10 Easy Ways To Stay Sane and Improve Productivity

 Listening to water fall sounds….Staying sane in the world filled with daily stress and constant new demands of my online home business can be quite challenging and sometimes impossible. As we know 70% of all medical problems are stress related and honestly there is no quick fix. However, there are few solutions or tips that can help anyone. They are very simple and so often overlooked.

Especially due to the economic condition our country and the world is today no wonder more and more people are depressed, overweight and develop chronic health conditions.  What should we do? We feel we are stuck in this mess and we often do not know whom to listen to and whom can listen to  us.

First and foremost we must put stress in its place like a misbehaving child who is out of control and we must basicly do the same with our stress. We must recognize we have a problem and determine what we must do about it. I learned to focus on the important matters in my life despite the daily distractions.. I call them “destructive distractions” since they carry the destructive power. I learned to regroup and refocus on my priorities to easy anxiety and create a balanced life. My best advice- find time for yourself!

Now, let’s talk about 10 easy ways to keep sane. Lets fun begin.

1. Do Deep Breathing.

Honestly, sometimes we get so rushed and pushed in so many directions and occupied with life and run like madmen we tend to forget to slow down and smell the roses. We must slow down and take few deep breaths.  It helps us to calm down, to gather our thoughts and start all over or move on.  I love to listen to calming water fall sounds and relax just by closing my eyes and connecting with the nature sounds.

2.  Stay Positive

You tell me, “Yeah, Tatyana, right”  Positive people get better outcome in any difficult situation. It does not mean that positive people do not get stressed. They do. They just handle it differently. Their mind is programmed to expect positive results. Negative and positive cannot exist together, so we must choose one or the other.

When things went wrong with my online home business or something just did not work the way I expected I often felt like giving up or quiting but I made a choice of being positive no matter I was hurt or disapointed because I knew something better would come out of it.

3. Pamper yourself

Relaxing bath with candle light, talking a long walk or listening to soothing music. You deserve to love your mind and your body and create positive energy around yourself. I love to listen to reiki healing music I found on youtube and even few minutes of listening helps to release negative energy that can build up. As they say “If Momma is not happy, nobody is happy”

4. Do not worry about little things in life.

If it is not a big deal let it go. We often put too much attention to things that just do not matter.

5. Learn to forgive

Forgive others when and forgive yourself for the things you have done. Believe in forgiveness and forget it. Forgeting is a part of forgiveness.

6. De-Clutter Your life

Decluttering your life means less stress. Do not feel that you have to be a supermom or a superdad and try to do things at once. Multitasking can clutter your life and create chaos. Determine what needs to be done first and stick to your plan

7. Use the word “NO”

It is quite negative word but it could be your best friend.  We must learn to say “No” to requests and demands of others and isolate ourselves from the rushed world. I love making casseroles, stews and bake desserts for friends who are sick or just had a baby and need assistance or just watching someone’s else child when I have a jungle at home just with my two boys. We are afraid to say NO b ecause we wonder what people would think of us or if they think less of us.  NO is powerful word, so learn to use it wisely.

8. Find positive people

Surround yourself with positive people who understand and support your life, your vision and believe in you. They can enrich your life in many ways

9. Be Grateful

Count your blessings, one by one. Consider all your challenges as blessings because there is a beauty in challenges. Be grateful for happy and joyous moments in life.  Be grateful for little things that bring smile to you.  As they say pray when rains and pray when sun shines. It is all GOOD.

” To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven” Johannes Gaertner

10. Take care of your body.

Make sure sleep at least 8 hours.  An adult in America sleeps on average 5 hours a night. No wonder why people are stressed and tired. Sleep deprivation on the top of bad eating habbits is the cause of many health problems.  Create an exercise program and do it every day. Make it a habbit. I choose Beachbody fitness program for myself to stay fit and be emotionally balanced.  Our well-being is a mirror of who we are. 

Remember only you are in control of your life and well being. Take baby steps and practice simple things that can ease your anxiety and create more harmony and balance. Life is not always a bed of roses and learning how to improve your life takes time and wisdom.

I want to end with a beautiful and simple quote “Things do not change, we change”… Do not be afraid to make little changes in your life because it is all for your good.

Have a great week!

Tatyana Gann, Nashville TN

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.

10 Tips to Make Positive Changes in Your Online Home Business

When it comes to running an online home business, our mind is racing 100 miles an hour and we get stuck with one question “What to do first and how can I do it?” I wanted to share with my knowledge and I hope it will make sense to you. I only use simple language and I love to give examples of daily applications that helped me and still keep me on track.

Tip 1. Change your mind

Change your mind “  is an important step in your online home business. It is all about excuse busting. We must get over all notions we have about ourselves. Write down every reason you have not to do your daily work, and then write solution for each problem. Give your mind the same consideration you give to other things in life like your car, house… Your right mindset will be the best vehicle or property you will even own. How far you mind takes you are based on your choices.  I believe we all beautifully made!

Tip 2. Evaluate yourself

If you were about to start an exercise program such as running or joining a gym fitness program you would have to go through personal assessment. We should do the same when we decide to make changes in our online home business. It could be very eye opening. You need to find where you stand and set realistic goals. You need to have a true picture.

Tip 3. Meditation

Start your day with healthy meditation. It is our brain fuel and provides our mind that positive kick start. Make sure you set a time to do it every morning… Do not rush yourself every morning. Plan this time of the day to meditate, to read or listen to personal development audios. I love to read Tony Robins, Jack Canfield, listen to Victoria Gallagher and Esther and Jerry Hicks.

Tip 4. Get moving.

Take action. You do not need to be an Olympic champion and do everything in one day. Begin with reasonable goals. Avoid inactivity and do something every day and not once a week or even once a month. Action will lead to results you want to have  but you need to have the mental foundation and have the right attitude to take a proper action or not just any action.

 Tip 5. Get rid of old marketing methods or methods that do not work anymore

It is like wearing old tennis shoes or even wrong size shoes. We make mistake accepting that certain methods work that used to work will always work or keep doing something that does work. We have fear of getting rid of old habits and accepting new ones.

Tip 6. Explore all your options

Do what you love to do first for your online home business. If you hate blogging, try video marketing or vice versa.  Do not force yourself to do what you do not want to do if you truly hate to do something. If you do not want to talk to your friends and relatives about your home business then do other forms of social networking though communities as Facebook and Twitter. Try different forms of marketing. Explore activities that both fun and beneficial. 

Tip 7. Be consistent

You will only see results in your online home business if you do work regularly and have schedule to do something every day. You cannot take four day break and expect to see results that week. Lazy days are great and they can be occasional treats like eating ice cream on a diet or a piece of delicious chocolate cake with ganache. You see I am talking food. It is my weakness and I do have lazy days in business and I accept them but then I kick myself into working harder the next day.  The good news is that working every day on your business will become your habit and it will be more enjoyable to you. I would say you should enjoy what you do or then why you should work from home.

 Tip 8. Update your daily routine.

 Stick to your routine for the next 4-6 weeks and you will see difference. Then you can add new marketing or business building methods. It will be good time to mix things up.  It could be something simple as adding 2-3 articles a week on a particular subject or creating your niche blog.  Continue to challenge yourself so you will not hit marketing plateau.  Plus you will avoid boredom.


Tip 9 Make a list of people

Ask your friends to help you in proofreading your work such as articles or create mastermind groups. Let people around you know that you are trying to improve your business and you need their encouragement and support. Believe me it does work very well.

Tip 10 Reward Yourself 

Reward yourself.  Not with an expensive restaurant meal but with a good book, massage or for us girls, a good massage or spa will be the best treat.  If you are like me, you will find it quite rewarding to help others and focus on helping your business colleagues. I know everything might seem crazy to you but surely it feels right!

Enjoy your week! Tatyana Gann


Tatyana Gann, Nashville TN

Business Coach, Immigrant Success Coach

CEO Global Mentors Marketing Group


(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved.




One Major Mistake Even Successful Business Owners Make Today

I want to share with you what I believe it is very important to know w hen it comes to personal branding and building an online business. There is one mistake people make and I will explain it in few seconds. When people are looking for a business they do research and see what people buy and what income they can generate from that. It is very important to know how to run a online home business from Day 1. However during that research they become so technical that they forget why they wanted to do it to begin with. They do not have big why or a passion to follow. They focus on money only. I agree money is great and good system is important but nothing more important than passion and liking what you do.

Just because everyone owns a shoe store in a city that makes them money does not mean you have to do it. That is the mistake people make. They become the blind sheep. They do not follow their heart. They follow someone’s else heart and that is why someone else is becoming richer and not them. You have to ask yourself “What makes me excited every day?”

Passion is the key to your success. Then challenges you will face will not be the scary challenges but little obstacles that you can overcome. That is where attraction marketing kicks in.  Attraction Marketing is like a nectar. Only certain bees come to it that like that scent. Not everyone will like what you do and who you are and honestly who cares. Attraction Marketing is about giving value and showing that YOUR knowledge is worth the cost of the business.  When people see what I offer to the table it does not matter to them if I do CarbonCopy Pro, Visalus or just selling ebooks, they want to know how I can help them to make money today and next month.  They want to see a leader in the industry. I believe that in order to be successful we must do what we believe in first and stop satisfying crowds. I believe when I do what I believe it then power within me awakes and can do achieve success beyond even my own imagination and it pleasantly surprises me. I recommend to do the same.. Find passion in your heart and follow it. Have faith that it will work and it will work.

I believe in being different, unique and I recommend to stop chasing next guru and immitate them. It may work for a while but you will get tired of it.

Ask yourself what is your unique feature? For me it is my accent. People love foreign accents. It is a good tool to build business. Why? People will listen to you more. One of my mentors told me once that he had to listen to every word I said and it actually helped him to understand who I was and get to know me better.  My advice is to find your unique quality and use it to your advantage. It will stand out like a sore thumb but in a good way.

Just have fun. People will know it by actions you take.  People will see your excitement. They will follow you.