Quantum Leaps, Frogs Steps and 200 bucks..

“How to create quantum leaps in your business by making frog steps….”

Valentine’s day is almost over. I was enjoying it with my family even though they are sick wit pneumonia and even pertussis. I still cooked an amazing pork roast and chocolate almond cake and evenĀ  had a glass of red wine for dinner. It was fabulous!

When your children get sick as a mom I want to gather all my energy and forget to slow down and express gratitude for ability to handle many situations and people who help me.

Today I am grateful. It has been almost since 16 years since the day I took my first test to come to USA as an exchange student. I came to this country with 200 bucks to my name and 2 little old suitcases. I had fears of speaking, understanding American English but one day down deep inside I knew if I did not do it now, when then? I had to jump and move forward fast. I realized it had nothing to do with luck or super talents. It had to do with timing, taking action.. Fears can only paralyze you for short time and distract you from your goals. I believed into something I did not see. I believed in the future that I created- to come to America and prove myself that I could do it.

Leap of faith does not happen accidentally. Leap of faith is based on couple things: Love for yourself and believing in yourself so much that you do not take NO for answer.

For me today Valentine’ s Day is not about love only. It is about serving, giving, sharing my talents.
It is not about one day. It is about doing this consistent action every day. It is not about just loving your spouse and your kids and being completely different with your coworkers, business partners. Love does not have boundaries. Love spreads evenly. Love is about service…

Sometimes we ask ourselves if we are good enough to serve and be valuable to the community. How far can we go in our knowledge. believe me! I have been there… I felt little, depressed and not loved.
I realized it was my personal issues and I had to grow up and experience that growth. Every stage of life has new meaning, new purpose. You must be grateful for every step of your journey, even it seems so little to you and you think it does not do any good. One day you will see it DOES.
Time is the best remedy for the past and time is the best test to know who you can truly become!

Love yourself, love your mind, love your body. Honor what you have got. You are very gifted and planted on this land for reason. I believe EVERY person has a gift. Sometimes we often look in somebody else bowl so to speak to see what they got but we must realize we need to look what in front of us.

I met many special people who opened my heart and my mind to possibilities and saw in me what I never did. When you follow your passion, right things happen. When you are in harmony and have strong faith in yourself and higher power, the right people come and lead you. Situations occur that you never thought possible. You discover who you are and get surprise and ask yourself “Really, it is me”. Take Action with little things you must do every day. Rome was not build in one day. Believe you can build it!

Have a great week!

Tatyana Gann

One thought on “Quantum Leaps, Frogs Steps and 200 bucks..

  1. As always Tatyana, I love your post. Love truly is about service…anyone who does not understand that, has not truly loved, and also, has never KNOWN the author of love. “Love is…not self-seeking”…1 Cor. 13:5
    I also was inspired by your last few comments…I need reminders like “Rome was not built in one day!”
    Thanks Tatyana, and good for you, taking those frog steps!

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