How to stop being jealous and start moving towards our dreams



Hi there

As I was scrolling through my morning emails, I noticed an interesting subject that I would love to discuss further: How to Turn Jealousy Into Motivation To Achieve Goals.
As a life coach, I have witnessed many women being jealous of their successful peers. They become miserable, angry and ridicule every successful woman they meet.

I often ask myself, “Why do women do that? What does it for them?
My answer is low self-worth and giving up on the dreams but that it is another separate discussion.

I strongly believe that anyone can turn jealousy into the motivation, re-spark their passion and get moving towards their dreams. 
A wise woman can turn jealousy into the motivation, experience breakthroughs, and achieve new goals.
I believe that our belief system is responsible how we feel.
It is our deep beliefs system that blocks our goal achievement. It is our ego.

1. We are afraid to fail.
2. We are not worthy
3. I am brand new who would want me

This belief system can make us jealous and prevent from taking actions. Our ego does not want us see our true potential and be our best. It feeds on comparing ourselves to others, judging, being angry and ungrateful.

In my short article, I will describe how you can change it around in three short steps. They are not spiritual practices. They are simply your actions.
1. Look at where you are in life.

If you are a beginner at what you do, there is no point to be jealous of more successful women. Instead, reach out to them and build relationships with them, be of service and provide your fresh perspectives. Be grateful you have women you can look up to.
2. No success

If you are not successful yet or struggling with your business make sure you learn what they do. Watch them and make notes how they do it. Learning new skills is a humbling experience. It is about accepting the fact your need to grow and become the best version of yourself. Jealousy of their expertise is not too bad in my opinion. It can push you forward and get you unstuck. It will push you to take actions you never did.

3. Set your goals.

In goal setting, it is important to know what kind of goals want you to achieve so you avoid comparison and start being proactive in achieving your goals. You have to start by asking yourself a few goal questions that can be broken down into Goal questions, Reality questions, Option questions and Will questions.

What is short term goal?
What is the long term goal?
What do you need to deliver to your customers?
What does success look to you?

REALITY QUESTIONS to ask yourself the reality of your situation, skills, time issues, process and how you have come so far.
What is going on in your life now?
How busy are you?
What is working and what is not working?
Do you have extra time?
Do you need new skills to achieve this goal and what can you use now to get it done?

OPTION QUESTIONS– Remember you have options and plan B strategy to achieve the same goal.
What are the benefits and negatives of each goal?
What else can you do?
What would it take to achieve it?
What is good about this option?

WILL QUESTIONS– Once you understand your goals and believe in them you can start moving forward
When will I start?
What will I do first?
How likely will I succeed?

By answering these questions, you will focus on taking actions and be real with yourself rather than being stuck and jealous.

If you are ready to make a change in your life and feel you need help book your free consultation today.

Click here to book your 30 min free session

Thank you
Coach Tatyana

3 thoughts on “How to stop being jealous and start moving towards our dreams

  1. Sadly, I’ve seen (and experienced) the scenario you describe at the beginning of your article far too often and (to be brutally honest) it’s the reason that during the first half of my career I went out of my way to work with men whenever possible. Thankfully, these days there are many more women, such as yourself, who are aware, compassionate and supportive in their relationships with female peers. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Hi, Tatyana

    Totally agree with you – the root cause of jealousy is our low self images. Believing that we will not able to have what other people have or accomplished. We may also believe that the favor or blessings will not be with us.

    The questions are useful for people to get out of jealousy and move towards to accomplish our destination.

    Have a nice week end.

  3. Marquita

    Yes working with men sometimes is much easier but women need to be educated on how NOT to be jealous and why it hurts their reputation.

    Yes there are many supportive women. I agree!


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