“Attraction Marketing” is All About Energy And Mindset

Attraction Marketing is all about mindset and energy.  Energy is our true wealth and our major asset better than gold or silver.  Energy is ongoing.  Every cell of our body is energy.  Every thought we process is energy.  Energy is the main factor that contributes to our success in life, relationships and our well-being.

When someone thinks about  the term “attraction marketing” they immediately think about branding, sharing story and finding like-minded people who will get attracted to us. Well it is all good, but what type of people do we want to attract in life? What kind of people do we want to be surrounded with? What  kind of energy do we carry to attract our future clients or business partners.

Energy is everywhere. Our thoughts change every second.  I have read in a book by Marci Shimoff ” Happy For No Reason” that we receive” over 60,000 thoughts and half of them are negative”. They are caused by programming we receive from outside world: TV, radio, social media and more. Now imagine how much junk we process on a daily basis.  If we want to attract the right clients, customers and business partners, we need to set thoughts filters. We need to sift through every thought and only accept positive thoughts.   Our goal with the attraction marketing is to attract positive and vibrant people. That is our first step to success: to  become the person that we want to attract into our lives.

We often wonder why our websites that are all super high tech and fancy, and we pay big money for the web development, seo, cool graphic images, but still do not produce the results we expect to get.

The answer is our energy. 

 Have you ever noticed that a simple website with a great message in the form of  a shor video or an audio gets better results? We often get hypnotised to that message. We say “I feel great energy or vibe from her or him”.   Then we say , “We just clicked right away” .  The website may not the best looking site, but the person we meet on that website may change our lives. Well, here is your answer.  Now you are aware that to create any success you need to create a shift in your thoughts and change the direction toward more positive thinking and taking an action that has a positive effect on you and everyone around you.  It is not something you hear for the first time about positive thinking, but it is something you must do if you want to be pro at “attraction marketing”.

Once you understand it and become aware of the entire thought process, you will be able to manage your thoughts, emotions, your actions and it will open a door to new possibillities you never knew existed. You will discover your true yourself, your true purpose and your true mission. You will remove all the blockage you had in your mind about who you are and what you are capable and you will become the person everyone wants to be around and follow you so they can experience what you feel.  How do I know? I do. I experienced myself. I had to change my perception about my purpose on this earth. Believe me, I had deep fears of being an immigrant here in US. I was afraid what people think of me and if I can ever be successful. Well, I realised that I could take all I learned and put into serving other legal immigrants who come to America with big dreams and want to live in peace, harmony and take care of their families. That is how my idea of becoming “immigrant success diva” was born.  It was born after I changed my mindset and switched focus from being fearful onto serving others by providing marketing and business education and personal empowerment.

 It is a beautiful journey and you must learn how to get there.  Blessings to all!

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.
Tatyana Gann is an immigrant success diva, an online marketing mentor, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess.  To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, visit her site: http://www.immigrantsuccessdiva.com

One thought on ““Attraction Marketing” is All About Energy And Mindset

  1. Tatyana, this is a great post. It makes you think. Did you have me in mind when you wrote this?…LOL. Filtering out the negative is something that so many of us need to work on. I know I do.


    Nate Holland

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