How to write a consumer focused press release to get targeted buyer leads…

When it comes to writing a press story we think we should only focus on getting some media attention. We try to add some spice and uniqueness to our story because we know media professionals have very limited time to read and choose what best suits them.

However, if you want to reach buyers directly you must consider the following rules before you write a press release or a mini pitch. Remember if even your send your story to an editor she or he is still a human being and she/he would want to know if their readers benefit from your advice:

First, pay attention to your headlines. It is a very important element for your story that can bring your traffic or they delete it and never consider it regardless if your story is filled with the most updated, fun, exciting content!

Here is what you must consider when you write headlines.

  • You have 10 seconds to make an impression
  • You can write the press release first before you come up with the headline.

It will give you a direction about your headline if you have a hard time coming up with the ideas. If you only focus on a headline you might experience a writer block or miss the important information you want to share.

  • Headlines should be about 70 characters ( use same rule for tweets and facebook posts)
  • Hot trendy stories give your Ideas
  • Do reviews of  hot emerging trends
  • Ask yourself if you want to get media attention or consumer focused?
  • Talk about your major clients and achievements they had with your services
  • List all the information you want to include
  • Arrange in the order of importance
  • Say what you mean. Be simple.
  • Avoid jargon words. You are a talking to another human being. It is very important to keep communication simple and open.
  • Focus on the results in the press release…( achievement, news)

Before you sent out the story follow these rules:

Let the story sit overnight. Do not edit. Wait.

See the content for overuse of the same words

Grammar check

Choose the right press release submission services: do not use free sites unless you know they appear in Google search and good for link building.

I recommend Best press release sites for link building that have FREE press release option

Idea Marketers, PR Zoom, 24-7Pressrelease,

Paid: PRLOG, CisionWire, PRWEB

Have a great week!


Tatyana Gann

4 thoughts on “How to write a consumer focused press release to get targeted buyer leads…

  1. Great information that I’m sure my followers will appreciate as much as I do. I’ve never mastered PR, but this will be a focus for me in the near future and I’ll be watching for any info you have that can help me. Thanks!

  2. Dear Tatyana , you are so generous as always, giving your advice and expertise away to people… appreciate your help and care. 🙂

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