Six Ingredients of Spiritual Growth

Six Ingredients of Spiritual Growth



Tatyana is here. I have not written in a while and I am glad I am back after almost two years  of silence. Going through a personal life change made me think about my life and how I wanted to grow from it and be more. I recognized that spiritual growth became the fancy phrase in the world of “self help gurus” but “spiritually hungry” people are still looking for answers.  My executive clients come to me with one big dream- to have a meaningful life, to have better relationships with kids, have more time and have a better health. Basic things right?

But they do not know how to find solutions and where to find them…

First thing you must realize is that YOU do matter in your own growth…

When you realize that the best asset you can have is not your real estate, cars, money in the bank and fake friends who are there for you when things are good…it is HOPE in the IMPOSSIBLE, FAITH in GOD and LOVE you have for yourself because God loves you.  When you are going to realize it, feel it and understand at a deeper level you will start your spiritual journey.

Quite often spiritual journey starts when you are wrecked, when you fall apart and when everything in your life has drastically changed. For a moment, you do not believe what is possible…But it is only for a brief moment. You regroup. You move forward.  You can look at it as the most challenging times in your life, but you can also see them as the most beautiful times in your life because God is FINALLY revealing your true power!

Secondly, one of the most important principles in spiritual growth is LOVE. Learning to love you is a step one in spiritual growth. It is not something you want to leave for later. You want to allow God’s love in your heart. It will move mountains and open new doors. It will give you strength and wisdom to do what you never did!

Love is the force that opens hearts of others to see the light in you. God’s love  that people will see in you changes hearts of the ones who hurt you most and makes you a big believer that God favors are coming your way…Believe it…Trust…and Take action…even small ones.

Third, Choices are very important. From this VERY point in your life only you are responsible for your choices…Only you can make things better or best in your life. Do not rush with choices…Make sure you feel at peace with them so everything follows smoothly…It will be if YOU believe it.

Fourth, YOUR WHY will make you do things that are not comfortable…It will open hidden gems in your soul and your heart that you never thought you had! Ask God for guidance because he placed them there and patiently waited for you to see your true power. Go for it. Aim HIGH…There are no limits!

My big WHYs are my boys…They are my reason to become a true polished diamond…Dream BIG!

my boys

Fifth, Your clarity is very important to see your path and recognize the right people in your life who could guide you and coach you. In confused mind it doesn’t happen. My point work on purifying your heart your soul and your mind!!!

In order to create the most precious moments in life you must do what you never done. You must leave your baby security blanket and put a shield on, find solutions to make things happen!!!  As a mom I am on fire and the best mission EVER- to give my boys the best gift- my unconditional love and show them that HOPE, FAITH and LOVE are most powerful attributes that God gave us…

To summarize, you cannot have spiritual growth without this: clarity, big WHYs,  love, self love, self acceptance, wise choices and YOU is the main actor on the stage of life! It is never too late to start dreaming again and loving yourself!!! I have simple solutions for you so you can dream again and dream BIG, feel better, look better and have more choices to do what you always wanted to do! It is a part of our journey to recognize our mission, our life purpose and be what we are meant to be!  Our spiritual growth is the foundation of who we are about to become! 


.If you are ready to use your setbacks and challenge yourself to move forward, get your vision back on track, I want to understand your ultimate goals, desires and help you to create a plan that is simplified so you have breakthroughs…get inspired again..

I will work with you one on one and coach you, support you and provide TOP resources to guide you back to original YOU !

I have worked with executives, small business owners, parents, professional working moms, college teachers people who wanted to overcome fears, feel confident, be MORE and BETTER..and you can read their stories on my page. I do not pretend or sugar coat but I gently address the issues you have talked about and create a plan to get to the roots of it and make a leap in your mind first…I am passionate about seeing you smile again and able to function and have a better life.

Quality of life starts with YOU…Let’s GO! Book your complimentary session today and let’s show you how awesome you are and what you can do.

Visit my holistic coaching page to book a complimentary session


Talk soon