5 Major Steps To Find a New Career Path After Job Loss… Then what…

Sadly to say, over 500,000 jobs were lost in December 2008 and the experts predict the country will loose 2.4 million jobs over the next year. People are looking for new career options, a plan B to replace the income and get back the financial freedom they once had. When I found out if my husband lost his job after being with his company for over 7 years, I wondered what was going through his mind when he heard the final decision about it. Was he scared or looking at it as a new chapter in his life?

Personally, I saw it as something new and exciting, and he was relieved to some extent that he could finally start a new journey. Yes we all think we have security in our jobs and until it affects us we do not understand what other people go through. I have recently read a quote “When the door of one opportunity closes, another door is open” and I believe it is a begining of a new journey not just for my husband but for me and our family.

That is why my answer is CarbonCopy Pro Marketing System that offers legitimate opportunity to be mentored by the best of the best in the business world and potentially replace their corporate paycheck and free time for themselves and for their family. People are looking for long term and stable business because down deep inside they realize that there is no get rich businesses. They either require to invest money and time or require to invest time to learn skills. With CarbonCopyPro Marketing Community I see solid foundation for the education and creating new career paths.

That is why I want to share with you my advice on what to do if you face a new career change. Job loss is not easy to accept but it is a blessing in some way. We must look at experiences and find good in them.

Here are three things we need to do if you lost a job.
1. Accept it as something we cannot change

2. Realise jobs are not secure and people deserve get paid on results not for a job.

3. Find a legitimate home based business and earn money for what you are worth, and I am sure you are worth more of what your former boss paid you at your last job. My recommendation is to look into direct sales home businesses that pay you higher commissions especially if you got used to a high salary in the corporate world.

4. Develop new skills or get back to what you are passionate about. Invest your time you have in yourself.

5. Start Networking on social networking sites such as twitter, facebook and others. It is a great place to connect with the right people and build long term business relationships. How do I know? My husband has used facebook to find clients for his graphic design creative services.

Enjoy your week.

Tatyana Gann

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