About me

I am glad you are here…
I felt compelled to share my story with each woman who has felt stuck in life, felt unseen and lost her voice. I have decided to guide women from being a damsel in distress to having a better life and teach you my life transformational principles that have saved my life. It was not always easy and I have struggled with my self-worth and self-love through the years and it took a lot of energy, time and resources to find myself.
That little girl..
Since I was a little girl, I have been a dreamer and tried to find my calling in life. I was a nerdy mathematician who enjoyed ballroom dancing for hours and spending all my free time practicing cha-cha and tango in a dance studio. I grew up in the Soviet Union where my parents strived to give me a better life including my education in the school for nerds aca mathematicians, science majors and English language geeks like myself. My biggest outlet was ballroom dancing and I was surrounded by young girls that wanted to be skinny, successful and get married by the age of 22. I wanted more in life.
During the Soviet times, the woman could not achieve high positions in the corporate world or pursue her dreams of entrepreneurship. Her place was to become a teacher or be a doctor, or a nurse. It was considered a very noble thing to do and the only thing that helped women have some self-worth.
I decided to follow my mother’s steps and become a teacher. The noble thing I believed in. Actually. I thought that becoming a teacher would be good for my personal self-worth and it would be well respected. My entire family had a few teachers and college professors. I decided to become an English teacher and two years later I was fortunate to immigrate to the United States. Becoming a teacher was a part of the master plan 25 years later and led me to coaching and mentoring women.
Stepping into a new role
My personal journey into life coaching began with my own transformation. I had everything a woman could have according to the world’s top standards: a cozy cottage style home, two gorgeous kids, a handsome husband, and a growing online publicity business.
I was the girl who could never say NO if anybody needed help. I was an absolute people’ pleaser and lived with high expectations of others. But…There was a constant battle inside of my soul.
In the fall of 2012, my personal life changed drastically during and after an extremely complicated divorce, shutting down my online business and starting a brand-new life all over again at the age of 37 with 43 dollars to my name.
Now I was a divorced single parent and everything I have dreamed of became just a fading memory. I was frustrated with not being able to change my life the way I envisioned it, and I realized very soon that something had to change. My mindset had to change. My life choices had to change.
I was at the point in my life when I simply had had enough of the old version of Tatyana. I have never realized I would experience so many profound life lessons and breakthroughs that will reveal my passion to serve women in transforming their lives. Every woman deserves to have the best life and she often does not know she does or it is possible for her. Sometimes she needs a push and extra support to believe in herself! I have never considered becoming a transformational life coach. My calling has always been about helping people become known and I have spent a few years working as a publicist and a content strategist. Yet, I have always wanted to help clients shift their mindset, overcome fears, get unstuck and become financially independent or at least start working on it. I became a certified life coach in the fall of 2014 after finishing an extensive training with Radiant Coaches Academy in Nashville, TN.
I finally turned my passion for entrepreneurship, spiritual and personal development, holistic living, and family wellness into a brand new coaching career empowering women to break away from toxic relationships, bad lifestyle habits and toxic mindset patterns and rebuild their identity, self-worth and their feminine side. I have embraced a new mission of helping women who go through life obstacles and transitions with much ease and redefine the true meaning of self-love, something I had to do for myself to have breakthroughs in business and personal life.
In the fall of 2019, I received a phone call that nobody would want to hear. After a series of many medical tests, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was the best gift God presented to me and it was tucked behind my heart. I have shared my story with many people to inspire them and have faith!
Instead of questioning God, I looked at it as my new quest of becoming the best version of myself, letting go of trauma, negativity, grief and pain I have felt after divorce and losing everything. It was my fresh start. The ball of negative energy had to go so I could be healed at a much deeper level and I was truly fortunate to win that battle while inspiring women who faced similar health challenges.

The health scare became a catalyst of my massive transformation and finding a true purpose in life- empowering women to be gutsy, unbreakable, and authentic. I started sharing my story, inspiration, lifestyle, and mindset hacks women can use daily to have a better happier life and take their business to a new level.
It has become my passion project that led me to speak for various breast cancer awareness
events in Nashville, TN and contribute to a few publications.
When people ask me what my biggest secret to beating breast cancer was, I simply say, “Going back to the zone of peace and surrender…when fear attacked my mind and tried to drive me crazy…”
Mindset is everything to have a wonderful life and I have dedicated my time to learning and applying many life changing mindset principles from the best mentors in the past 7 years. I believe it is never too late to experience breakthroughs in spiritual and physical health and transform your life. I am very dedicated to helping women rise above any challenge and discover the world of beauty, love, and success. I was fortunate to have amazing teachers i life.
Among my mentors there have been amazing women who left the impact on this world, such as Ali Brown, a millionaire mentor, and a business strategist, Sandi Krakowski, a brilliant copywriter and the CEO of 10 million-dollar companies and Emily Spiro, a transformational coach, a psychologist and an astrologist. I learned various healing modalities from the best experts around the world. I was very fortunate to learn from the best experts in the world of metaphysics, NLP, energy healing and today I am ready to help others transform and never give up on themselves.
When I am not writing or coaching, I enjoy walking and exploring local parks and hiking trails. . Life is designed to savor each moment and I am so happy you are here. If you are ready to learn more about The Unbreakable Femme Method, let’s chat
Look forward to learning more about you and connecting with you.
With love,