Featured Article: 7 reasons WHY we should practice silence!

Don’t you love Fridays? I think it is my favorite time of the week. Not just because it is a weekend  and I can cook delicious weekend treats for my boys, but because it is the time to recharge and be silent. I learned to listen to myself and discover my life purpose through silence, asking my heart for guidance. Do not you love silence? You can hear wind outside and your clock ticking. It is a meditation time. Time for pampering your soul.

I wrote this blog post when it was very late, almost 1 am one Friday night. I was writing in my living room on my comfy coach, enjoying silence and only listening to my crystal clock ticking on the fireplace.  I was thinking about silence today. I thought about importance of silence for our concentration and destressing our crazy busy life that we do create for ourselves. My good friend told me once, Silence is thinker’s paradise. Silence exists when there is no external noise. The problem is trying to keep the noise out of our head

We live in the world of rush-rush and do this and do that all day long.  We are such a fast paced society that demands fast results. You might be reading this blog  post while tweeting or checking your Facebook page.  You might be skipping through all the words to get an idea what I write about. However, I really want you to read and pay attention.

Anyway back to the topic on silence. I enjoy  silence. It allows me to write, to think and to connect with myself. It allows me to find answers to my life obstacles and make the right decisions. Silence is the best meditation method because it still allows to express ourselves.

Silence is Empowering.  My favorite quote. “The most profound statements are said in silence”- Lynn Jonhston

How can we recharge  ourselves with silence? I asked myself that question until I really became still.  Silence is inside of you and you can create it even with people rushing, talking and doing other things. It is about leaning how to isolate yourself and connect with yourself for few minutes a day. It is like turning off the switch button for a few minutes and recharging.

Here are my 7 reasons why we should practice silence:

1. Silence allows us to question ourselves about our purpose in life
2. Silence enables us to let go of bad thoughts and put them into a different place in our mind.
3. Silence is the most powerful tool for talking to someone. Silence has its voice. We can send love, healing, positive thoughts when we focus and set the intention to do so.
4. Silence is YOUR best friend. It enables our intuition to work when we need it the most.
5. Silence enables to see the beauty of the things that is around us and what we have: our health, our state of well being and seeing beauty of nature around.
6. Silence allows us to develop gratitude for the opportunity to be who we want to be.
7. Silence allows us to see what elusive and deceptive and the best tool to save our integrity.

That all can be done in 15 minutes a day. You just need to find a spot in your house or even if you are in a busy place where people come and go, find 15 minutes to tell yourself that it is time for YOU.  You can go to a botanical garden or a park. I love nature.  It is a great place to appreciate the beauty, God’s amazing gifts and enjoy ME time. Now…Focus on your breathing. Bring in the most positive moments in your life you have already had and also the magic moments you dream about .

You deserve to relax and leave everything alone for 15 minutes and forget  everythng else exists around you. You do not have to listen to meditation music because listening to silence is the best music your mind and your body can express and listen at the same time.

One more thing, if you are a writer, a business owner, you might have experienced creative blocks.

Have a great weekend!

Tatyana Gann
(c) Copyright 2011  Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.

9 thoughts on “Featured Article: 7 reasons WHY we should practice silence!

  1. Dear Tatyana, this is just wonderful! x I love what silence can bring, there is no substitute to it, to be with your Higher Self and God at the same time, there is so much Divine intelligence to soak up…Love it!! Thanks so much for such an inspiring article and have an amazing Friday! 🙂 Also thanks for the opportunity you give to people with all the generous discounts you offer at this time…

  2. Tat,

    Great article there girl. I love it and it follows my plan perfectly. My favorite place is my back yard. It backs on to a wooded area so there are lots of birds, butterflys, etc not to mention my three Brittany’s. Once those three dogs calm down after I arrived, it is fun to watch everything that goes on out there.

    May I repost this on my 7 Points to Success blog? I will of course give you credit with a link back to your hotPR site.

    Let me know, ok?

  3. Silence is like a period to a sentence. It gives you a moment to catch your breath and absorb what you just read – or lived that day. Loved this reminder!

  4. Great reminder. We all need to take some time to be quiet and try to filter everything out. Amazingly this is often when the best ideas and insights come, when we think of nothing. We give our mind time to do it’s magic then!

  5. We let our lives get so busy. Always one more thing we can do, always another call, another task, another email. Yet nothing nurtures us more than standing still for a moment … or more … in total silence. Allowing ourselves to go to that special place in our minds where the clutter and chatter cannot go. Peace, at last. Thanks, Tatyana!

  6. I Love it and was thinking about Solvita’s Positive Calmness and Yes, she was the first who commented. Silence and wisdom are timeless and we need to calm down for nurture ourselves. It’s amazing to see how the synergies work between people who cares as I know you do. Yes! I have creative blocks and I know they are working for me when it’s time to listen to my inner voice.

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