What can Twitter Peeps learn from dating principles?

I recently posted note on Facebook about this subject and it got a lot of attention and I wanted write a blog post and share with you. I hope you can read and understand the meaning of it and apply to your business and improve your social media presence.  If you have Twitter and Facebook account,  what do you think what Twitter peep  learn from a dating principles.

How to get people to pay attention to you in Social Media and say WOW… even if…you are simply green, brand new and no knowledge and you may have not even uploaded a photo…Just a blank screen… sounds like something you have done before? Well there is a way out and it can actually be fun and simple and you do not need to pay “gurus” thousands of dollars to learn “their” secrets.. The secret is UNDERSTAND WHO YOU ARE and ADORE YOU…Then the right people will flock to you because of YOU and YOUR VALUE to the community..

Hey all I thought to do something fun.. Have you thought about the first date you ever had? Well. I remember the first date and first impression I wanted to make.. I remember how my future husband approached me.. He actually was too shy and invited me on the double date. If you ever had a double date it felt weird. I did not know what to say and what other person thinks of me..The same happens in social media.. We get intimidated by what others think of us.

If you are brand new on Twitter here are first steps you must take:

1. Find someone you really like and respect
Start with people you know in your business, your friends, and your colleagues from your job or any other business organization. If you do not know many people find people you believe you are going to really like and not just consider somewhat cool. There is a difference between being cool and really liking and respecting that individual

2. Take time to get to know them
Make sure to get to know them and see what they like before you ask them questions or for your small favors such as retweeting your posts, leaving comments on your blogs or videos

3. Pop question.
No, we are not talking about getting married right away.. Do you remember when you asked your girlfriend for a date and you so casually popped the question asking to go for a coffee or a movie or invited her to the concert or meet other people. Well same applies here. Do not be afraid to invite your new friends to facebook group, special event or even live event where you can meet face to face and get to know each other more.

4. Take it to the next level
After your first meeting or conversation take it to the next level and try to find more about person by asking more questions and learning more about them and let them ask you questions to get to know you. Remember in dating everyone is like “a marketing package” One thing we must remember is to stay authentic that way that “package” is going to have a true content and not just look good on the outside. It will help to establish a deeper connection.

5. Know your standards
The person will think of you as more attractive if they see that you have standards in your life and your career.  Set your values!

6. Give space to your friends
We all love to have space in our life.. When you ask too many questions or want to be included.
in their circle and you try too hard they can consider you as a stalker.. It is not what you want in your relationships with your potential customers, partners and even just friends.

7. Don’t try to be impressive
You do not have to impress people with all your knowledge. Just you should have the right energy and enthusiasm and be courteous as well. Just from my personal experience sometimes certain things I mentioned or brought to discussion on Twitter or facebook that I did not expect to get attention to actually brought more buzz and more discussion and even hot debates. It was awesome. It was real, authentic and beautiful and a great surprise!

8. Watch your tongue and behavior.
As you know tongue can be constructive or destructive. What you say leaves footprints and people may not say things to your first and tolerate your inappropriate behavior but they will never appreciate it. Best to be polite and respectful.

9. Be Nice and kind!
People notice the kind and nice people. Smile even you engage into conversations. You may think they do not see your smile but they feel it. I even made video about the power of smile in social media and it brings great points about we can use our smile and energy to connect with people.

10. Maintain Relationship.
Don’t just leave that person hanging and hoping you will come back and talk more. Keep relationship with people and stay in touch.. Make sure you compliment them, reassure them that you care about them and express interest in what they do and find new things about them you like most and discuss it with them. It will bring more topics for discussions..

I hope you can see the connection between psychology of dating and relationship building and social media and by understanding it and applying the principles you will be able easily to find great friends and build relationships and create flow of customers and clients for your business

Have a good week.

Tatyana Gann

PS . Lets connect on Twitter http://www.Twitter.com/SmokinHotPR

Tatyana Gann is a MomPreneur, Writer, Blogger and Online PR consultant.  She teaches principles of building successful relationships using Social Media and PR Strategies. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, subscribe to her “SmokinHotPR Ezine”

One thought on “What can Twitter Peeps learn from dating principles?

  1. Hey Queen Gan, I love the connection here of Dating and Social media. That’s exactly how it’s supposed to be.

    Most people try to go for the quick fix way too soon. Keep bringing the wonderful content..



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