#1 Storytelling Tip To Launch Your Media Presence


photo1You have a vision. You want to be seen in the major media publications, TV, be interviewed by the influencers and the hottest talk in the town. You have so much passion buzzing in your veins that you are cannot stop You want to share your vision. ……here you go…

….You might have been told that in order to get media attention and have others talk about your product or business you need a story.. With so much marketing and content marketing advice you can get confused. It is quite easy!

Now I am going to show you why and how storytelling can help you launch your media presence, be the hottest success story and have fun in your professional life! PR can be sexy!

But… You need to know who YOU are first.

You might have heard storytelling is a new way to make connections, get new leads and get more sales. In every story you play a role. We call it a persona in the world of online publicity or public relations. Today storytelling is an amazing way to share your story right on your blog.

What is a persona? Persona is a role you play in your story…Your story comes from your professional and personal life experience. A persona is something you develop and build your story around it to support it Persona is NOT your brand but a part of your brand. It helps to showcase your brand. When I started my PR consulting in 2009 I was known as SmokinHotPR boutique owner. It was my starting point. My persona was Trendsetter and Superhero. I wanted to set new PR trends and serve people to use PR to create freedom with their business. Create BIG buzz with less work!

First important element is POSITIVE EMOTION.  It connects with people on emotional levels positively to inspire to motivate them to make new choices, new decisions and improve life.

Second important element is CONTROVERSIAL EMOTION. It does not have to be positive. It is often controversial. It makes people think. It often stirs us discussions, hot debates. Some controversy will do, but make sure it is not negative.

I will cover few types of persona I believe would be great for your stories in the media publications

1. The Adversary: The One who takes an opposing view of the most important matters. You  love to draw some attention. When they go left you go RIGHT.

2. The Superhero: you demonstrate some heroic effort what people remember. You show courage to serve people. You believe that you have the key to freedom.

3. The Trendsetter: You are interested in future trends and innovations. You love technology. You love social media. You share all the coolest things with your fans.

4. The Adventure lover: you love to share your life adventures. It is your lifestyle. People in the home business industry, musicians, writers who travel, love to share their lifestyle stories.

Love to hear about your persona. Leave a comment below. If you need help with your media attention, developing your online presence, become recognized and make you unforgettable apply for my private consulting and coaching.

To your success

Fear myths exposed….


In the past two weeks I got emails from my readers asking me about FEARS. They wanted to know how to manage and overcome fears. They were ashamed of living in fear. They did not have confidence to move forward. But they knew they needed to do something about it.

Does it sound familiar? Are you ashamed of your fears?

First of all you must accept your fears…Often we are taught to get rid of it as fast as we feel it. We are taught it is a bad thing. Good news— accept your fears, so you can understand the roots of your fears. It takes a very strong person to say “Heck, I do have fears and I am working through them”. Fears do teach us to take care of our basic necessities in life. They teach us how to be grounded and accountable.

Tip: When you push your fears in the corner, you do not get rid of them. You simply cover the mess up. You simply deny your human emotion. When you accept your fears you open your mind to do what you have never done. I used to be afraid of dogs. Growing up I had a major fear of dogs. It did not matter what size they were. I had FEAR of being attacked. I was attacked by a dog when I was little so I kept telling myself dogs were not my friends. Well, in 2012 I learned the dogs could be your therapy. They could be your loyal friend you never had  with the most unconditional love. FEAR melted away when I faced it and made a decision to see an alias in what I feared the most.

When you accept your fears you open your mind to do what you have never done

Secondly ask yourself, “What if our our fear is that we have the power to do better things in life”?
I love what Marianne Williamson says about fear of being powerful beyond measure, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Your playing small does not serve the world

I think when we realize we can be powerful and improve our life, we simply resist the opportunity to grow. We, instead, should claim that we are God’s masterpiece and as Marianne says “Your playing small…” will not get us where we need to be in life.

Ask yourself again, “Does my fear of being powerful, significant, influential keep me from my true purpose of serving people”?

What is costing YOU to play small?

Do not let fear control your life. Even in the situations when we are scared for our life, ask yourself
“Is it a fear for my life– for my survival and my life safety?”
If it is then ask yourself “What resources do I have now to handle it and where I can get them?” Job or business security, establishing good health and a safe place are important in managing fears in order to move forward.

Another factor to consider is that fear can keep us stuck in the same situation and we repeat self sabotaging patterns.  What if you you establish a new belief, “What does fear allow me to do and be?” Is it serving a purpose of NOT doing what I want? Because fear can serve two purposes: one is to push you forward…and one to keep you stuck…Fear can push you to be brave.  You have to go through fear and quite often it is not bad as you think.

What do you allow fear to do to your life? Have you allowed fears to stop you doing things you wanted to do? When you realize that fears are costing you a success, a better relationship, a new career or even financial freedom you will make a decision to do something about it.

Do not run away from fears. They are normal emotions but you must NOT stay in the fearful state of mind for a long time. You must do something about it. Focus on your dreams. Taking baby steps towards your dreams will melt fears away because dreams are more significant than living in fear.

What if…it is a just illusion to justify something you are not willing to do…

What if I could mentor you to help you to overcome fears and regain confidence, peace and be happier in your professional and personal life? Are you committed to your success?

Contact me for a private consultation TODAY

Have a great day!
