Do your memories of your past keep you from creating success in your life?

Today I wanted to share something may be personal or maybe not. I thought about love and memories and how it affects our life in general. In the past months I have had difficult time dealing with the events in life I could not control and people that affected my life. I learned that memories are like shadows. Some are kept private, secretive and some are more discussed. It does not matter what we discuss- bad or pretty stuff. It is all memory.

I learned to deal with memories. I realized that memories are a matter of the past and it can be changed but can be treasured and learned from. Some are required to be forgotten, erased from our mind. Forgetting is the art we must practice. Forgiving is something we are blessed with.
I learned that pure love is not controlling and it does not claim you as “His or Her GIFT” it is about having no boundaries. It is pure and innocent. People who control you are simply there to show you how strong you can get and not to destroy your attitude. They may do a small damage but it is not going to last forever. Because it is all memory. I learned to cut these people off and let them go. Release them as the dust in the wind.

I think when it comes to success in our business, relationships we cannot dwell on memories that were painful. They crawl into our hearts and steal the pearls of joy that we all have. It is like cancer cells that that go crazy and start attacking your body, the crazy cells of your memories that you do not like attack your thinking.

My best advice is to ask GOD your guide to show you the path and grant your wisdom and patience. God will give you patience thru the work and wisdom thru challenges. It is all good. We need that for self growth. It is a part of growing up. I am finally coming out of my shell and I love to say what I feel and be true to myself first. Feels awesome to get it out of my chest!

I live by motto: “When you have true intentions that come from your heart you make the right choices and the right opportunities come and only good memories will fill your treasure chest”

Have a great week!

Tatyana Gann

(c) Copyright 2009 Tatyana Gann. All Rights Reserved

Tatyana Gann is an high income coach, an online marketing mentor, a social media expert, a professional connector, a mom of two great boys and an amazing hostess. To Learn More About Tatyana Gann, subscribe to her “Attraction Marketing Queen Newsletter”

2 thoughts on “Do your memories of your past keep you from creating success in your life?

  1. Tatyana,

    I want to thank you for your post. I can tell it was from the heart. I was compeled to reply as it touched me.

    I to have been struggling with memories. Those of which I have recently found to be holding me back. Reminding myself of what others have said about me. About not being good enough. Or not amounting to much.

    These limiting beliefes can tear you apart if not worked out. I have recently received a breakthrough and realize I am better than that. So again thank you.

    Ken Pickard

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