Got Tunnel Vision About Your Business?

When I think about vision, I think about a beautiful waterfall or river. It knows where it is going. It reminds me of the serene nature scene. You know exactly where you are going even if you do not know exactly how you will get there just yet. Your vision must flow in your mind. It does not have obstacles. You know exactly where you are going. With no vision, your business becomes dull. It loses the sense of direction and you feel no passion. You become stressed out, burned out and… you quit.  Your vision can affect your business success if the vision is not BIG ENOUGH!

I remember reading a quote from Michael Gerber, in which he said, “Businesses fail not because their dream is too big, but because their dream is too small and too realistic to sustain the life they want!”

Why do I ask about your vision? Well, it is quite simple. Before you set your publicity plan in motion, you must know a few things. You have to be clear about your vision.  It is your inspiration and your dream!

It will define your publicity message. I learned to step aside from what I was doing and think about what my vision was before I decided to make changes. Your vision defines your brand and you must have a big dream to sustain your life. When you have a big vision, you know it is a journey and you become more committed to your success.  Does your vision only look good on paper? What about your heart?

When you create the right vision, things will flow. You will know you have the right vision when:

1. You know it is your dream and something you are inspired to do.

2. You feel no tension talking about it.

3. You can see yourself doing what you love and plan to expand your vision in the years to come.

4. You are ready to share your vision and mission with your team

5. You are confident about your core values.

6. You are very clear about your character and what you believe in and there is NOTHING that can change it.

7. Your vision is very profitable and you know the work and patience it takes to get things done. You are focused.

In order to create a good vision, you should NOT rush your life. You should take time and think it over.  Sometimes it requires taking a few days off to refocus and get very clear about what you want.  It will save you all the energy, resources and money you put into developing your business. No vision = No big results.

Have a great week!

Tatyana Gann

16 thoughts on “Got Tunnel Vision About Your Business?

  1. I agree Tatyana! In order to create a good vision, one should not rush! I like to think about my visions/goals, write them down and ask “why?” It must make sense to me. I must also see the accomplished goal. That takes time! Great article! Thanks so much for sharing your expertise!

  2. Every year I update my vision board and intentions for the following year. For each quarter I have an action work to keep me on topic…I also reevaluate quarterly to see where I am at:) This is a great post!

  3. Tatyana, this is a great post about the importance of having a vision, whether it is for business or not. Your 7 steps that describe how you know that you have the right vision are very clear and well laid out. Thank you for the inspiring post!

  4. I couldn’t agree more. There is a lot of value in taking some time to yourself to re-focus, and get your vision straight. Another inspiring post!

  5. Vision is so very important. It is like setting the Garman for its destination. It is the only way to get to where we want to be…by knowing very clearly what the destination is.

  6. I agree Tatyana vision is important, I remember in school they used to have us do an exercise where the teacher would say think of something you wish you could do and working backwards write down all the steps that it would take to get there. I still use the technique and now you have me thinking that it will be a great thing to teach my kids : )

  7. I have grown to love to visualize thing at a much deeper level than I had just a few years ago. Thanks for the helpful tip this will even be more beneficial to me!

  8. I agree Tatyana, knowing your vision is a crucial first step to your business and life success. There’s nothing like a solid and passionate vision that makes you jump out of bed in the morning. I really like your advice of taking a few days off to get your vision clear ~ it’s that important!

  9. I love this: Businesses fail not because their dream is too big, but because their dream is too small..this is so true about life as well. None of us fail…its all a wonderful dream that we live into as we decide to

  10. Ah yes! Having a vision and acting upon that vision is so important in every aspect of your life. I love your tips and can happily say that my vision is clear and has been for quite some time. Unfortunately I allowed others to dictate before I took over again and am back on track with making my dream and vision a reality:) Thanks for sharing your tips:)

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