashville and Nationwide PR and marketing campaign!


Finally! An anti-aging discovery, NeriumAD campaign to transform your life!


I am excited to share that I am  launching a major PR campaign for an antiaging breakthrough NeriumAD and I am accepting new brand partners to leave a legacy of life changers and launch local markets in US and later in Canada.  When most families are strapped for cash Nerium International is allowing moms and dads to replace income or create additional income. We are ready to teach you how to build a solid Nerium business!

With a big focus on inner beauty, personal development, NeriumAD product brought a new wave of confidence, self love and prosperity. It is more than a BEAUTY product. It is a life transformation vehicle for you and your family!  This NeriumAD  project will bring a new safe home business that you can work part time or full time…With an amazing leadership of Jeff Olson and his team Nerium International is creating breakthroughs and new heart felt stories!!!

Tomorrow October 30, 2012 Nerium International is hosting special calls all day long!

Read the details below…

Now…want to know more? Ready?

Step 1: Watch Success Secrets Video

Step 2: Purchase our business premier pack today

Once you join our team, you will receive these awesome bonuses. I call it Local Market Launch Made Easy Training.

  • Business building training from top income earners (PRICELESS!!!)
  • Team marketing and training webinars and team support
  • Your customized promotional campaign designed and developed (Value $1000)
  • Press release system available to you and we will write a press release  about your partnership with Nerium and submit to PR directories. ( value $300)
  • Weekly promotional creative marketing training and consulting (value $1000 )
  • Weekly Personal development and spiritual growth training and mentoring (phone sessions or skype sessions)
  • Resources to advertise your business and promote you ( priceless)

We are looking forward to build Nerium business with leaders in Nashville TN and nationwide!

We look forward to our partnership


Tatyana Gann

How to create bigger profits during the holiday season


Tatyana is here..

Don’t you love fall?  You feel nice crisp air outside and you crave some hot chocolate or hot apple cider or enjoy a fireplace with your loved ones…

Fall season is a perfect time to start thinking about the Holiday promotions. It is time to design and develop your promotional campaigns. Usually you must have 90 days to get everything done and make things happen. However majority of business owners leave it to the last minute a month before special events and do not think to consider to reach local media or do any online PR. They think people find them on its own…WRONG!

You must build awareness and let people see what you do and how you can help them to have a better experience in life.  Once they see your promotions long enough they will get some interest or try your products.   In the midst of your advertising campaigns you must utilize power of media and SEO press releases, social media marketing, video marketing and  other creative ways to share message . Regardless what your product is,  you must focus on solving your customer problems. You must have FUN with it and make it MEMORABLE!

Here is what I have to make your life simple and how we can work together.

Option #1 Promotional Creative Campaigns For Your Small Biz

Are you interested in product positioning, marketing and publicity content to launch product or announce promotions?

Let our team to help you to get things done…We will design, develop and execute your promotional campaigns. Depending on your budget we can customize and make things happen!

Book your free strategy session today and we look forward to serving you


We are launching a major campaign for an antiaging breakthrough NeriumAD and we are accepting new brand partners to leave a legacy of life changers and launch local markets in US and later in Canada. When most families are strapped for cash Nerium International is allowing moms and dads to replace income or create additional income. With a big focus on inner beauty, personal development, NeriumAD product  brought a new wave of confidence, self love and prosperity. It is more than a beauty product.  It is a life transformation vehicle for you and your family!

Step 1: Watch Success Secrets Video

Step 2: Purchase our business premier pack today

Once you join our team, you will receive these awesome bonuses. I call it Local Market Launch Made Easy Training.

  • Business building training from top income earners (PRICELESS!!!)
  • Team marketing and training webinars and team support
  • Your customized promotional campaign designed and developed (Value $1000)
  • Press release system available to you and we will write a press release  about your partnership with Nerium and submit to PR directories. ( value $300)
  • Weekly promotional creative marketing training and consulting (value $1000 )
  • Weekly Personal development and spiritual growth training and mentoring (phone sessions or skype sessions)
  • Resources to advertise your business and promote you ( priceless)


We look forward to our partnership


Tatyana Gann & Associates

Office 615 354 7625

9 am till 5 pm CST


Tatyana Gann

Your PR and Branding Strategist

Mom, Author










You cannot have spiritual growith without this…..

Tatyana is here. I have not written in a while. 

Spiritual growth became the fancy phrase in the world of “self help gurus” but “spiritually hungry” people are still looking for answers.  Where do you start?

When you realize that the best asset you can have is not your real estate, cars, money in the bank and fake friends who are there for you when things are good…it is HOPE in the IMPOSSIBLE, FAITH in GOD and LOVE you have for yourself because God loves you.  When you are going to realize it, feel it and understand at a deeper level you will start your spiritual journey.

Quite often spiritual journey starts when you are wrecked, when you fall apart and when everything in your life has drastically changed. For a moment, you do not believe what is possible…But it is only for a brief moment. You regroup. You move forward.  You can look at it as the most challenging times in your life, but you can also see them as the most beautiful times in your life because God is FINALLY revealing your true power!

One of the most important principles in spiritual growth is LOVE. Learning to love you is a step one in spiritual growth. It is not something you want to leave for later. You want to allow God’s love in your heart. It will move mountains and open new doors. It will give you strength and wisdom to do what you never did!

Love is the force that opens hearts of others to see the light in you. God’s love  that people will see in you changes hearts of the ones who hurt you most and makes you a big believer that God favors are coming your way…Believe it…Trust…and Take action…even small ones.

Choices are very important. From this VERY point in your life only you are responsible for your choices…Only you can make things better or best in your life. Do not rush with choices…Make sure you feel at peace with them so everything follows smoothly…It will be if YOU believe it.

YOUR WHY will make you do things that are not comfortable…It will open hidden gems in your soul and your heart that you never thought you had! Ask God for guidance because he placed them there and patiently waited for you to see your true power. Go for it. Aim HIGH…There are no limits!

My big WHYs are my boys…They are my reason to become a true polished diamond…Dream BIG!

Your clarity is very important to see your path and recognize the right people in your life who could guide you and coach you. In confused mind it doesn’t happen. My point work on purifying your heart your soul and your mind!!!

In order to create the most precious moments in life you must do what you never done. You must leave your baby security blanket and put a shield on, find solutions to make things happen!!!  As a mom I am on fire and the best mission EVER- to give my boys the best gift- my unconditional love and show them that HOPE, FAITH and LOVE are most powerful attributes that God gave us…

 ( my boys are my spiritual teachers…Yes they are…I learned major lessons of self love and unconditional love!!!)

You cannot have spiritual growth without this: clarity, big WHYs,  love, self love, self acceptance, wise choices and YOU is the main actor on the stage of life! It is never too late to start dreaming again and loving yourself!!! I have simple solutions for you so you can dream again and dream BIG, feel better, look better and have more choices to do what you always wanted to do! It is a part of our journey to recognize our mission, our life purpose and be what we are meant to be!  Our spiritual growth is the foundation of who we are about to become! 

Get details about one of my solutions right now!






Six Steps To Reinvent Your Business


Tatyana is here.

As creative entrepreneurs we get so many ideas every day and we can get easily confused and even distracted. You might put ideas on the back burner and wait till a perfect moment…You might want to create a new brand or change a direction of your business!

Trust me, I have been there and had to follow my intuition and lead with my passion. However, we cannot jump into the unknown world without a good plan. It is a business. Without a business plan nothing works…We must put it all on a paper.. I know it sounds simple but as a great mentor to many successful business owners MaryEllen Tribby with WorkingMomsOnly.com  told me last week, “Tatyana, put everything you want and the outcome you want on the  paper. You will see the results you want and start there!”

We must be strategic… We must take one step at a time. If we do  not follow simple steps we can get lost and even more confused.

Sometimes we must start with these six steps:

  1. Ask ourselves why we got burned out and maybe we must change our business direction. We might need to step aside and take a new look at what we did and if it is something we want to pursue.
  2. Change our ideal client market. Just in a recent conversation with my friend James we saw his values were not aligned with his customers values and he had to make changes.
  3. Change a business model: You might go from one on one coaching to speaking in groups to free time and get more exposure. You can write a book and become an expert in your field.
  4. Breath. Relax.  Focus on things that make you feel GREAT!
  5. Hire a consultant/coach to guide you. ( That is where I come in and guide you with my strategic consulting or even some coaching)
  6. Do what feels unnatural. Success is always going to make you feel unnatural. It is a part of your journey

If you are ready to create a breakthrough or make changes, I am accepting brand new clients for a limited amount of coaching and consulting engagements…

We will together in the areas:

  • personal breakthroughs and spiritual growth
  • PR strategies
  • personal branding
  • creative writing
  • content development and bring you resources to help you to grow!


Contact me today to explore new opportunities for your growth and schedule a complimentary 20 min session to see how I can serve you best!




Tatyana Gann



Creme brulee thinking ….



Are you living a creme brulee lifestyle?

I love creme brulee. I love the divine taste and five star experience and my dear friend James knows my taste! Well,  James and I have a monthly tradition. We get on the phone and discuss life, business and what we can do to improve our lives. We share resources to grow our business. We laugh a lot and talk about our lifestyle, dreams and families. However, the last phone call was quite different.  James felt lost. He wanted a new direction in his life and business. He was getting frustrated! As we talked we both saw his values were not aligned with the work he was involved in. It was not making him happy, complete and he was loosing a desire to continue doing the work he has put so much energy into.  He was seeking new solutions. But they had to be simple!

I said , “James why are you being an apple pie when you want to be a creme brulee?”  He started laughing and said to me,  ” I love a good piece of flourless chocolate cake. I get your point and i never thought of it this way!!”  He simply gave up on his dreams, his desires and passions. He wanted finer things in life and felt he needed to do things to please masses.  He did everything to bring resources and solutions but they could not provide the income he wanted to have to support his dream lifestyle. He appreciated fine things in life and he was afraid to accept them. His values were WEALTH, BEAUTY, ART, RELATIONSHIPS, FINE THINGS ( great food, wine and so on..) and EDUCATION.  The solution- he had to accept his desires and dreams and FINALLY claim them!

It does not matter if you want to be a creme brulee, a cake or heavenly apple pie. You must change! James  made a decision not to lie to himself about who he was and what he wanted in life was perfectly wonderful!~ He had to get out of circles he was in and start surrounding himself with people who would help him to be at that level. His professional and business experience was outstanding, but he was trying to be just another internet marketer, just another trainer of low cost marketing methods thinking it would attract BIG THINKERS.  Some of his clients were not willing to pay BIG bucks, and he was giving the education and resources to grow their business! He believed nothing was working and needed an immediate intervention! He needed a breakthrough…

We came up with a solution to get him out of the work he was doing .  It was not bringing satisfaction any longer. It was making him quite angry.  He had to let go of projects he was not passionate about! He had to stop to fear what he loved the most- his appreciation for fine things and teaching people who think BIG. He had to let go of idea  that serving his knowledge to people who did not appreciate his vision was a great idea!

He saw that he had gifts that were not fully utilized, and he was dying inside to share them with the right people.  He had to think differently about his passions, his values and a wonderful life he wanted for his family! He saw that self love was a missing ingredient in his work!

The best advice he received in our chat was to do what he always wanted to do. He had to stop living on the planet he did not belong to and move to the planet (a new platform) where he was destined to be and follow his divine blueprint. He had to take a space ship ( his new thoughts and powerful intention) and make a leap of faith. Total surrender and trust!

So…Are you living a creme brulee lifestyle?

Change your thoughts, expect only the best and  feel it is happening to you!   Then, take actions to match your desires and your thinking.  You can start today…Why not?


Tatyana Gann