Treat your customers as kings and queens..then what?

From the throne of Tatyana Gann

Nashville, TN

Do you love VIP service?

You heard the advice – treat your customers as queens and kings, and you will never have to worry about them ever! They are loyal forever!  Does it apply to what you do?

When someone is looking for a coach, or hire a person to help them with a project, they usually get attracted to a person they plan to do business with because of their genuine heart and being authentic.  They can relate to their experiences and their interests, hobbies and things they do on a daily basis. It helps to break the ice so to speak.

But most important every client want to be treated as VIP client. Every person we talk expects VIP treatment. Sometimes they may not say it but they crave best service and the best attitude towards them. It is up to us to show them they MATTER in our lives!

Do you  FEEL your business provide VIP service to your customers?

By now you know I am a Russian native. I have discovered my passion to become a writer, a publicist and start my own VIP Publicity services and work with a lot of business owners who have big dreams and hopes and my mission is to give them hope and assist them in realizing their dreams. My goal is to make them feel the best about what they do

It is very special for me to see clients like Amber Bowden who has passion to serve families in the time of crisis, stress management during cancer treatment and other illnesses with her product called MedTrakker.

She wrote

“Thank you for helping me raise awareness to the public on the importance of managing your personal medical record when facing a chronic/terminal illness. You are amazing woman, with huge heart in helping people making their dreams become reality.”

That is what life is about!

I grew up in Russia and came to US in 1994 as a language scholar. My background was in Education. I come from the family of many teachers and I spent my childhood in St.Petersburg Russia, a great town called by Peter The Great “The Window into Europe”.  He was a Russian king, and he knew how to treat everyone right! No wonder he brought the finest architects and designers to build the city and make it the center of Russian fleet. His influence was known around the world.   People loved him and even enemies admired him.

That is why I want to ask you today, “How do you treat your customers?”  Reach out, ask questions, engage and show LOVE.

Here is a piece of my heart to you…The city I grew up and have many memories!

I have decided to add a little video about St.Petersburg I found on the Youtube. It reflects what I love the most and I hope you will enjoy it. I hope one day you will be able to visit it and let me know what you thoughts about it but for now enjoy video and music that goes with it

Have a beautiful day! Life is amazing!

Tatyana Gann

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